
January 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page 11 An Important Notice The Waves of Robberies Continue Flowing An Acknowledgement The public of Limon again approa. but when daring thieves are stealing ches us with a view of making it pu in central spots, surely one thinks tha of Kindness Unsolicited.
blicly known that the waves of rob. something is wrong somewere. Oui beries continue flowing; that the citizens are now forced to close up robbers are not controlled; in fact by every means of ventilation in house could not hold my peace if fail to publicly express my the streamline of robberies which are and stores and yet the robbers know fervent acknowledgment resultant from the kindness voluntarily being successfully carried on from the how to enter; how to get what they extended to me by Mr. Cedric Kerr of the Ecos de Paris Res.
viewpoint of the thieves, the waves are taurant of San José, a few weeks ago.
want and how to get away scotch free dashing freely everywhere. In the very One is greatly surprised to hear Obtaining my discharge from the Hospital of the Social heart of the city, at places where one Security and in search of a friend, saw Mr. Kerr at his place of would consider to be free from plun that so circumscribed a city as Limon business. He greeted me in cordial tone and waiting to be asked, der business houses and residences, things stolen such as clocks, radios, if we use the therm «Right in frot galvernized roofings, clothes irons, fowls found myself as a weary traveller, provided with an Inn; my of the electric lights are being plun. watches, boxes of whiskey, the hundredi thirst was quenched, my spirit revived; in fact it was a Balm in dered. If the marauders were sprending of colones, etc. are untraceable, to say Gilead.
their wares at Cieneguita or Barrio the least of being recovered by the repeat my thanks, not only for the material things enjo.
Roosevelt one might think otherwise, unfortunate sufferers of the losses.
yed, but moreso for Mr. Kerr magnanimity LIMON, COSTA RICA MALACHI WALKER The Death and Burial of Valentine Reid We had the confirmation of the in and he was ever kept in the admonition junction that the hand of death is ever and nurture of the Lord.
grasping for the beautiful, the ugly, Funeral service was conducted in By the Official Gazette we learn that dium of communication to our people. all will fall before the touch of the Sunday School. Mr. Wm. Daysley, the rich, the poor, the lovely and the hated; the St. Mark Church where in life he was an ardent and faithful scholar o the General Direction of the National QARA destroyer and so the atmosphere was Radiogram and Telegraffic Department layreader officiated in Church and a charged with sorrow when little Va the grave. He commented praise worthils has announced the opening to the ge Este periódico lentine Reid was reaped by Death on the usefulness and other commen neral public the telegraffic office and está impreso en los Talleres scythe on December 26, after a few days dable attributes during his life.
postoffice at Pocora on the Old Line Tipográficos illness. Christmas was his birth anniin this province. We gladly welcome Mrs. Elthina Reid de Lucas, his aun the additional and very important me. Editorial Victoria Ltda, versary. We have the pleasing informa was dear and embracing to him. Mr.
tion that the doctors, nurses and at Enoch Reid, his father and his mother Operation Account of the Afro Tico Committee which tendants of the Hospital of the Costa reside in Panama. They could not have nestled «Valie» dearer than his aunt.
has Provided Toys for the Poor Children of Colour in Rica Banana Company had done evemother. She wept greivously over her this City Christmas Day: ry thing humanly possible to save little irreparable loss.
Valie life, but the angel wanted this THE ATLANTIC tenders its most Donation received from Loyal Phoenix Lodge o 2, 20. 00 twelve year old youth who was pre profound. condolence to the deeply New Hope Lodge No. 2363, 10. 00 sented to Christ from his tender age lamented loved ones.
Concordia Lodge o I. 20. 00 Pearl of Limon Lodge 2363, Order of Druids.
10. 00 Household of Ruth, Lodge 5863, Loyal Mizpah Lodge NO 1. 00 Loyal Vesper Lodge 1. Good Don José Rossi, His Excellency the Governor Samaritan. 00 Messrs Clarence Sankey, Carl Edward Neil, Star of Unity Lodge NO 10. 00 Limon Lodge o 3180. 00 Albert Splatt, George Gray and Alfred King Unity Sport and Dance Club 10. 00 Victory Sport and Dance Club By this medium are expressing their thanks to those persons 10. 00 Mr. Mauro Alvarado 10. 00 who have in many brilliant ways helped to make successful their Lic. Carlos Silva, Abogado y Notario.
25. 00 effort in providing toys for the poor children of colour omong Mr. Philip Booth, The People Bakery 20. 00 our citizenry.
Don Victor Lee 10. 00 The Management of the Universal Negro Improvement Mr. Jasper Francis 00 Association for the use of the Hall for the Dance and Mr. Willy Hug (Cía Bananera de Costa for the purpose of distributing the toys.
100. 00 Mrs. Rona Simmons for so kindly prepared the Net proceed from Dance held by the Committee 130. 65 sandwiches for the Dance. Mr. James Strachn for serving in the Bar.
413. 65 Mrs. Learline Sankey for distributing the toys.
Toys bought by Sra. don. Amalia de Rossi from Almacén Luis Jiménez, ctura o 03334.
The Fraternal Societies, Social Club and Individuals for their valuable contributions. In behalf of the children Toys bought by Señora doña Amalia de Rossi, and in the name of the Comittee sincere gratitude is 60099 99. 00 Freight charge as per Guia Lacsa y acarreo.
extended to Doña Amalia, the amicable wife of our 25 413. 65 esteemed Governor, Don José Rossi; he having effecToys don led by Jo Orane Sucs. The People ted a special trip to San Jose under very adverse conHouse, to the value of 80 80 ditions in order to have purchased and shipped the toys.
Grand total for toys donated to the children. 494. 45 According to the tickets of control, 347 children were the recipients.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica 00 CARD OF THANKS Total.
312. 40.


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