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Page THE ATLANTIC November 11, 1950 Noved THE PEOPLE HOUSE The locking rict the IT Spee uso the the WHERE ABOUTS House the va cffens Hoa Acting penden avil the civic Distasteful Display in the Realm of Sports When visitors are enjoying the hos with each other is inevitable in playing JACK ORANE SUCS.
LIMON pitalities of their hosts and to act dis basket ball and those engaged in the You will need a good article tastefully as the product of their own exercise should expect such a contact.
temperament is rather reproachfull. Ho We were carried into a strange atmos.
for your money so see us first for the best of everything. wever, limonenses are sitting on a hi phere when only by a human touch gher platform and would not be Suitings, dress materials, and in a shuffle for the ball one of the curry. com all other requirements in Ladies party to the converting of our pleasure players from Alajuela emptied the Gents wear prices always to into a pitched battle demonstrating such aggresiveness, and in size of our collegiates.
ground and those charge of his fist upon the smallest Vast please you.
mind you in the presence of overwThis was forgiven and the match care helming forces, if they belong to the continued. The visitors kept the lead the The Approaching Birth Anniversary house of reason, if they have a heart in points while our side trailed behind.
of Prince Charles respective to repentance, long will be the torture to the basket ball players of bled their efforts and caged two points All went well until our boys redouing the the institute of Alajuela for whom we and took the lead by one; the score This On Tuesday the 14th instant there heroes, said that great American, write this lecture, justificable to their will come on the wings of Time, the Emerson, this aged England, with conducton the occasion of the baskets being 18 for the visitors and 19 for instva. second birth anniversary of His Royal the possessions, honours and trophies ball match against the team of the LI Limon. The scores were cleanly car Ladies Highness, Prince Charles Philip Arthur and also with the infimities of a thousand of Edinburgh, the first child of Her years gathering around her, has still a General Tomas Guardia School on the ke it; they protested rudely and wal ben mon College on the courtyard of the ned, but the alajuelenses could not ta.
Highness Princess Elizabeth. The prince secret vigour and a pulse like a cannone night of Saturday the 28th ultimo. ked out the courtyard; this insulted the is second in direct succession to the May England remain great, mighty, Close personal touch by players hundreds of spectators in attendance monarchy We sense the elaborate commanding and respected.
why arrangements effected to celebrate bis to the second life milestone, either at Cla. We are in the Salvation locar rence or Buckingham Palace, the place of his birth.
Army We pray that he will be abundantly The Harvest Festival services of the The British Vice Consulate in Limón requires information concerning Tequire blessed and become full possessor of Salvation Army will be in evidence the whereabouts or fate the following persons: those unparallel virtues of his great tomorrow, Sunday the 12th at the COLONIA ancestry, of the wonderful nation which eleven o clock forenoon hour and at comprises his future kingdom and seven in the evening.
JOSEPH SCARBOROUGH Secret great country.
The members of the Corps and the CECIL ADOLPHUS BLAKE It was the Frenchman, Mirabeau who ever true friends of the Army are cried, with eloquent irony England specially reminded of the three o clock GEORGE MORGAN GEORGE CRUISE John is lost Great God what terrible news afternoon gifts presentation programme Kingde In what latitude is she lost? What by the youngsters. The weatherman ANGELINA SMITH (nee Manharts)
earthquake, what convulsion of Nature has promised us that he will not open has swallowed up that famous isle, the water valve and we believe in his that inexhaustible home of splendid pledge. At the reading of this news, With the Methodists leted models, that classic land of the friends says one say all WE ARE IN THE of liberty? Mother of nations and SALVATION ARMY On Tuesday night the 14th instant accompanying eloquence will charmin the Methodists of our city will stage the sense of hearing, the a the Playette THE ALADDIN OF Thursday the 16th is the date set lave CHINA. a production with an oriental for the laying of the corner stone for Spec setting.
the new Church to be erected at Si Hurgie The cast of characters for the por quirres. It is our information that an burk trayal are said to consist of many well interesting and impressive service is island OFFERS: known celebrites and new artistes who arranged for the sacred occasion and are in the march for stardom. Those to which Methodists, friends and the Rice 1b. 60 attending will, anticipatingly, see a pre public in general are expected to attend Red Beans Ib. 60 sentation of rare stage background and in overwhelming numbers.
The Flour Ib. 50 Thir Black eye Beans. Ib. 060 in the 160. tin 60 In Anglican Circle en plic 228 Rose Mary Powdered Milk 25 29 My Boy Powered Milk 25 Tomorrow, Sunday the 5th the St. all; and although in his grave we can Evaporated Milk 15 Mark Church will celebrate Harvest not forget his winsome character. We 00 Island Palm Soap. cake 90 Thanksgiving. We are visualizing the urge our citizens, regardless of colour, Del Trópico Jellies 75 movements of the Anglicans with their creed or race to attend the service to Fence Staples Ib. 90 donations of articles of fancy, fruits, ve be held to his memory. We are sure va Nails 00 getables and other gifts, at all hours to that from the Celebrant will come Hans.
IL 16 Horse Mule Shoes Ib. 60 1L 10 words of righteousness to the living Carbide. lb. 00 On Monday morning at six o clock caro 10 so we will worship and adore our Iron Plugs. each 00 the first Anniversary Requiem for the mo Lord and Saviour and become mem yd.
late Guillermo Coward will be con0. 55 Angulo Brooms cach 00 ducted. Memo as he was so lovin bers of His Mansion which He has Sewer Pipes each 00 gly called in his life was a friend to prepared for us.
sew 24 Fantan Paints gal 34. 00 each 00 Clarification Carpenter Pencils each 45 Rat Traps.
each 75 There appeared in our Spanish co.
Limpol Furniture Polish wever, these inspectors have deemed jar 25 lumns of this issue an article signed it necessary to make clear their position Flashlights.
each 75 by don Alfredo Segura Jara, Chiet of in the very important health preservation Tea Spoons. each 95 the Inspectors of the Section of the work and for which they are the posPadlocks each 50 work against insects as transmitters of sessors of duly authorized cards from deseases or sickness.
Visit our Hardware Dept. Thousands or articles at reazonable prices This clarification is the Ministry of Public Health. We can in reference to youch that these inspectors ary very Quick, courteous service.
the publication which appeared in our issue of Saturday the 28th of October, polite and respectful and we are sure 1950 under the heading «New System they are beyond the role of impostors to Rob. The publication in question and no one dare impede them in their had no reference to these duly autho work or give a glance of suspicion on Box 175 Puerto Limon rized inspectors or any others in their them. We gladly accede to their request official functions de Theroice of alarmanto publish their note as to remove was raised against the impostors. Ho any doubt or misunderstanding.
LA PROVEEDORA Quaker Oats tin lin tin jar Ib.
daya Electric Cord Faucets.
LA PROVEEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Liza
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