
THE ATLANTIC Editor JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY January 6, 1951 Post Box 199 Limón, Costa Rica Number 56 Year AD BTC TE da IM be th 16 II io th His name.
FL AD LA PROVEEDORA OUR TASK Very Unique Wedding FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR On the 17th ultimo a very unique Wynter. The groom seemed to touch We have entered the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty one.
wedding was solemnized in the Baptist the summit in his well tailored palm Every believer and worshipper of our Lord and Saviour whose birth anniver: parties being Miss Edna Smith and Mrs. e. Graham presided at the Church at 28 Miles. The contracting beach suit with shoes and hat to match.
sary we commemorated a fortnight ago, should not cease in prayers and hanksgiving to Him for His saving grace which has enabled us to begin Mr. Hubert Turner. The Reverend Wm. organ. The hymn Perfect Love another year of probation, Forde was the officiating clergy. While was sung while the couple kaelt at the There are many trains approaching this mundane sphere and we know the organ pealed forth the old appea altar.
not what are the cargoes in their cars and in consequence we should arm ling march, the bride with serene loocks purselves as gallant soldiers and be ready to fight and overcome whatever tends lo impede our efforts in the battle of life. One fact we ought to keep fresh entered, resting on the arm of Mr. the invitees in matrimonial gaities wenAt the close of the Church ceremony, mind that none of the things which might appear unfamiliar to us will come Atthel Scott. She was queenly gowned ded their way to the home of the nto being by chance. It is our firm belief that God has a plan for the world with a creamy floral designed Razzo.
ind He has also a purpose for the individual. panel gathered skirt finished with newly weds where the reception was At this writing before our eyes there are many persons indulging in the 24 buttons, late 1950 legamotten bridal held. The scenery was beautiful and merriment of the day: no doubt, without the slightest thought to the sufferings, sleeves with half dozen buttons on bright. The setting of the table with he coldness, the death, the destruction and other hardships which our human prethren are undergoing on the battle fields of Asia. The dreadful slaughter with bright wreaths of flowers attached admiration. Mr. Nathaniel Malcolm each side. crisp cream straw Calota bread in the form of a dove presented has passed into this new year. Its duration is hidden in the womb of time.
The number of human lives which will perish in the struggle, no wisdom can to a shadowy mesh veiling rested on presided as Master of Ceremonies. The ind time, even, at this hour to fit ourselves to be proper citizens for that from every angle. Her slippers and orecast. However, in spite of the unrest of the human world, we have hope her forehead and appeared beautifully blessing was evoked by the Reverend Vm. Forde. The bridal cake was cut Colony on earth, based on divine plan for which the Christ who came to earth, or which He was crucified and for which He has ascended to prepare for all gloves Chicly harmonizing. She ca by Misses Turner and Malcolm; the humanity who, although have not journeyed to Bethlehem manger to have rried a bouquet of orange blossoms and latter triumphed. Many toasts and songs een in person the Christ Child, but have been there in spirit and still magnify gerbas, resting on a fern background. were tendered. The scene was changed Mrs. Sarah Arthurs was her chief maby the appearance of a lovely dish of In this New Year, let us all strive forward to make this earth a fit and tron. She was very exquisitely gowned vegetable salad, garnished with American proper place for our abode; quite true, we cannot make it an Eden, but surely adorned with a high plumed head dressing and in addition roasted chicken, much can be done to lift it out the hatred, the malice, the misery and heathenism gear and attractive gloves; she earned dressed with raddish and boiled eggs; much admiration. She carried a bouquet lots of other delicacies to satisfy the of Veritas de San Jose. She was excorted appetite.
by Mr. Nathaniel Malcolm as best man. Among the invitees was Mr. Rupert Splendour was added to the ensemble by Muir (Francis) of the Marine Division the six beautifully gowned bridesmaids, Office in the city; a cousin of the consisting of the Misses Evelyn Turner, bride. The late 1950 bridal ensemble OFFERS: Ploris Johnson, Phylis Farquharson, is the handiwork of Mrs. Linnett Porter Salt.
Adassa Adlam, Grace White and Louise a daughter of the bride.
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LA PROVEEDORA cas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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