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Page THE ATLANTIC December, 1950 THE PEOPLE HOUSE ST. MARK CHURCH Dr. VARGAS ARAYA (Osteopathic Physician)
LIMON Office 150 varas North of Botica Oriental, San José.
Special attention to people coming from Limón and Line towns. SpiYou will need a good article for your money so see us first nal treatment cures many deseases. English Spoken.
for the best of everything. Suitings, dress materials, and Every Cacao Tree a High Producer all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to Geo Bowman please you. Continued) tanical relatives of cacao and although Vector of Swollen Shoot.
a great number of other forest trees, Attlee Flays Bogus Peace Congress It has been proved by WACRI that shrubs and ground plants all more only some insects under the group distant relatives of cacao have been London, Nov. The Communist ins. Answering the question: Why allow known as mealybugs carry the swollen tried to see whether they can become pired Peace Congress to be held in the Congress to be held in Britain? Attlee shoot viruses. In West Africa WACRI infected with swollen shoot, none has Sheffield (England) from November said: Ours is a free society. Provided has shown that there are 10 different been found to do so. There is strong Attlee, addressing the Foreign Press As the right of free assembly and free 14. 19 was labelled bogus by Premier the law is not broken, all people enjoy species of mealybugs capable of trans evidence for believing that swollen mitting the virus. In the Gold Coast by shoot is harboured only among certain sociation speech no matter how misguided. T6far the most important is Pseudococcus of the botanical families Sterculiaceae rents of the Cominform, whose activi heretical opinions. We have such faith Like Hitler and Goebbels, the adhe talitarian governments dare not allow njalensis; in Nigeria both citri and and Bombaceae. No Swollen Shoot has ties were causing bloodshed and disin our way of life that we let everyone njalensis are of importance.
yet been found in the commercial Kolasturbance all over the world proclaimed Conclusion. It is most fortunate for which belong to this family themselves peace makers, promoted blow off steam.
West Africa that the vector of swollen There is evidence that it is more diffi peace petitions and called bogus «But there must be a reasonable shoot is not a winged insect, as is cult to get the virus out of an infec Prime Minister.
peace conferences, declared the British limit to Britain toleration of those the case with most vectors of virus ted alternative host than out of a diwho tried to undermine the liberties diseases. The limited movements of seased cacao tree.
Their aims were to paralyze the ef of the free countries, he added. Briforts of the democracies, to try to permealybugs and the fact that they lose Conclusion. When Swollen Shoot suade workers to refuse to manufactain was not willing to throw open the virus after 36 hours from feeding diseased cacao trees are cut out, the ture arms, and to encourage the evasion her doors to those who sought to on an infected tree, makes practicable alternative hosts on the farm should of Military Service by the youth of subvert her institutions and seduce her the control of the spread of the disease also be destroyed. Spread of swollen Western powers.
citizens from their natural allegiance.
without having to eradicate the vector. shoot from alternative hosts to cacao is Mealybugs are most difficult to destroy slow and chancy but must be reckoned in the field, because of their protective with. It would be impracticable, and tents and because of their wide dispersal for agricultural reasons undesirable, to LIMON COSTA RICA both in cacao and other bush plants. It attempt to remove alternative hosts from is unnecessary to destroy mealybugs on THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND THE GROUND OF THE TRUTH areas where swollen shoot in cacao cut out and stacked cacao trees, because does not occur. SERVICES:the mealybugs thereon are unlikely to Control of Swollen Shoot SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucarist Sermon.
reach healthy cacao within 36 hours.
Swollen shoot has been controlled utack on the mealybug. Conclusion. 00 a. Choral Holy Eucarist.
at WACRI by cutting out infected trees.
There is little hope of destroying all on the Old Station the disease was 00 Sunday School mealybugs in West Africa. The key first recorded in 1939 and accounted 00p. Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
problem is to destroy the mealybugs for less than one per cent of the trees WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days. 00 am feeding on swollen shoot infected trees.
since then diseased trees have been Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 00 VACRI is investigatiog chemical and Saturday: Confession. 00. 00 biological means of doing this. regularly cut out. In the process over Rate of Spread of swollen shoot. Con. whole 11 year period seven per cent Sce Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements: clusion. Rate of spread is primarily of the original cacao tree population dependent on the mealybug population, has been cut out. The Old Station, the number and proximity of infected comprising some 70 acres, is still in Delegation from Cahuita Present trees and the number and proximity excellent condition, whereas neighboua Complaint of remaining healthy trees. Spread is ring untreated farms are derelict.
more rapid in a closed cacao canopy We had the information from a cising, instead of being a peacemaker However, new outbreaks, generally Rate of spread is not constant.
It would be most unwise to say that consisting of single trees, continue to Cahuita Delegation in regard to their he does everything to the contrary. We because swollen shoot had accounted occur on the Old Station. The expla special mission to His Excellency, the need not enumerate the acts of cruela for trees in years therefore there nation is either the ingress of wind Governor of this Province in complaint ty. these are told to the Governor will be no healthy trees left after borne infected mealybugs blown from against the irritant conduct of the Prin and we know that by the high cha racteristic justice of don Jose impartial years.
adjacent diseased farms or the presence cipal Agent of Police at Cahuita.
Alternative Hosts of infected alternative host trees within The men said that flesh and blood investigation will be conducted and if The presence of a number of diffe the Old Station itself; it may be that cannot withstand the inhumanly treat the cause be right the people will be rent viruses, each confined to its own both are concerned. Alternative host ment which this representative is exer set free from their oppression.
locality, forced the conclusion of these trees are to be cut out and it will then viruses being present in the forest.
be possible to judge to what extent TRAMO JOE LEWIS WACRI has shown that this is so. they may have been responsible for the small forest tree, Cola chlamydantha, recurrence of new infections on the LIMON MARKET harbours the cacao viruses found in the Western Province of the Gold cacao, We carry in stock everything in grocery, both foreign and native Coast. It does not harbour the New Control by cutting out is more effiproducts The fast movements of our goods enable us to Juaben virus. Silk Cottons, and the cient if immediately adjacent apparently always have fresh supplice.
nearly related trees Bombax buonopozense, healthy trees are also cut out. high OUR MOTTO Cola cordifolia, Sterculia, rhinopetala, proportion of these apparently healthy Best and greatest varicty. Full desire to please our buyers.
tragacantha and Adansonia dieita ta trees do, in fact, have swollen shoot little profit on our money, but no profiteering have all been proved capable of har but have been infccted too recently to bouring one or other of the swollen show visible symptoms.
JOE LEWIS. Proprietor.
LOMON BERENLU. To be continued)
in Miguel Obregónirana Bistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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