
Page THE ATLANTIC Noviembre 25 1950 ber BRITISH COLONY. ho place malou es rapor be Dr. VARGAS ARAYA Here your opportunity to visit Kingston (Osteopathic Physician)
JAMAICA, Office 150 varas North of Botica Oriental, San José.
BY EXPRESS PLANE Special attention to people coming from Limon and Line towns. Spinal treatment cures many deseases. English Spoken.
Leaves San Jose and Limon on December 2, 1950 Returns to Costa Rica December 17, 1950 With the Sick ROUND TRIP: 650. 00 Passage and reservations made at: Visiting the San Juan de Dios Hos. Madrigal from Tucurrique, Rubén Mu.
pital this week we found among the foz Rojas from Limon, and Benjiman LACSA AGENCY, Limon inmates the following: Mrs Francisca Campbell Cathy from Turrialba.
In San Jose. Telephone 4714 or Box 1735 Petgrave de González from Jiménez In the children ward we found Mas Old Line, Luis Montiel Matarrita from ter Reinaldo Mason son of Gladstone Roxana Norman Brenes Murrillo from Mason of Limon, José Celso Hall son The Miss Delphina Booth Summary to the Guácimo, Mrs Eugene walcott also of of Frank Hall of Siquirres and RoberUnion British Guácimo. Old Line, Otoniel Rojas to Bennett son of Lena Bennett of Li. Chools Judges on the Debate on the Side from Germania, Mrs Edna Fairweather mon. From Turrialba were Luis Gmo technique of Water from Bataan 25 Miles, Mirs Alma Ho. Ulloa, Enrique Coto and Carlos Loaiza.
men well from Siquirres, Miss Imogene We trust that these unfortunates will Trade Americ Honourable Judges; my task is done, balance and found wanting.
Blackwood from Limon, José Cupertino soon be well again and be reunited the Ang the decision of this debate, the fate of You have listened to the facts which Palacios from Estrella Brch, José Joaq. with their families.
to stud the debaters are in your hands. Yes, the Negative has presented in proof you are to decide, and, as of now we that Water is niore useful to man than leave the case with you. We have set Fire. You have also listened to the clearly the case for the Negative, subs speeches made by the Affirmative; quite tantiated with irremovable facts. wha true, they are persons gifted of speech, CLIFFORD STEELE SEÑORA tever facts you have gathered from the but the veredict does not rest with Qué fácil. La Casa de la DAMA y el CABALLERO elegante, arguments of the Affirmative is a matter oration; it depends on the facts cold combinados.
we are leaving to your judgment; not facts as we have submitted. We stand ¡Qué barato está todo en está Tienda: Parece tan chiquita pero alli on the grounds of sympathy but on unmoved that Water is more useful encuentras todo para toda la familia!
the law of equity and your high standard to man than Fire. If your veredict be Así es, of fair minded uess which has earned against right; such will come up in CADA DIA RECIBIMOS TRAJES your office on this programme. If your your recollection must live forever in Crepé. Foulares en diferentes colores Gabardina. Jorconsciencie is clear. that repository of your minds, and, in after years when gette Piel de Conejo. Poplin. Raso. Sedas Villela Floreado y Liso virtue, morality and righteousness; if the wild voice of clamour that now by the dictates of those ennobling cha fills the air is hushed; when memory Venga a ver la exposición de preciosos artículos apropiados para todas racters you arrive at a veredict in favour shall review this busy scene; should las ocasiones, que exhibimos en nuestros estantes.
Situada: Centro del Consulado Inglés y la Pulpería Alvarado.
and oth of the Affirmative, we have no tears to her accusing voice tell you that you Calle Comercio de Limón.
of two shed; we shall have no murmur in our have dealt unjustly; what a moment that Tere in Phim breasts; but, on the other hand we will be. how like a cancer will that arrived eight de writing on the wall. Tekel which nourable Judges, my side of the debate in our ordénelos a la EDITORIAL VICTORIA Egbert means you have been weighed in the lis closed.
piper SASTRERIA TIENDA warn you to be mindful of the hand. remembrance be upon your hearts. Ho Todos sus trabajos Tipográficos TIENDA HOLLYWOOD ccesecretieteeeeeeettore settes Situ: HOLLYWOOD STORE cocottettececettt Our OFTIENDA LA BARATA (Cheap Store)
Moises Kader Here is the gift from our Inventory The Greatest Clearance Sale We are selling out the most attractive assortment of materials to make dresses and suits for men women and children.
Come and see for yourselves, then compare the quality of our goods and the bargain in prices.
This amazing bargain begun on November 1, 1950.
SELLING AT ALARMING LOW PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregó Lizar del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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