p. 14


Page 14 THE ATLANTIC December, 23 1950 THE PEOPLE HOUSE TRAMO JOE LEWIS Policemen Return from London Course Sub Inspector Wilfred McIntosh and London Metropolitan Police. They were Sergeant Bernard of the Jamaica the third batch of Jamaican policemen Police Force have returned to the to have gone to England on scholarships island following six months with the for special courses.
LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first Dr. MIGUEL DEJUK for the best of everything. Suitings, dress materials, and Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University, of America all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to THE PEOPLE DOCTOR AND SURGEON please you.
CONSULTATION OFFICE: Two and a half city blocks West of the Liberty Hall, Fifth Avenue. Limón.
OFFICE HOURS: DAILY: MONTE CARLO BAR 00. 11. 00 a. 00. 00 AND RESTAURANT OFFERS: Special meals for tomorrow, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Sunday the 31 st. and New LIMON MARKET Year Day.
We carry in stock everything in grocery, both foreign and native TOMORROW MENU: products The fast movements of our goods enable us to always have fresh supplice, Specially prepared Turkey with Gilby Sauce Marie Potato. Combination Salad.
OUR MOTTO Dessert. Special Sponge Cake.
Best and greatest variety. Full desire to please our buyers.
Tickets have been given out in harmony with the little profit on our money, but no profiteering Big Lottery: Ist. Prize. Winner will get a roasted Turkey. 2nd. Prize. Winner will get a JOE LEWIS. Proprietor.
bottle of Carnero. 3rd. Prize. Winner will get a Christmas Cake.
Caribbean Housing to be Discussed Charles Edwards Trained «CHEF The Colonial Development and Wel The meeting at Barbados is likely to fare organization, with headquarters in be followed by a wider conference Barbados, is calling a meeting shortly sponsored by the Caribbean Com 888 48 48 of representatives of all the colonies in the French, Netherlands, and mission, at which representatives from the British Caribbean to examine the British territories in the are as will exaW. Cricketers to Tour Australia, 1951 problem of housing.
mine the question.
The British West Indies will send but this was found impracticable, since their best available tea of cricketers Australia is already committed to send to tour Australia next year. This deci. a fully representative side to New Dr. VARGAS ARAYA sion was made at the last meeting of Zealand in February, 1952 shortly (Osteopathic Physician)
West Indies Cricket Board of Control, after the Australia contestende, when it accepted the invitation of the Tentative program for the West InOffice 150 varas North of Botica Oriental, San José.
Australian Board of Control to send a dies tour places the opening date al Special attention to people coming from Limón and Line towns. Spicompletely representative team to October 19, 1951, and before it closes Australia in 1951 52.
dal treatment cures many deseases. English Spoken.
on January 31, 1952, five Test Matches, It was generally felt that the Aus seven State Matches, and about five tralians should visit the West Indies, country matches will have been played. La Antillana HOTEL GUAPILES Situated in Limon Commercial Street, at entrance of the Crystal Passage.
Our Grocery and Other Articles Keep Moving Because of the Qualities and Reasonable Prices: EN GUAPILES Atendido personalmente por su propietario LEON WEINSTOCK un paso de la Estación. Precios especiales para familias Ventilado, Aseado, Confortable Saluda a si numerosa clientela y agradece la preferencia que han demostrado por acudir a su establecimiento y les desea 00 WE OFFER: Gold Medal Flour 0, 50 lb.
Crisco Lard. 80 lb.
Lactogeno powdered Milk. 50 tin Nido. Powdered Milk.
Kraft. Powdered Milk 25 Evaporated Milk, large size.
Nestum Wine. Italiam. Swiss 10. 75 bottle.
Full assortment of other Foods, in tins All the tasteful articles you need for CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR: YOU CAN BUY FROM US THE FAMOUS RALEIGH BICYCLE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano 15 65 Felices Pascuas y Próspero Año Nuevo 1950 1951 Dec. IDDODD Editorial Victoria Ltdar San lacé Costa Rica


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