
October 14, 1950.
THE ATLANTIC Page IN UNPERISHABLE MEMORY Yesterday, October 13, 1950 reopens mentally our wound when just a year ago our darling Wife and Mother ENEID LAMEY MEMORY INDELIBLY INSCRIBED ON OUR LIFE TABLET Tuesday, the 17th instant will be fourteen years since the Angel of Death called and took away to a higher region our dearly beloved Wife. Mother and Grandmother MRS. CHARLOTT HALL October 17, 1936.
But beyond this land of shadow Where all is bright and fair We will meet and embrace each other again In the dawn of the morning when the mist rolls away Dead, but not forgotten. absent in body But your great soul lives on.
ARNOLD AND OMA SONS slept in death: Death has snatched her from us when least expected Each moment; each day we cherish her love The memory and an unperishable love We know she is at rest with ber Lord.
HALL AND GRAND CHILDREN Bailey Does in Again Stowaways Like English Gaolsing departure from the island.
president of The Port Limon Branch Ne. 134 Jamaica Burial Scheme LADY ALLAN on Welfare Commission Lady Allan, wife of Sir Harold Allan, Emmanuel McDonald Bailey, the brilOn Thursday night the 5th. instant Plans are said to be on the way to Minister for Finance, Jamaica, has been liant Trinidadian sprinter, recently the local Branch of the Jamaica Burial provide the Christmas Dole for some appointed a member of the Jamaica equalled the British All Comers and NaScheme lighted anew the torch of of the Neediest of our city.
Social Welfare Commission, in place tional 100 yards records of seconds of Lady Huggins, wife of the Governor, members reception. Five very charmin winning his heat on the opening day who has designed in view of the impend of the English Amateur Athletic Asing young ladies were enrolled.
sociation championships at the White The address of welcome was well Lady Huggins, founder Jamaican stowaways, now arriving in delivered by Mr. Peter Muir, the City. Bailey was already a joint holder the Jamaica Federation of Women, was of the record London at about 50 a month are find of the Branch. The well established the Federation representative on the Shortly after his race, he learned that social mediums were effected.
ing the English prisons attractive, and Commission. Lady Allan is one of the the British Athletics Board had ratified are inviting others.
vice presidents of the Federation as a British record his 220 yards time In the pocket of a stowaway was of 21. seconds made last May. Co ops Plan Development found a letter from another Jamaican Players Aid London who had completed 14 days in prison Children Fund British Guiana 123 co operative sofor stowing away. He wrote cieties, with a membership of some team of West Indian crickets in London, DOCTOR OSCAR PACHECO 4, 435, are planning the establishment playing in Physician and Surgeon of central bank to finance operations Br. Honduras Lumbermen Cut Export Bromar (South London) Cricket Club, rais From the University of Pensylvania, cd 100 Sterlings Pounds for the Mayor of of primary societies, and to consolidate Yielding to pressure, from lumber themselves through intensive education Chamberwell Children Holiday Fund. The of members.
workers, the Government of British SPECIALITY: West Indian team. which did not include DISEASES OF WOMEN These plans were disclosed when the Honduras has compelled sawmillers to any of the players now on tour of England societies met for their annual Co retain for local use onethird of their was captained by former Test player, Learie Office: 75 yards West of the Cole operator Day celebrations. Reports output. Workers complained that the Constantine gio de Señoritas. SAN JOSE showed that their savings and shares The Mayorest of Camberwell at the close lumber export boom was forcing stopamounted to 65, 000, and the business of play presented both teams with a gold HOURS: 10. 12 p.
done during the past year stood at page of local construction works and medallion commemorating the game, which 78, 000 causing workers to be laid off.
was part of the Jubilee celebrations of the Borough Issue New Threepenny Pieces in Barbados EDUCATION CONFERENCE Octagonal copper three penny pieces Education Officers from St. Lucia, have been issued in Barbados to replace St. Vincent, St. Kitts and Barbados have the small silver coin. General opinion been attending a conference on edu is that the new coin is too heavy to be cation at Hastings House, Barbados, taken around Its popularity may be headquarters of the Development gauged from the warning to business and Welfare Organization. The con houses by the banks that only one will OF ference convered a wide range and in be accepted in 50. 00 deposit bags.
cludes addresses by experts of the in 100. 00 deposit money SALOMON BERENZON organization bags.
Tienda HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD STORE and two Just received new assortment of white cloth, specially for bridal gowns, veils and head gears and other bridal Specialities.
FOR ALL TYPES OF FURNITURE AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES La Casa de Los Muebles Black and Blue Indigo Tweed, White Sharkskin, White Shirts, Butterfly Ties. Bow Ties) For in hand (Long Ties) Gloves and other Fancy Articles for the Bridegroom.
DE ROBERTO ORTIZ 50 varas al Oeste de Musmanni.
Apartado 614. SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Teléfono 3917 donde Ud. puede conseguir toda clase de MUEBLES en estilos end Sistema Nacional de Biodermarolle preciosamamente bajos. VISITENOS.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón


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