
November 25, 1950 THE ATLANTIC SAC Page THE PEOPLE HOUSE sets, XIn Britain Today About a quarter of a million British increasing production. The plan is for workers will be involved in the switch individual unions to set up their own over from civilian to munitions pro production engineering departments, so duetion. The change will be gradual that shop stewards and branch officials JACK ORANE SUCS.
LIMON and as far as possible the Government can be fully equipped to deal with You will need a good article will place arms orders in areas with problems arising from the introduction actual or threatened unemployment. It of new methods and machines on the for your money so see us first for the best of everything. is expected that firms producing less shop floor.
Suitings, dress materials, and important consumer goods for the home all other requirements in Ladies market, e. autos, radio elec Gents wear prices always to trical equipment, will be affected. The Increasing attention is being paid in please you.
Government is, however, anxious that the British trade union movement to there should be no reduction in the the problems of education and training, quantities of such goods available for The powerful Amalgamated Engineering higher than in the same period of last Lancashire cotton doubling mill the export drive and that productivity Union, with 800, 000 memberr, is deve year, which adopted a redeployment scheme should be increased to such an extent loping a number of schemes. This year in 1948 now reports that as a result as to meet the gap.
it has provided 104 scholarships to of scientific fixing of work loads, restechnical courses, and at the union Nearly 900, 000 new, permanent and own week end schools, over 4, 500 temporary houses have been built in pacing of machine and the introduction Britain since the end of the war. of mechanical devices, earnings of inThe general Council of the Trades shop stewards, branch officials and dividual operatives went up by 18 40 Union Congress, representing 8, 000, 000 active members will attend classes in British workers is to start one week union administration, industrial mana Records output levels are reported per cent, productivity from 11 to 46 per cent, while overall cost, reduction schools to provide training in production gement, economics and production sub from the British woollen industry, Detechniques. This is one of the develop jects. Eventually the is plan liveries of woven fabrics were over on all processes varied from between and 22 per cent ments arising from the report of the ning to start its own residential college. 900, 000 square yards a month higher Trade Union team which went to than last year and production of tops America last year under the auspices of in March was the test since the war. has adopted an incentive bonus system An engineering works near London the Anglo American Productivity council In the first half of 1950 British in under which points are awarded both to study the methods of unions dustrial production was per cent British team is now in the to day wage men and piece workers.
under the auspices of the Anglo The firm also pays an annual bonus American Productivity Council, to study based on merit and service, and special TRAMO JOE LEWIS galvanizing methods in the United bonuses at Christmas. This scheme, it States. The team is made up of spe is estimated, has contributed materially LIMON KET cialists and includes representatives of to achieving an increase of 27 per cent the trade unions.
in productivity last year, compared We carry in stock everything in grocery, both foreign and native Xwith 1947 products The fast movements of our goods enable us to always have fresh supplies.
OUR MOTTO YOU NEED TO BUILD HOUSE Best and greatest variety. Full desire to please our buyers.
To build a house of any kind very economical with all accomodation little profit on our money, but no profiteering you need: JOE LEWIS. Proprietor.
See: Mr. TRAVERSE BAILEY Building Contractor Personalia Residence Office: 25 yards South of St. Mark Church House No. 542 Box 272. Limon Mr. Mrs. Richard Francis, daughters the name of THE ATLANTIO VOICE and other sons are enjoying the reunion His services given then is yet in our of two of their sons and brothers who treasury of fond memory. Sydney was With the Methodists were in the neighbouring Republic of highly useful in Christian service. From Our friends of the Methodist are Panama. Egbert and Sydney; the first a server in the St. Mark Church he passing along the information that first presentation, for those persons who had attended its arrived several weeks ago Sydney came earned promotion to a Layreader. He yielding to a very popular request to eight days ago. There is a warm spot was very esteemed in our community, restage the recent drama «The Aladdin 0101000 OR POPOPOVO C70 in our breast for these two youngmen. because he was respectful willing to of China it will be presented again on IMPRESO EN Egbert was associated with our news serve. We have good reason to believe the night of December 5, 1950.
paper when we were publishing under that he has kept within those bounds. It will also afford the opportunity San José, Costa Rica La Antillana. NEW YORK BAZAAR Situated in Limon Commercial Street, at entrance of the Crystal Passage.
Our Grocery and Other Articles Keep Moving Because oft the Qualities and Resonable Prices: WE OFFER: Gelatina Royal. 1, 25 tỉn.
Nestum. 65 Kraft. Powder. Milk. 25 First Class Butter 75 lb.
Gold Medal Flour 50 lb.
Floor Polish. 50 lb.
Dry Yeast. 40 oz.
CRISCO. LARD SPORT GOODS RALEIGH BICYCLES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Situated between The British Pharmacy and the Office of All America Cables. Limón Bids you welcome: This Store is established to help you to meet the Times Things are Tight. So our prices are Right.
fashion Fabrics of the best qualities and at the lowest prices Every good kind of materials to make dresses, suits and other garments for Men. Women and Children.


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