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APARTAD BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED He Elemo Hando 1 de su vida Gract, red que me er IN BRITAIN TODAY Dr. 635 million plan. 69 billion) to shoe industry has increased remarkably increase British coal output and reduce through piece work systems. Producti.
Physician and Surgeon of Tulatie University, of America costs has been proposed by the Natio vity in fictories where piecework systems nal Coal Board. The plan takes the predominate is 100 per cent greater THE PEOPLE DOCTOR AND SURGEON form of a 15 year capital development than in those where there is a big proand reorganization program under which portion of day work.
CONSULTATION OFFICE: coal production is scheduled to rise to XTwo and a half city blocks West of the NI.
about 230, 000, 000 tons a year, with productivity team from the British Liberty Hall, Fifth Avenue. Limón.
only 618 000 miners.
fertilizer industry, which recently visited OFFICE HOURS; DAILY. Output in 1949 was just under the United States, has recommended to 00. 11. 00 a. 00. 00 215. 000, 000 tons; the average labor the British industry far reaching measuforce was about 720. 000. steady res for conservation of the soil and resfirm with 300 employees, manufacturing per cent in the machine and fitting fall in man power in the mines, and toration of fertility. The team, which constantly increasing demands of Bri was mainly concerned with manufactugas and by product plant, resently set shop and 25 per cent in the boiler shop.
The index of Industrial Production tain growing industries, make it vitally ring techniques, suggests a national up an incentive bonus scheme, agreed necessary for Britain to produce even survey of soil fertility, with an intensi between management and workers. Pro in Britain was 40 above 1946 in the more coal.
ve educational drive for correct ductivity increased by an average of 20 first half of 1950.
wider use of fertilizers. improved me.
The highest productivity figure on thods of distribution and transport, VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT record tons per manshift Was re with the increased use of mechanical corded by the British coal industry in handling equipment and economies in the first week of november.
manpower are also recommended.
This is an increase of 448 pounds GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK over the prewar average of three tons British productivity team from the per manshift. The industry was pressed metal industry, which recently HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED the first in Western Europe to regain visited the found that superior SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office its prewar level in March of 1949.
productivity in American plants was largely due to the faster movements of and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
Britain total working population materials. The report also attributed the BRITTON. Manager last September showed a further increase. greater productivity of the American It rose by 50. 000 to a new peak of industry to greater productivity consWest Indian Conference Opens approximately 23, 500. 000.
ciousness at all levels and more efficient utilization of labor, line produc. The fourth session of the West Indian mission and its scientific and research Britain steel workers established a tion methods and flexibility of plant Conference, held under the auspices of experts. Delegates are normally elected new production record in October. layout and volume production. the Caribbean Commission, opened its representatives of the people and are They produced at the annual rate of 14. day meeting on Monday in Curacao, accompanied by advisers selected by 17. 040, 000 tons, the highest rate ever As part of the drive for still greater Netherlands West Indies, to discuss their governments, who have experience obtained in the month. The previous productivity in Britain, a series of short mainly agricultural development in the of the matters to be discussed.
best October was in 1949, when the films have been made available for the Caribbean.
As the Caribbean Commission exists rate was just under 16. 000 tons.
use of firms and industrial organiza Delegates are meeting from the 14 to promote the social and economic tions. These include an American film British, French, United States, and Ne development of the area, political and There has been a steady rise in the Productivity Key to Plenty. which therlands territories in the area, with internal governmental questions may consumption of food and household illustrates what productivity means in the Netherlands Government as host not be raised at the West Indian Con goods in Britain since the end of the terms of living standards. British film and Riemens, Netherlands coference.
war, though many of the main items entitled Ideas at Work. based on ac Chairman of the Caribbean Commission The Caribbean Commission is also of food are tightly rationed. In 1949, tual case histories, shows what can be in the chair.
holding its eleventh meeting during the total food consumption was 13 per done to increase output by improved Charles Daubanton, Netherlands the general period of the Con cent higher than in 1946, 38 per cent methods and re arrangement of work, Minister to Mexico, presided at the ference. Immediately before the confemore durable houschold goods and 23 without expensive re equipment or re opening session, and Dr. de la rence began, the Commission reviewed per cent more other household goods organization. Other films deal with the Try Ellis (Netherlands) was elected vice the arrangements and papers, and in.
were bought. An increase of 32 per application of scientific research to in president.
mediately after it closes, it will con cent took place in clothing sales. This dustrial and agricultural problems, and The West Indian Conference is the sider the Conference recommendations trend has continued in the first half with the direction of the capital invest popular branch of the Caribbean Comof 1950 ment program.
mission set up. which brings public prepared after Christmas Programme on Salvation Army will stage a well opinion in the area into association the night of December 26, 1950. Productivity in the British boot and Yorkshire (England) engineering with the work of the four nation Com. grand time is in store.
Amd confia ser kita. kn ta la posib Reloos Quiero trabaja Luminose que hay delo de del tal mine norte sepinte brotara que les mueve en esti VINE EJEMPL del hom Ven eta hor Cielos enterne al trate, posible commen Amor di seridos que tec y Yo so Minor Permi Churchila un real mi Ser brotin, sitio que quiero en lu fa almi sur Set en U 20 del Huer ST. MARK CHURCH Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda. OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
En LIMON COSTA RICA THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND THE GROUND OF THE TRUTH SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucarist Sermon. 00 a. Choral Holy Eucarist. 00 Sunday School. 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days. 00 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 00 m, Saturday: Confession. 00. 00 Sec Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements: la Interpreta Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us.
quien soy este Amo más grans Recue Cuerpo, smes FERNANDO HONG ON General Manager Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica ALFONSO SOLE LIPPA Assistant Manager quere inte de la Biblioteca Nacional Mique


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