
THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limón, Costa Rica Number 55 December 23, 1950 Year Christmas is Approaching His name OUR A SK Even The Stone Will Cry Out: FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Information has reached us that the made known their grievance with a In the next three days the 25th of December, known as Christmas Day Anglican Priesthood has been divided view of stemming the tide which is will be with us. The only material difference which may be visible may be in the island of Jamaic as Ministers flowing against their interest.
that of atmospheric condition; rain or sunshine; but be what the appearance object to the replacing of their own by The slogan is Jamaica for the Jamai.
of the day be, on the background of the day is the acknowledgment, almost Importation of English Priests.
cans, particularly when men of the world wide, that a sacred birth took place in a manger at Bethlehem of Judea The complainants as we gather have highest qualification are available.
on that first Christmas Morn. The immortal memory of that glorious event can never fade from those who carry on the canvas of the mind, and neither can the faithful followers of the Lowly Nazarene fail to sing praise and magnify Get Readiness To wish a happy Christmas does seem to be strange, almost ironic in You will need Gifts for your Parents. Children the midst of all the distress which is afflicting humanity. How can the world Sweethearts. Friends and Relatives: at large meditate on the angels song of Peace and Goodwill in the din of strife, hatred, malice and war? How can the hearts of those whom He came to redeem be clean, entire and pure for the entry of the Holy Bobe? These evils You will want to appear CHIO, for Christmas and will only be subdued when humanity keeps in harmony with the spiritual and New Year: holy side of the Grand Anniversary and cast away the things which perish. When creed, colour, race and social distinctions are wiped from the earth and huma Here are some of the Specialities for Garments.
nity comes within that period when the wolf, the lion and the sheep will lay Latest creation in «Paramount Silk peacefully together; when one law shall bind all the people and kindred of Finest in Alpaca. Charmy Angel Skin the earth; the Universal law of Brotherhood and the Fatherhood of God.
Flowered Crepe. Tripple Georgette Christmas will bring its blessings and happiness only when we give Lace in fascinating Shades, Etc.
Umbrellas for Men Women Children rightful thought and accept the wonderful grace that is opened to us by the birth of the Prince of Peace on that noblest of all Christmas Morns. When we You Will Find all these and at Prloes Beyond Competition tune our soul and sing: holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us, we pray IN Cast out our sin, and enter in, Be born in us today HOLLYWOOD STORE We hear the Christmas Angels, The great glad tidings tell come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Emmanuel. OF SESSZER257 RSS2 2525252525 SALOMON BERENZON THE PEOPLE HOUSE Jack Orane Sucs.
Limon Perfect Christmas What a blessed scene this world It could not fail to burst the crust of would present, if we all could enjoy human selfishness beyond restoration one perfect Christmas; one day in and set many springs of kindness and which the Christmas spirit should ma goodwill to flow flourishingly.
Wish for our many Patrons and nifest itself in every human heart, in Though such a Christmas may exist all the happiest, truest and largest only in the realm of dream, it is within friends a Very Happy Christmas a meaning. What a fore taste of the mi.
Bright and Prosperous New Year to llenium such a day would be? What our power to make each recurring sorrows would be mitigated and mi. Christmas measurably to the grand Day Follow series assuaged? What enmities, Jea by translating into deed the wishes we lousies and bitterness buried and never express, by using the best of our means We thank you for your kind patronage in the to be renewed.
and opportunities to make life a little past. And expect to see you always in the future.
Such a Christmas, even, for a single brighter, a little nicer for those around day would be a source of unmeasurable us a bit more like the life we so freely 5222RS 2Rasasasasasas 25252525252 blessings for the universe of humanity. wish for our fellowmen. 3333333333333333333 ees TROPICAL BAR Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda. OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
LIMON, COSTA RICA The Bar that sells the best in Local and Foreign Liquors: Clean and wholesome accomodations. Well prepared and delicious Meals: Adopt this medium to express thanks to our many supporters and friends during 1950 and Wishing all a Very Bright Christmas and a Prosperous New Yeur Sankey Jackson THE UNITED CACAO PRODUCERS LIMITED, BEING NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT IS ABLE TO PAY THE BEST PRICES.
Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us.
FERNANDO HONO ON de Stema Gual MAMARELO de Cultura y Juventus, Costa Rica.
ALFONSO SOLE LIPPA Assistant Manager


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