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Page THE ATLANTIC October 14, 1950.
Restaurant Ecos de París la di P THE PEOPLE HOUSE a ni de lo de en To Revise Jamaica Laws Doing Research on Rubber Owing to unusual legislative activity in Jamaica since 1938, the last date of Nathaniel Carmichael, former cheConveniently situated in the hear of the capital 300 yards South Musmani Bakery statut are appearing in bound volumes of mistry master and gym instructor of SAN JOSE PHONE 6289 the island Laws a revision of the Laws Kingston College, Jamaica, has been is to be undertaken. The last revision We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with warded a summer research scholarship took place about 15 year ago an efficient stock of the best liquor.
by the National Research Council of Ottawa, Canada. Mr. Carmichael is at OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods present Student Demostrator at the are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. Legislator Gets (BB from King Hands University of Western Ontario PERSONALLY ATTENDED BY THE PROPRIETOR: CEDRIC scientific reasons why soKERR Hon A Cuke, member of the Le dis Porpede of the research will be gislative Council of Barbados, who was called cold rubber has better physical last month made a Commander of the properties than rubber synthetized at 120 Order of the British Empire, received degrees Fahrenheit.
Accept British Sugar Offer the insignia at the hands of the King Mr. Carmichael, who is working for Jamaica Executive Council has decidat an Investiture at Buckingham Palace his Master of Science degree, was educated at Harrison College, Barbados, and Caribbean Fishing Talks ed to accept the latest offer made by the recently. Mr. Cuke went to England as a member of the West Indies sugar de proposes to return to the West Indies in November British Government for importation of West Indian sugar after 1953. Although legation.
on completion of his present studies.
Invitations have been sent to all Carib not immediately increasing the bean territories interested in the de earlier declared by the British Governquota velopment of commercial fishing to at ment to be final, the new offer provides tend the 1950 session of the Gulf and for a revision of the quota in favor Caribbean Fisheries Institute at the Sans of the West Indies, if an appraisal of Souci Hotel, Miami, Florida, November the British market shows a rise in sugar next consumption. This appraisal is to be Dean Franklin Williams of the Uni. made during the second six months JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON versity of Miami will be the chairman after the new quota becomes effective.
YOU WILL NEED GOOD ARTICLE at the opening session on November FOR YOUR MONEY SO SEE US FIRST Barbados is the only West Indian FOR THE BEST OF EVERYTHING island which has so far indicated its Oilfields Training Apprentices SUITINGS, DRESS MATERIALS, AND ALL intention of being represented. The de OTHER REQUIREMENTS IN LADIES legate will be the island Fishery Of scheme for training a limited GENTS WEAR PRICES ALWAYS TO ficer, Wiles.
number of West Indian who have secur.
ed the Higher School Certificate with credits in Chemistry or Physics, has Barbadian Called Up Jamaica Ask about Emigrants to Africa been launched by the United British The Barbados Regiment has called to Oilfieds of Trinidad Limited. Trainees The Government of Jamaica has sent gration to West Africa at short notice, the colors some 300 men to be in will be given a special course in the a communication to the Afro West In and the part of West Africa that they terviewed and those selected will be field, shops and refinery; and the trainee dian Welfare League requesting inwould like to migrate to, the cost, and drafted into the regiment in batches of who shows sufficient promise will be formation as to the strength of the whether by air or sea.
40. General recruitment will continue awarded a scholarship in a technical organization, the number of persons The information, which has not been to build up the strength to required college or university in England. who are likely to be available for mi disclosed, was forwarded by Munroe standard.
Scarlett, administrator of the League.
Major Skewes. Cox, Adjutant and Staff Officer, skotching rumors and PERSONALIA concern which followed the call up.
During our stay of a few days in San said that the plan had absolutely noth.
Jose in the week in course we had the The British Vice Consulate in Limon requires information ing to do with the Korean campaign distinguished pleasure of greeting the concerning the whereabouts or fate of the following persons: Reverend Fr. Chas. Fish of the Church JOSEPH SCARBOROUGH of the Good Shepherd. The Reverend Big Textile Factory for Trinidad CECIL ADOLPHUS BLAKE Fr. has a great love for Limonenses and is always warm in his inquiry about Plans are underway for the establisGEORGE MORGAN ment of a 2, 000, 000 textile factory our general welfare.
GEORGE CRUISE The Reverend Fish repeated his desire at Arima, Trinidad, operated by Safie Brothers, well known textile to heartily welcome not only Anglicans but all Christians who visiting San Jose facturers of the United States. The face Move for Pineaple Industry in Jamaica tory is expected to offer employment to worship at the Good Shepherd.
to about 500 persons. Safic, Di Proposals for the establishment of a Agriculture that imported pineapple 2, 000, 000 Sterling Pounds pineapple in suckers be inspected and processed on rector of Safie Brothers, is expected dustry in Jamaica have been submitted arrival in the island for purposes of Our very good friend Mr. Egbert in Trinidad soon to superintend prePolson of San Jose was a week end to the Government through thc Agricul plant disease control. On this account, parations for erecting the factory. tural Society only abount 50, 000 suckers could be visitor to Limon. He is always welcome One of the difficulties in the way is handled annually, but the proposers to our city. Don Polson was greeted IMPRENTA FALCO LTDA.
the requirement of the Department of would like to import 500, 000 by 1951. warmly on every hand.
pr qu el pr bli dis del que rid COD WHERE ABOUTS por Roo us dio manud peli CE DO tala TRAMO JOE LEWIS Dr. MIGUEL DEJUK do lo pute tari Der ao especie LIMON MARKET We carry stock everything in grocery, both foreign and native products. The fast movements of our goods cnable us to always have fresh supplies.
OUR Ο Τ Best and greatest variety. Full desire to please our buyers. little profit on our money but groped de to balclea Nacional Miguel Obrergoed no profiteering Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University, of America ADVISES His esteem patients as well as prospective ones that he has resumed his practice at his office situated two and a half blocks West of the Liberty Hall. Fifth Avenue, Limon.
bereity Trueglus. Costa Rica.


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