
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC January 6, 1951 Caribbean Review Card of Thanks Vindward Is. Prepare for New Elections Both posts will involve close collaApril, 1951, is being mentioned in boration with the Financial Secretary of each territory, and, in the case of Elthina Reid de Lucas fficial circles as the likely date on British Guiana, will include the func Enoch Reid thich the Windward Islands Grenada, tions of the Development Commissioner, Lucia, St. Vincent and Dominica who will be responsible for the planZamorene Lucas de Cunningham ill go to the polls to elect their first ning of development schemes and the Other members of the Family egislative Councillors under univer overall supervision of their execution.
Adopt this medium to give thanks to the doctors, nurses il adult suffrage.
Men are being sought for these posts and attendants of the Hospital of the Costa Rica Banana ComThese elections will be held by vir who can combine academic qualifica pany for the very efficient and untiring services rendered during ue of new coustitutions recently gran tions, such as an honors degree in ecothe illness of our dearly beloved son, nephew and cousin by the British Government to the nomics, with comercial and industrial gislatures in the territories. Eight experience in responsible administrative VALENTINE REID lected members are provided for on posts.
December 26 27, 1950 he Legislative Council instead of five Br. Guiana to Aid Pioneer Industries. at present. The number of nominaand also to the friends and sympathizers who have demonstrated ed members will remain at three. Three An Aid to Pionner Industries Bill their condolence by means of Cards, Letters, Visits and have accom. the elected members will be elected is (soon to be the Legislature of panied his last remains to the Church and grave.
ihe Executive Council. At present British Guiana as part of that country inly one elected member of the Legis economic program for development It ative Council is named to the execuis likely that it will be based on a similar measure which recently became ive body IN BRITAIN TODAY law in Trinidad Preparations for the elections have lready begun. Enumeration of the Jamaica Invites Foreign Capital.
Britain is the first country to recov Fewer coal miners were killed or iner to such an extent that Marshall Aid jured in Britain last year than ever bepopulation alone is expected to take The Coverment of Jamaica has releacan be suspended as from January 1, fore ibout four months.
The death rate in the mining sed for circulation in the island and 1951. This is 18 months earlier than industry has been getting lower and Eled New Mayor in Port of Spain Overseas a 33 page brochure entitled the target date. The United Kingdom lower in recent years. 460 coal mi Invest in Jamaica. An Invitation to will remain a full participant in the ners were killed in 1949 compared City elections in Port of Spain swept Industry. The first fact the booklet Organization for European Economic with 550 the year before, 783 ten he Trinidad Labor Party into controll attempts to impress on its recipient is Cooperation (O. Her total years earlier and 1, 076 twenty years of all municipal offices, with Raymond Jamaica central position in relation to receipts under the Marshall Plan will ago. Including the number of miners Hamel Smith elected Mayor and Canada, the South America, amount to 2, 694, 500. 000.
seriously injured, the total accident fi.
gure for 1949 was 640, compared Raymond Quevedo elected Deputy Ma Europe and the British Isles. This is with 2, 859 in 1948 and 5, 304 in 1929.
yor. The Labor Party had earlier won the story conveyed by the colored co9, 262, 000 British workers belonged all five seats of Aldermen, who are ver, which carries a map on which Ja to trade uinons in 1949. There were elected by the City Councillors either maica is spotlighted.
706 separate unions in Britain at the The British shipping industry is resfrom among themselves or outsiders information and statistics for the pros due to amalgamation of small unions.
The booklet supplies a digestotend of the year, 12 less than for 1948, ponsible for one of the greatest achiehaving the qualifications to be counvements in British development during pective investor, and draws special Over 3 of trade unionists in Britain the past five years. Today, in spite of cillors.
Mr. Hamel Smith, leader of the La offered by the Government to encoura 5 of the union members are women.
attention to to the incentives now being are now organized in 17 large unions. war losses, its tonnage exceeds the prebor Party, failed in the Legislative ge the expansion of industrial produc.
war figure: total tonnage now is.
Council elections, but his Deputy, Mr. tion.
17, 000, 000 tons, compared with.
Quevedo. who is also known in the Britain exports in October passed 16, 900, 000 tons before the war.
Calypso world as Attilla the Hun) is propose London Center for Carib the 200, 000, 000 mark for the first a member of the new Legislative Council.
Exports in November were.
In spite of the automobile 212 million. 10 million above the industry emphasis on exports, the Castrtries Town Board Elections, Plans for a 20, 000 center for Bri October figure. Cars, trucks, Woolens number of motor vehicles on the roads December tish Caribbean students in London ha and cotton goods contibuted to the in to Britain is now estimated at Eleven candidates will be offering ve been announced by the executive crease.
themselves to the eloctorate of Castries Union. The plan, it is understood, has million, or over one million more than comittee of the west Indian Students in 1938. There are 16. vehicles per contesting five vacant seats on the the support of the Colonial office in Under a rehabilitation program being mile in Britain today (or one vehicle Castries Town Board during the next London, and the Secretary of State for carried out by the Ministry of Labor, for every 100 yards of road. compared elections to be held in December. the Colonies has promised to go into have completed courses at rehabilitaabout 14, 000 disabled men and women with 14. for the United States.
Except for one independent, the can the matter with students, representatives. tion centers in Britain, and out of the didates are divided equally between The Governments of West Indian se over 80 have been placed in suiA. cw record in British electricity the St. Lucia Labor Party and the territories will be expected to contribu table jobs or started training for skilled output was set up last year.
People Progressive Party.
te to the cost of the center.
49, 000, 000, 000 units were supplied by West Africa students in London al the British Electricity Authority, which Seek Economists for Trinidad, Br. Guiana ready have a Center, which cost 28, 000, is double the prewar consumption. It The Colonial Office, London, is and there is a Malayan Center, which The level of industrial production in also shows an increase of 17 during cost 25, 000 shortly to appoint economic advisers Britain continues to be between and the past two years since this industry One of the objetives of the higher than in 1949. More electri has been in public ownership. Electric in both British Guiana and Trinidad Students Union is to break down city is being generated, and more steel, current is now being supplied to more to advise the respective Governments insularity in the students, enconraging vehicles and textiles are under producthan 12, 500, 000 domestic and commer on economic policy, with special em them to think of themselves as West tion. About 500 more houses were cial users (2, 500, 000 more than before phasis on commercial, industrial and Indians, and not merely as Jamaicans, completed in September 1950 than at the war. and at a price of below development aspects Barbadians, Trinidadians etc.
the same time last year.
prewar average.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica Xtime. A F H

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