p. 8


Page THE ATLANTIC November, 25 1950 VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT WHERE ABOUTS BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED The British Vice Consulate in Limón requires information concerning the whereabouts or fate of the following persons: JOSEPH SCARBOROUGH CECIL ADOLPHUS BLAKE GEORGE MORGAN GEORGE CRUISE ANGELINA SMITH (nee Manharts)
GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard. BRITTON. Manager ADMINIS 05.
APARTAE Los Limon por los sis aresti Desde for the Dich value to disease robar caves, tricts inside the bean though LA PROVEEDORA (To be continued)
Every Cacao Tree a High Producer knife for diseased and healthy trees. icon There is a time lag between the metho We have just received a report sum Geo Bowman tree becoming infected and the visible 10 marizing the results of five years work signs of symptoms. The time lag is esta at the West African Cacao Research cacao in 1944 were two fold: swollen swollen shoot viruses in Nigeria are from six weeks to six months or longer Institute in Tafo, Gold Coast. The shoot and capsid pests (Gold Coast: different from those in the Gold Coast: During this time report is extremely interesting to all of Akate, Sankonaube: Nigeria: ljore Jore. similarly those in the Western Province lag the infected tree acts as a reservoir of virus and through us who are working with cacao and it The overall programme of research of the Gold Coast are different from the is difficult to summarize or to lift any was, and still is, based on three main those in the Eastern Province. Some experiments have shown that nearly vector, can spread the disease. Field a curse part of it from the context without problems: of these viruses are comparatively mild half of the apparently healthy trees im bos. Por losing the force and the fall meaning. Investigations into diseases and and take a number of years to kill a mediately surrounding an outbreak are Because of lack of space, however, we pests of cacao in West Africa and the tree; others are virulent and can kill themselves infected. The amount of que cannot reprint the entire text and we evolution of control measures. In a tree in less than two have taken, instead, excerpts from the vestigations into soil fertility and agrito Ord Practical conclusions have been drawn ninishes with distatic from the outbreak: latent infection rapidly diparts we consider would be of most cultural practice with a view to increasing from the knowledge that different viruses Conclusion. To virus it destroy PIDO to the greatest number of our the yield and life of cacao trees occur in different areas: is necesary to destroy infected trees. If homb readers.
The search for improved varieties of Swollen shoot was not introduced two or three rows of apparently healthy termi The report was prepared by cacao.
into West Africa but has been present trees surrounding visibly infected trees Voelcker, E, director of WACRI There are a number of subsidiary all the time сото the forest.
were also destroyed, spread of the colon from 1944 to 1949. The notes that problems, of less importance, which As long as the reservoir of virus Colon e would be controlled more rapidly del appear were made by Geo. Bowman. include investigations into methods of remains in the forest, complete and and there would be less to destroy at for The following is in the words of Mr. preparing cacao beans for market. permanent eradication of swollen shoot subsequent inspections.
hor Voelcker: The inception of WACRI in Swollen Shoot: from West Africa cannot be expected.
vide Swollen shoot can be spread by 1944 reflected a grave feeling of unea The disease itself is not caused by a The virus occurs in all parts of siness that research in cacao in West single virus. There are at least 20 different swollen shot infected tree, the leaves, from diseased trees to disease free distransferring pods with infected mealybugs colone el esti no twigs, podsstem, and. only without research the industry, already swellings. There is a tendency for each part in which it does notechisobie trists but cannot be spread by harvesting showing signs of declining, would be widely separated area of infection to of knives, cutlasses, etc. The transfer of the bean Ex diseased seedlings would, of course, in danger of extinction have its own particular type of virus. skin itself does hold the virus. Skinned spread the disease.
The immediate problems confronting with one or two exceptions all the beans planted from a diseased tree, No cacao tree has been found im.
however, grow into healthy seedlings. mune to any of the viruses causing The amount of virus present seems to swollen shoot some degree correlated with the symp Soils and Swollen shoot.
Inabi toms and it is easier to spread the It has been shown that the type and dirig disease the more apparent the symp fertility of the soil have nothing whatever Iris toms are.
to do with the presence or absence of Lo OFFERS: There is evidence that the more vi swollen shoot Π08 rulent the type of virus the quicker it Conclusion. Provided soil and clitruid Salt 25. Ib.
mate are suitable, cacao can be reesta Ib.
prole 60 There is no method of destroying blished once the swollen shoot diseased Red Beans the virus in a tree without destroying trees have been removed. This conclusion Ib. 60 Ins Flour 1b. 050 the tree itself. When the tree dies the has been proved in the field by WACRI aido Black Eye Beans.
1b Ib. 60 virus dies with it. Attempts to spread Vectors of Swollen Shoot. 60 de pi Oats.
die 18 the disease by mechanical means, e. It has been proved by WACRI that 00 En Mary Powdered Milk 50 injecting a healthy tree with sap from 50 only some insects under the group. Стара My Boy Powered Milk 315 15 a diseased tree, have all failed. Hence (WIL continue) do DI Evaporated Milk 120 there is no threat of spreading the 000 20 по disease by using the same harvesting Sus trabajos en la IMPRENTA VICTORIA Islarid Palm Soap 90 Ius in Del Trópico Jellies 175 75 mis Fence Staples non 90 Nails 100 Dr. MIGUEL DEJUK.
100 160 Horse Mule Shoes 60 00 Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University, of America MU Terbide 00 55 THE PEOPLE DOCTOR AND SURGEON 55 Escu ord each 25 Sewer Pipes. each 00 CONSULTATION OFFICE: Fantan Paints Two and a half city blocks West of the 00 ΕΙ Liberty Hall, Fifth Avenue. Limón.
Carpenter Pencils 45 MAE la es Rat Traps each 75 OFFICE HOURS; DAILY: Limpol Furniture Polish 25 00. 11. 00 a. 00. 00 puede Flashlights each 75 Con Tea Spoons each 95 Padlocks cach 150 Here and There It happened in Northern France: in turn called the police. The thief was Visit our Hardware Dept. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices, man stole a musical clock and sold it arrested.
Quick, courteous service.
to another man. In the hands of the Xreceiver the clock struck up the hymn Jamaica: New postage rate has been Ave MARIA. It was stolen from a increased from penny half penny to two Church and the thief had it in his bag. for registration for inland services and pence; from three pence to four pence Box 175 Puerto Limón The music streaming from the bag similar increases in other branches of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón attracted a number of children and they the mail service.
will spread Rice.
odou Quaker tin Rose a por Plugs Faucets.
gal 34. 00 Fus CO LA PROVEEDORA Mi.
let Aguilar Odlund


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