
November 18, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page TS etering hafi Cyrenius Williams Mitchell Succes ndered An Appeal to Our Agents CARD OF THANKS You no doubt have a desire deeply for a while then stopped with indebseated to keep alive this weekly news. tedness. The price and rumber of Keturah Lutas de Williams paper and in view of which have to advertisements are very limited, in fact and solicit a greater collaboration in the it is a HEADACHE to carry on Children: way of an increase to your weekly However, have the pluck to continue supplies. The cost of printing has effected and you can be a worthy prop to Adopt this means to express their profound Thanks to the many another leap; we dare not increase my courage if you will look around БЕ friends and sympathizers who by medium of Cards, Letters, Telegrams, Personal Visits and otherwise have expressed their Condolence to them in the sale price of twenty five cents of and get a few more subscribers and their most darkest hour as a consequence of the venomous attack and which only twenty cents is remittable weekly buyers in your districts, resalmost sudden death of their dearly beloved Husband and Father.
to the management and that is not pectively. Remember the old saying, all; many of those in whom we had. There is a way if there is the placed honour and trust; carried on will October 29 30, 1950 Timely Reminder Requiescat in Pace.
We adopt this measure to timely medium is more effective, less expen.
congie Bur: remind our esteem commercial traders sive and reaches a greater number of theit and others that we are reserving the persons than individual Cards.
tions Motive Power Sport lub Secures New Clubrooms necessary spaces in our approaching Our agents and other representatives special Number for December 23, to along the line towns will gladly accept ason, Julia We are very pleased to see the MoOn Saturday night the 11th instant publish your Christmas and New Year those for business men in their distive Power Sport Club, one of the ork the new home was appropriately opened Greetings and Tanks to your customers tricts, respectively. Ofcourse, they are Mis oldest and most popular Clubs in our and friends during the year in course. to reach our office not later than Decity, has secured again accommodations and the excercise was seasoned with TUC It should be borne in mind that this cember 16, 1950. for their indoor amusements. The pen toothsome delicacies and refreshing belec delum swung and replaces the members in rooms next door to their former verages. We wish them full measures Comment: inzA Mexican Girl Announces ood clubrooms in front of the Roman Ca of success on the field of sports and, tholic Cathedral their undertakings generally.
fee By this means we desire to express (Culled from Confidencias)
our appreciation for the very good service the Atlantic is giving to our Attractive 25 years old Mexican girl Bren Mothers Union of St. Mark Will Present Drama province, particularly by the article in good lookin, professionist, good farelation with the proposed highway mily, very honest, would like to have, with ion We are delighted to announce that Hall. Admission e 100 each person as was published in the issue of Sa correspondence with or meet American the Mothers Union of St. Mark Parish We learn that the drama is of a splendid turday, the 4th instant gentleman, single, honest, catholic, of will present a drama THE RETURN Dature and in consequence we urge OF THE PRODIGAL) on Monday wholesome the attendance of those little, but very highly agricultural dis old, from Mexico City or nearby states Many of us, the dwellers in this good psoition, from 32 to 40 years med evening, November 20, in the Parish who enjoy entertainments.
trict of Sandoval are in full accord ho with your suggestion that the proposed nity of meeting each other personally, so that we may have soon an oportu.
is With the sick in the San Juan de Dios Hospital should commence at this end and we construction work for the highway were whose most desire is to marry a Mexican further recommendd that the route girl, Object: friendship and marriage During the course of this week our from Siquirres. From Puerto Armuelle should be along the very important if there is mutual understanding and ia correspondent visited the San Juan de Howard Robb, George Wellington from region of the Zent Line.
love. recent picture will be appre rch Dios Hospital in San Jose and was Golfito. Thomas Bryan from 28 Miles Farmer af Sandoval ciated.
privileged to converse with the follo discharged. William Drummonds of Edi wing inmates of that institution. San Jose and Andres Borzone Agricultor From Limón Wilbert Edwards of Parismina Branch Resident of San cow gave Birth to a Triplet: Wallace, Marcus James, Harry Brown, Jose. Adolphus Sinclair from Estrada, Sydney Smith, Hubert Powell and Ro also Frank Lewis Richards from Limon Nature has given another experience robust and will, if no unforseen cir bert Chambers. George Loney from who was slabbed some days ago in resently evidenced at Sarapiqui where Germania, Gerald Anglin from Cairo, Limon We Sincerely vote for prompt cumstance be among the exhibits at Ruben Coleson from Colorado Bar, recovery of these individuals from their a cow gave birth to a triplet of calves; Herman Brooks and Federick Watson various complains.
the three are said to be normal and the approaching Fair at Alajuela.
mon one EVon.
Moises Kader Here is the gift from our Inventory The Greatest Clearance Sale We are selling out the most attractive assortment of materials to make dresses and suits for men women and children.
Come and see for yourselves, then compare the quality of our goods and the bargain in prices.
This amazing bargain begun on November 1, 1950.
LIMON, COSTA RICA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano ema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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