
THE ATLANTIC All The Week In One Day EDITOR: JOS. THOMAS Number 48 OCTOBER 28, 1950 Year Papa POST BOX 199 LIMON, COSTA RICA Our Task Among The Baptists After Korea Tour Al Jolson Dies Noted Singer of Stage, Screen Has Heart Attack as He plays Cards Was 64 By The Associated Press.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23. Al FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Jolson, The Jazz Singer died at the the Bing Crosby radio program scheduled to be recorded Tuesday night.
St. Francis Hotel here tonight. He had (According to the United Press, Mr.
Today, we desire to treat on the problem of vocation and to ubich recently returned from Korea after en Jolson, who was 64 years old, died of the parents with grown up children have a great responsibility with the tertaining troops there, a heart attack. Death came just after 10:30 matter of choice of the profession or trade to which the children are to Mr. Jolson checked in at the St. 1:30 Tuesday, Eastern standard Francis today. He was playing gin runs follow. This matter has been treated by many socialists and teachers.
time) as Mr. Jolson was playing cards my with Martin Friend, his arranger Some of the parents who should be mostly interested are seemingly the in his room with friends. He was in and accompanist, and Harry Akst, song least comprehensible to the particulars, failure or success. There should San Francisco to be the guest star on writer and long time friend.
be present in mind that no profession or trade is dishonourable. The thing necessary is that proper exercise of the profession or trade be the rule.
On this very interesting theme we offer our comment. profession of trade should not be considered in the sense of the On Sunday the 22nd. instant, the con spiritually the flock of the circuit of the swollen Vulga or the Reventazon, only as the means of gaining a gregation and friends of the city Baptist Reverend Morgan. In his characteristic livlihood. There is nothing so false as this concept which is ordinarily Church were the recipients of additional broad sphere of Christian fellowship. Pastor Christian messages which were expounded by Morgan fucther some of the blessings to materialistic of the profession. profession of trade is ill represented Miss Phylis Tuckett, a member of the Baptist Limon when considered only as the means of gaining sustenance. The profes Missionary Society of England. This eminent Today, the distinguished pilgrim in the Christian worker, as we gather residing in Masters Vineyard left on the first lap of sion to the most bumble or the most exalted is a social function performed Jamaica and is associated with the Jamaica her return journey to Jamaica Wc pray by the determined individual within the atmosphere he lives. All and Baptist Union and Missionary Society. She that Him in whose cause she exposes will each of us work within a community or sociaty which is the background circle and is said to have rendred valuable is a high ranking personage in educational be her guide and stay and may she take with her fond recollection of our Republic and which will become beneficial or harmful according to the quality of services during World War Second. She and people and also of those of the other left Jamaica for Bocas and there watered places visited.
the professional work of which we boast. We are to think of the prejudices that can be sheltered in a community by the invention of a mechanic or a genuine chemist. We are to think also of the harm that can come Fire Destroyed The House Of Very Poor Family from an incompetent doctor or a careless railroad conductor. It goes without saying that a society can obtain incalculable benefits from skilful Last Sunday at the fall of the evening no means was available to connect their shadow the engineer of a railroad locomotiv professionals and to which we cannot be indifferent, and generally, in blew his whistle in mournful sounds as the turn heaped honours upon benefactors, giving at the same time, the ma means of a fire alarm. The call was quickly The house was possessed by a very poor answered by the Fire Department and soon man who was worshipping God in the terial means of life. But we must not forget that to have success in the went rushing the engines to the scene about Church of his faith. His all and all were profession it is requisite to be competent in the speciality that we exercise. one and half miles from the city limit. Men destroyed and stands now at the mercy of women and children in the hundreds follow the public. The fire origin is unknown.
The dever professional gains more and is less exposed to inactivity than ed pell mell.
We evoke that some effort be effected to the incompetent. By all means one should decide that aptitude is one In less than an hour the house was burnt raise a public contribution to help the sufto ashes. The fire engines were there but of the conditions necessary, indispensable for professional success.
Without doubt, any person normally constituted can learn, with New System To See The Inside Situation of Residences more or less effort, certain professions of trades or follow determined careers. However, only the individual who finds real aptitude will be in a notable position. On the other hand he who lacks readiness neccessary reliability we are told that a few days the premises at his opportune moment.
From a source which we credit with over in readiness to return and loot for the profession or trade be follows, will not pass the state of mediocre.
ago a man of latin American origin callThis truth is observable in the worker lacking fitness as the one who ed at a private home and demanded These men bent on robbery are exercontributes to a great percentage the accidents; the ones attacked by profes entrance inside the rooms and elsewhere; cising every foul means to an end, and sional illness and the most proned to fall in delinquency, because we ought saying he was a Sanitary Inspector and in view of this fact that the real subto know that the delinquents, in general are men slightly adapted to the effect inspections.
authorities are not generally known by a man respectful to authority and laws, all citizens, we recommend that as a work they are assigned, due to the scarcity of readiness specified for the did not hesitate to let in the visitor. means of our protection and to prevent profession or trade.
the supposed to be Sanitary Inspector. us from becoming victims, that IdenWe impart, therefore, to the individual as well as to the community that the man purpose was not that of However, suspicion was quickly Raised tification Cards duly filled out and signed by the Heads of the Department, to avoid as much as possible such persons practicing certain profession or legal inspection, due to his action which be issued to those who are truly functiontrade and are visibly lacking in fitness.
was seemingly bent on looking things ling in the name of the Government.
water hoses ferers.
Apartado 614. SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA. Teléfono 3917 Donde Ud. puede conseguir toda dase de MUEBLES en estilos modernos a precios sumamente bajos. VISITENOS.
The British Vice Consulate in Limon requires information concerning the whereabouts or fate of the following persons: JOSEPH SCARBOROUGH CECIL ADOLPHUS BLAKE GEORGE MORGAN GEORGE CRUISE Este documento es propiedad de la

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