
1951 January 13 1951 THE ATLANTIC Page ITE spread Wight Called ind dies Governor Nominates Five to Trinidad Limon New Creation Legislature The evidencce of a scientific study heat can be obtained in an hour and Sir Hubert Rance, Governor of Tri of the legislative Council. She is now and the work of a technician is made a half. The mixers are electrically openidad, completed the membership of the the first woman to be there twice. manifest in our city by what we may rated; thus assured every aspect of cleanTrinidad Legislative Council by nomi Mr. Bennett, who was first nominated rightfully term, LIMON NEW CREA liness, efficiency and healthiness. The nating four persons who were Nomi. to the Legislative Council in 1949, is TION» in baking and general confec. absence of wood and other materials nated Members of the last legislature, General Manager of Trinidad Petroleum tionery and which bears the name. LA for fire, keeps the bakery free of roaand one who some years ago was an Development Co. Ltda, and will be FLOR. The proprietors are two disches and other vermins. The sale sec.
Elected Member for Port of Spain in expected to represent oil interests in the tinguished citizens, Messrs. Rogelio tion is equipped with fly proof shoe ictor the Council.
legislature Pardo and Fernando López. The desig.
cases. In other words Sanitation is seen They are Miss Audrey Jeffere, MBE. Mr. Robinson, first nominated to ner and constructor is our genius, Mr.
in Capital Letters.
Henry Bennett, MBE. Hann ys, the legislature in 1946, is Chairman of Rogelio Pardo.
countrie Robinson, and Gerald the British West Indies Sugar AssoThe building is of the most modern Our newspaper profondly congratulates the architect and builder in the ciation and Chairman of the Sugar type and beautifully constructed. The a gre Miss Jeffers, foremost colored social Manufacturers Federation of Trinidad. oven is of metal, capacious, electrically exercise of his great talent and also his Mrs. Hannays, regarded as Trinidad heated and is said that its maximum business asociate Mr. Lopez.
worker in Trinidad, is the leader of be a Coterie of Social Workers. She is now most brilliant lawyer today, has been the lone woman representative on the nominated to the Legislative Coucil for Dixon your Barber Shop and News Stand: West of Fitive los Legislative Council. She created history three consecutive terms and has put the Limon Market: unity in Trinidad in 1936 when she was in the longest service as a Nominated rudence elected to a sent on the Port of Spain Member. Like Miss Jeffers, he is a City Council and became the first woman Negro.
Some Extracts of the Korean War to achieve municipal honors in the The nomination of Mr. Wight a The raging battle around Seoul, the ted that the chinese do not attack to island. She repeated in 1946 when, on businessman was extremely popular, capital of South Korea resulted in its the front, but employ dangerous tacthe nomination of Sir John Shaw, she because of his statesmanlike approach abandonment by the fighting forces of tics of filtration with good result as was the first woman to be a members in the past to the country problems. the United Nations. The fleeing civil was used by the North Koreans at the ON population is said to have been panic beginning of the war. Dr. Vargas LINIMENT struck and set fire to their houses, The Reds are said to continue their bridges and other objects as they fled movements to get their supplies in For Theumatic pain, sprains, lumbago, cold feet, back The city was converted into a lake of spite of the air attacks of the United ache, it is effective, in case of colds and bronquitis. rub fire. Four American divisions and one Nations. They have no trucks, jeeps, well chest and back, and inhale deep from the bottle, the wonderful vapors.
British Brigade gave way to an over. or other forms of transports. The com.
whelming force of seven divisions, munists travel by night carrying arms Keep handy always Dr. Vargas LINIMENT sold at all about 262, 000 chinese Reds. The United and supplies from their storehouses at druggists aud stores, if not there send 600 for bottles States heavy cruiser Rochester» bom. Manchuris; at such time the air pilots to General Distributor, Box 534 San Jose.
barded the chinese to the nort east of cannot see their movements. In the zone For wholesale and retail in Limon and Line Towns Seoul, using its new and 12 inches of Pyongyang the Reds transfer these write to Jacob Clarence, Box 1428 San José.
cannons. This bombardment was heigh supplies by oxen carts and in the lund tened by the assistance of destroyers of extreme East the beast of burden is To Plan Constitutional Reform for British Guiana the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada and Holland. The eva man. The communists employed the the The Secretary of State for the Colo and member of the Colonial Econo cuation was effected by aid of the tactic of camuflage long nies, Rt. Hon. James Griffiths. after mic and Development Council. She is Canadian destroyer Cayugº and the That is; whatever veichle they use end al consultation with Sir Charles Woolley, also a member of the Colonial Labor British Cruiser Kenya.
they are painted white or cover they mis o Governor of British Guiana, has ap. Advisory Commitee of the Colonial The communist troops are said to be with white cloth; that when these ut in the pointed a commission of three to con Office, London.
marching towards the important center vehicles stop, they are practically inErwender constitutional reform in British Secretary to the commission is D. of communication Wonju. It is repor visible to the aviators.
ment. Guiana.
Hennings of the Colonial Office.
The Commission, which is due to Its terms of reference are: to review pled arrive in British Guiana before the end the franchise and the composition of by of the year, will be headed by Sir John the Legislative and Executive Councils acquit Waddington, former Colonial Secretary of British Guiana, and any other mat y called of British Guiana, Governor of BarCLIFFORD STEELE SEÑORA ters related to the colony economic o none bados, and Governor of Northern Rho and political development.
Qué fácil. La Casa de la DAMA y el CABALLERO elegante, desis. He is now a member of the combinados.
Colonial Economic and Development the setting up tof the commission as The London Times commented on Council, London Qué barato está todo en esta Tienda: Parece tan chiquita pero allí encuentras todo para toda la familia!
The other members are Professor welcome and timely, and went on to Así es, anct Vincent Harlow, Professor of the His say that unless reforms were introduced CADA DIA RECIBIMOS TRAJES tory of the British Empire at Oxford: before very long, British Guiana would and Dr. Rita Hinden, secretary of the fall behind her neighbors in political Crepé Foulares en diferentes colores Gabardina. GeorColonial Bureau of the Fabian Society, progress.
gette. Piel de Conejo. Poplin. Raso Sedas Villela Floreado y Liso Venga a ver la exposición de preciosos artículos apropiados para todas las ocasiones, que exhibimos en nuestros estantes.
Situada: Centro del Consulado Inglés y la Pulperia Alvarado.
Calle Comercio de Limón.
cemingly SASTRERIA TIENDA of his ill send hten bis ED COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON TED Suscríbase y anúnciese en este Semanario Recuerda a sus abonados que los recibos por servicios eléctricos deben ser cancelados en la PRIMERA QUINCENA de cada mes.
The Electric Company of Limon hereby reminds its subscribers to the electric services that the payments are to be effected within the first fifteen days each month.
Este documentos mariedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Obregia For Novels Magazines Negro Pictures To Trim Your Hair Go to Dixon Barber Shop West of the Limon Market Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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