
Page THE ATLANTIC October 21, 1950. Message About Polio Tienda HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD STORE All Commonwealth Helps To the polio infection in your body, being very tired may bring on serious polio.
Build New House of Commons Keep from getting chilled. Don (Culled from The Masonic Home bathe or swim too long in cold water.
The reconstruction of Britain new Take off wet clothes at once. Chilling House of Commons, destroyed by bombs Health departments, doctors hospitals keep them away from people they have can lessen your boy protection against during the Nazi blitz in 1941, is now polio.
and Chapters of the National Foun not been with right along, especially in nearing completion. On October 26 it dation for Infantile Paralysis have made dose, daily living. Many people have Keep clean. Wash hands carefully will be formally opened by King George plans for help and medical care if polio polio infection without showing signs before eating and always after using the VI in a traditional ceremony of splendor.
should come.
of sickness. Without knowing it, they toilet. Hands may carry polio infection The new House retains, in general, all the characteristics of the old, with WHAT TO DO IF can pass the infection on to others.
into the body through the mouth. Also the long narrow chamber headed by POLIO COMES YOUR WAY keep food clean and covered.
Try not to get over tired by work, the Speaker chair and seats arranged Keep children with their own friends, hard play or travel. If you already have Watch for early signs of sickness.
so that the Government and opposition Polio starts in different ways with parties face cach other. a centuries headache, sore troat, upset stomach, old custom which is believed to have sore muscles or fever. Persons coming influenced the development of the down with polio may also feel nervous, British parliamentary system and, in cross or dizzy. They may have trouble turn, the development of democratic in swallowing or breathing.
Often institutions throughout the world.
there is a stiff neck and back.
All the woodwork will be of English oak. the traditional timber of Britain ACT QUICKLY IT cut from trees two and three hundred MAY LESSEN CRIPPLING OF years old; the carving has been carried out by some of Britain finest craftsmen, SALOMON BERENZON Call your doctor at once. Until he Wherever they look, members of Par.
comes, keep the patient quiet and in liament of every political creed will bed, away from others. Don let the see evidence of the warm bonds of Just received new assortment of white cloth, specially for patient know you are worried. Your friendship that link Britain with the bridal gowns, veils and head gears and other bridal Specialities.
doctor will tell you what to do. Usually other nations of the British Commonpolio patients are cared for in hospitals, wealth. The Commonwealth has conbut some with light attacks can be cared tributed most of the furnishings of the Black and Blue Indigo Tweed, White Sharkskin, White for at home.
House. Australia has donated the Shirts, Butterfly Ties. Bow Ties) For in hand (Long Ties) Gloves Speaker Chair; the Table of the House Call your own Chapter of the Nationand other Fancy Articles for the Bridegroom.
al Foundation for Infantile Paralysis if comes from Canada; the elaborately you need help. Look for the number carved doorways are the gifts of India LIMON, COSTA RICA.
in the telephone book or call your health and Pakistan; the two traditional department for the address. Chapters Dispatch Boxes come from New Zealand; are made up of people in your own South Africa has given chairs for the Clerks; Newfoundland a set of six chairs town or county, banded together to give help to polio patients. Polio is a very which will go to the Prime Minister conference table; Ceylon has given the expensive disease to treat. But no patient need go without care.
scat for the Sergeant at Arms and NiYou pay what The British Vice Consulate in Limon requires information you can afford your Chapter pays the geria has provided furnishings for the concerning the whereabouts or fate of the following persons: rest of the cost of care.
Division Lobbies. Gifts of wood panelling have come from the British colonies, JOSEPH SCARBOROUGH This help includes payment of hosThe changes inside the House will CECIL ADOLPHUS BLAKE pital bills, nurses and physical therabe appreciated by British parliamentarians, accustomed in these years of crisis GEORGE MORGAN pists, transportation to and from hospitals or dinics treatment after the patient to long and ardous sessions of debate. An GEORGE CRUISE leaves the hospital, wheelchairs and entirely new system of air conditioning braces when needed. This is not a loan.
has been installed which includes heatThe American people make these serving strips built into the floor and a ices possible by giving to the March special method providing a horizontal of Dimes.
flow of purified air instead of the vertical flow used in older systems. The Remember there is no quick cure for polio and no way as yet to prevent intention, in the words of the designer of the installation, is to provide con(CHEAP STORE MOISES KADER it. With good care, most people get ditions which will tend to produce cool. OUR GREATEST SALE OF THE YEAR well, but some must have treatment for a long time.
head and warm feet and not vice versa. FASHION FABRICS FROM FAMOUS MILLS and an atmosphere like that of a fine The more you know about polio, the spring day out of doors.
Prints of all colours. Organdies, plain or flocked.
less you fear. More than half of all Impressive for many years Spun Gabardines. Khaki. Shirts and Necties to match. people who get the disease recover will be the entrance to the Chamber, Suitings. Shirtings. Casimires. Imported Cotton completely without any crippling.
already called the Churchill Arch. This Sport Shirt 00 each.
stones which were in position here in THEN REMEMBER THAT CALL YOUR DOCTOR. DO WHAT the old House. Now, battered by exHE SAYS. ASK FOR HELP IF YOU plosion and burned and flaked by fire, KADER FURNITURE STORE CARRIES NEED IT. YOUR NATIONAL they form a fitting memorial to Mr. THE BEST MODELS AND THE MOST FOUNDATION CHAPTER IS STAND Churchill wartime leadership and the BEAUTIFUL IN FURNITURE ING BY TO AID YOU.
vivid eloquence which was heard all over the world during that period of LIMON tension WHERE ABOUTS TIENDA LA BARATA Imprenta Falcó Ltda.


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