
THE ATLANTIC Editor JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY November 25, 1950 Post Box 199 Limón, Costa Rica Number 52 Year IS OUR TASK The Exhibition of the Work of Arts and Crafts FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR of the Limon College We have heard from time to time about the emigration of European fo. No doubt, the hundreds of persons complex parts of radio and there in reigners to this Republie to occupy themselves in agricultural development; who visited the Limon College on the exhibit hall we saw and listened granting to them this franchise in view of their knowledge in the cultivation the days of its exhibits and effected to the radio of their own creation. The of the soil and the raising of crops.
minute observation of the work of the splendidly designed and polished radio We believe, in the universe of unsettled conditions and the perturbed arts and crafts, must have borrowed box and pedestal executed by Teodoro state of human minds, there are many important study points which should the words of the Queen of Sheba on Syms, Franklin Cascoe, Juan Alberto not be overlooked in treating with colonization projects. The peaceful living her visit to King Solomon of hallowed Dare, Jorge Batista and Milton Binns.
and other characteristic medium of western civilization, we believe, are quite memory That the half of the King Lic. Zamora and Roberto Heilbron did different from those of the other continents. The period for the universal mutual wisdom was not told to her in her coun the technique of installation. We pride understanding among the inhabitants of this universe is not yet established.
try: We can say in the fulness of our ourselves in the fact that our college In our opinion there is no deficiency of labour in this Republic and on soul that Lic. Raúl Zamora Nens, the earns the distinction to be the first to the other hand we can lift our hearts with thanksgiving and tune our harps Director of the Limon College has add this technique to its vocation. Se.
and sing our hymns of praises that the Educational Advancement, Scientific made history. The manual training of veral articles of furniture suitable for Knowledge and in fact in almost all the present day sciences are in the vanguard the students is greater than most persons office and home have been exquisitely of progress. Our present need is to get rid of speculative attitude and become realize. We observed two phases working built and polished by the students!
operative. With greater cooperation among all the forces working with one aim smoothly and in harmony towards one among these are Juan Alberto Dare, for the welfare of the Republic we can draw from our crystal wells.
It would be well for all of to put up a stronger fight in the battle of goal the intellect and muscles. There Cirilo Sinclair, Carlos Luis Barrantes, also evidence of cooperation and Raymond Welcome, Franklin Cascoe, life; as it is truely said that if we want gold we must dig deeply for gold is education.
Felix Alexander, Milton Swaby, Milton not found on the surface of the earth. The grains for the hens are thrown in We recall freshly the Director sta Bions, Ronaldo Coward, Llyod Barnes, thick litter in order that they will excercise in securing their food, The grains tement of last year on our visit to the Mario Acuña, Claudio Bramble, Roberto could be easily thrown the hens nests, but the poultry men know their exhibition We shall install a radio Aguilar, José Zúñiga, Constantino science and so we should realize that if a one line of human activity be depended technique section next year. He has Solano a genius. Orlando Groves, upon and such be strewn with roses, quite naturally every easy go looking nobly maintained his promise. The dyna: Raymond Pecou, Jose Montoya, person will cling tenaciously to that and the other lines of activities will be mic executive and a number of his most Ernest Anglin, Fernando Jones, Herleft to perish; then development becomes entirely neglected. Life checkered assiduous and competent boys have man Barnes and others. In our next pavement needs scattering endeavourers. Our strength is to be given in the worked wonders in beauty of cabinet issue we shall treat on the Girl Deoffice in the arts in the trades in the classrooms and most deserving of all design and have put together all the partment in needle work and painting.
is mother earth. for while there is time and season she will not fail to give her increase.
The need is to induce our young generation to agricultural life, then The Debate Held by the Ladies Auxiliary assigo experts to go on the farms and instruct them; asking for specimens of soil and sending instructions by correspondence is not believed to be the best of the Knights of St. John way. the better way is to have the experts to direct the preparation of the land; the ploughing the harrowing the sowing the planting. the plants best The Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights lliantly introduced the topic. Miss Del suitable for the different soils and the proper reaping of the crops.
of St. John earned a «Boundary by phina Booth was the leadress for the Idleness must be converted into brain and brawn; this done and the the staging of the Debate held on the Negative That Water is more useful general economic condition of the country will be improved. Let us encourage night of Wednesday the 15th instant. to man than Fire. Her introductory colonization scheme for the daughters and sons of Costa Rica. well prepared program of songs by remarks were in language of an eminent Mr. Sylvester Cunningham and who in addition presided at the piano served legal practitioner. Mrs. Bernard, although suddenly called to speak as a supporter as a prelude. Among the participants to the Affirmative proved her mettle.
were the Misses Lupita Pinnock, Cuza, Oria Reid, Adelina Campbell, Miss Adelina Campbell supported Miss LIMON COSTA RICA Emilia Reid, Mrs. Manford and Mr. Booth for the Negative. At the close THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND THE GROUND OF THE TRUTH John Lattibeaudier; this latter touched of the arguments for both sides, the the summit by his rendition, Negative effected the rebuttal which we SERVICES: take pleasure to publish elsewhere in THE DEBATE SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucarist Sermon.
these columns. The Judges composed At the very starting hour, a message 00 a. Choral Holy Eucarist.
of Mrs. Jessie Wright, Mrs. Daisy Blackof disappointment came from the person man and Mr. Reginald Rouse. Mr. 00 Sunday School.
who had promised to lead the Affir.
Boyer was the timekeeper. The judgment 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
mative, RESOLVED THAT FIRE IS MORE USEFUL TO MAN THAN was given with eighteen points for the WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days. 00 Negative THAT WATER IS MORE WATER, An appeal was effected to Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 00 USEFUL TO MAN THAN FIRE. and Mrs. Bernard, teacher and organist Saturday: Confession. 00. 00 of the Cathedral. She consented and fourteen points for the Affirmative. The with paper and pencil she started to decision was popularly received and Sce Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements: prepare her notes. Mr. Sylvester Cun. with loud and long cheers. The writer ningham led the Affirmative and bri. presided over the program me.
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