
December 2, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page La Antillana 1. 15 Letter to the Editor Port Limon Costa Rica player should be taken in hand by a November 29th. 1950. fan, sounds very nice, BUT: This idea Mr. Jos. Thomas was also put before me in San Jose Editor THE ATLANTIC before our trip to Guatemala in FeLimon bruary by a gentleman there, but Situated in Limon Commercial Street, at entrance of the told him would study it out but Crystal Passage.
Dear Mr. Thomas: never beheld this man again. As for With reference to Article «Lack of myself m thorougly against it for this Our Grocery and Other Articles Keep Moving Because Physical Resistance Cause of Costa reason: The outstanding players here of the Qualities and Reasonable Prices: Rica Base Ball Defeats in Nicaragua, only seek opportunity for someone in which appears in your Atlantic Extra terested in him with a little means, WE OFFER: No. 52, It hink who wrote this article there he becomes a leach, until the certainly hit the nail on the head.
Laclogeno powdered milk. 50 tin.
interested party not only gets to dislike As a member of the Local Base Ball the player, but runs away from the Nido 00 League for the past years, or at least Ball park and game in general. Ball Kraft 25 one of the oldest on the bench, have Players are always in need, if a player Rose Mary 50 been trying for at least this season to Evaporated milk Ige. size. 15 needs a buck and you give it, he beat into the other members, the idea would be grateful by sticking you this Oats loose per pound. 80 lb that we take the players in our hand, time for two. This is not what think, Cod Fish first class 75 where diet is concerned, but the sug it what know from personal expeRice superb Quality 60 gestion could not be effected owing to Lye lack of funds and time.
rience as have been with these players Nuggett shoe polish all sizes.
This experience gained from the in practically all their going out Truly Yours bringing of the Almirante selection here. was charged with the feeding Johnny Humphreys RENDERED THANKS of those fellows, and as have proven each game they played better, not to With the Methodists Many great souls have set the high tess and daughter Barbara sung the say those fellows haven eaten at home On Tuesday evening the 5th instant example for us to pursue and that we duet «Giving Praise to Jehovah. The but nothing like a regular and square all roads will lead to the Methodist should not forget the thanks which we Misses Dorrel and Sylvia sung the duct meal and sleep.
Church in this city in order to hear should render to God, the Giver of «Our King. The elocutionary item the rich narrative and see the presenOne week before the Limon Selecour lives and all our earthly possessi. The Eternal Goodness was splendi tation of the well set drama The tion left here for Nicaragua, again Aladdin of China in its second appeaons. In the copious influx of this vir dly recited by Mrs. Jackson, the hostess.
approached the board to study the rance.
tue, we sound the praise of Mr. and The voices blended in the quartette method and ways to take the boys in Citizens who attended its first presen Mrs. Jackson for having demons. Praise His Name by Mesdames Tereour hands, but again for lack of funds, tation are loud in their praise and have trated with dewy freshness their correla sa Henry, Jackson, Messrs. Philip we were only able to give after each May the weatherman be gracious.
expressed their pleasure to again attend. tion in their very attractive residence Henry and Jackson, the host.
practice oats, cornflakes, grapenuts etc. situated in front the grounds of the Mr. Stanly Britton gave the address, or in other words just a small catchup. School Closing Exercise and pany, on Sunday afternoon, the 26 th invites were the Misses Britton, Hospital of the Costa Rica Bavana Com on Thanksgiving. Among the other which hardly helped the situation.
Concert to be Held ultimo.
Again in pretraining for the NicaBooth, Iris Williams, Mrs. Gardener, 28 Miles: ragua Series, it was agreed that the The setting was that of Thanksgi. Mr. and Mrs. Berrick, Messrs.
fellows chosen from San Jose to make It has been announced that the day. ving, and we believe this eternal blessed McKenzie, Juan Mitchell, wolcia the trip would come to Limon for school of the Waldeck Baptist Church ness will be graven on the hearts of Barrett, many youngsters ad the final training with our boys, owing to will stage its closing exercises the guests as on those of the host, writer who delivered the vote of Thanks the fact that it would cut expense, and interwoven with a concert in the Theatre hostess and their children.
in behalf of the host and hostess. Re the climate is more or less like the one of that district on the night of WedMr. Leslie Angus, Steward of the freshments were served unsparingly.
to contend with in Nicaragua. Well, nesday, December 13, 1950.
Methodist Circuit, who in the fitness This lecture would lack its climax for San Jose special reason as usual, We learn that a well balanced pro.
of richness of soul offered the prayer if we fail to quote these lines: the plan was reversed.
gramme is in preparation and certain of Thanks to God, then continued his In the elder days of art The idea given that each outstanding city personage will be in attendance.
position as chairman over the instru Builders wrought with greatest care mental renditions, reciting and singing Each minute and unseen parts items. It would be pleasing to publish For their God see everywhere.
the fulness of the marks earned by each voice that gladdened the listeners, Let us do our work as well, but the physical law of Impossibility Both the unseen and the seen (Cheap Store)
Moises Kader has its sway. However, the names of Make the house where God may dwell the participants mentioned below, we Beautiful, entire and clean.
are sure, will add value to these columns Personalia The welcome was delivered by Mas During the course of last week we.
ter Lebert Henry, a Tot, The Misses greeted most cordially in our city, Mr.
Sylvia Cohen, Franklin, Dorrel Jack Erastus Thorpe, Phar. Dispensing We are selling out the most attractive assortment of son, Millicent Francis, Barbara Jackson, Chemist and Druggist at Almirante, materials to make dresses and suits for men women and Delphina Booth, Messrs. Nugent, Republic of Panama. The good neighbour Edmund Jackson and Master Chester travel police between Costa Rica Alchildren.
Jackson played respectively piano selec. mirante, Bocas del Toro and other parts tions. Messrs. Stephen Robathom and Come and see for yourselves, then compare the quality is serving as a privilege means for Jackson, the host were the instru us to greet many persons of distinction.
of our goods and the bargain in prices.
mentalists with their Hawaian guitars. In this instance we refer to the above Solos were sung by the Misses Sylvia, mentioned gentleman who is far adThis amazing bargain begun on November 1, 1950. Fredica, Mesdames Iris Williams, vanced in education, in medicine, in Franklin, Robathom, Olive Vega, religious work, fraternal and otherwise.
Messrs, Chambers and Wm. Days. Mr. Thorpe stated that he is well imley. Mr. Edmund Jackson was the pia pressed by the development of Limon TIENDA LA BARATA Here is the gift from our Inventory The Greatest Clearance Sale ii Today Friends. Not Tomorrowll Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa


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