p. 8


Page THE ATLANTIC January 13, 1951 TIENDA LA BARATA (Cheap Store)
Moises Kader Don miss the opportunity to save money by shopping in our store Brand new creations in fabrics for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children.
In the Home of a Democratic Family On the eve of New Year we had What is life; only what we make it the highly distinguished honour to ha without effort. nonstant effort ve been numbered with Don Michel Life is only a passing dream.
Shadid, gis two beautiful daughters, We begin with hope as do the men Don Alfredo Jalet and his wife Doña. in the race Virginia de Jalet as guests in the very And the great majority of us finished attractive and confortably set out home Second, thirdr fourth, fifth th or now.
of our widely regarded citizens, Asis here.
Esna, Esquire, the very energetic agriBut if we have lost races in the past cultsrist and industrialist and his widely esteem wife, Doña Ofella de Esna. There will be others next year.
There are others to be won how; Their hospitalities were without bounds, In every morning when we arise but that is not the basis purpose for Asd last till we slep again.
writidg these lines; oua purpose is hinged on the fine collection of En. Let us remember it is not the start glish Literature which constitutea Mr. But the finish that counts: Esna treasury of books.
That with the ending of this year coWiih the little time at our disposal mes another finish to rest the digestive organs in parta. Finish well in one race and you will king of the tooth some delicacies and (start well in another refreshing beverages, among the litera. Everything depeude on what we do ture which we read are the following with the day that we have immortal lines of «CARLYLE. Into Etesnity at night will return.
There are Things Thrillingly NEW 23 FRE Then remember: pi clei bra lity KADER FURNITURE STORE In front the Commissary Living room and Parlour Sets Other Accesories for home and office, pis pr to de qu ро me do ca eaf que did torr Cac rez Dr. VARGAS ARAYA Caribbean Review (Osteopathic Physician)
Radio Jamaica Trcresses Hours nial cricket tournament against BarbaRadio Jamaica has inaugurated a dos on January The tournament Office 150 varas North of Botica Oriental, San José.
new weekday transmission between 12 opens on February 15, at Kengsington Special attention to people coming from Limon and Line towns. Spi. noon and p. carrying its weck Oval, Bridgetown.
day service to 11:30 hours a day, which youngsters are among the 34 players Many promising nal treatment cures many deseases. English Spoken.
with its Sunday 14 hour program, gi ves a weekley total of 83 hour.
invited to practisc. Included are five of the six Trinidadians who were on Preposterous Personification Children Drown in Barbados Flood the West Indies team which recently In the early days of last week there blance of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Torrential rains which caused floo toured England. The sixth player, Son appeared in San José and was guests It is said they are North American; ded gullies in St. Thomas, Barbados, ny Ramadhin, is now touring India resulted in the death by drowning of of the Grand Hotel Costa Rica, a man they speak English. This imposter smofour children within two weeks. The with the Commonwealth team; but his bearing the name of Crishna Venta and kes, play cards with his wife and in children sent out by unwitting parents elder brother, Ramsamooj Rocke, is with the unpardonable sin of calling dulges in other open human habits. to secure tethered stock. were swept one of the invitees, himself the reincarnated Christ. He is He said his mission is for Latin Ame away by the swirling waters, tall and of delicate structure; he wears rica which is the only hope of huma Surinam and Curacao Lose to Trinidaa The Revival of Cricket gament typical of those worn by our nity and the only region of the world Trinidad foot ballers took the hoBlessed Master when He was on earth; which will survive the horrors of the The grand event of Kings has been nors in a in a triangular international sochis beard is growa long and kept exac war that is inevitable. He effected preborn anew in our Cricket World. We cer tournament plaxed at home with tly as the Aposties of old; his hair is dictions in relation to the international representative teams from Surinam and have the very pleasing information that beautifully kept and falls over his situation and repeated that the war is Curacao. In the six game series, the the cricketers of Manchioniel will be shoulders; he goes barefest; he has inevitable between Est and West. He homesters played unbeaten, once only the guests of the Constructions Cricket scars in the palms of his hands in imi said that Christ spoke to the multitu being held to a draw by Surinam. The Club in our city on Sunday and Monday final standings tation of the nails driven in those of des, pronunced conferences, preached the 21st and 22nd, inclusive.
Goals Christ; on the breast of his tunic is the in the highways and byeways, but he It has been arranged that Bataan Pinyed won Draw last for Against Point cricketers will contest a match with emblem of a malta Cross and on which is not a man of the multitudes. He Trinidad 3 14 7 appears the letters F which speaks to the leaders of the peoples.
the boys from the coast on Sunday and Surinam 1 2 11 means, Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith and He speaks to the governments and con.
on Monday the Construction will play Curacao 0 8 11 Love. The personification is idential ductors to let them see the necessity against the guest team.
of the photographs and paintings which that their pepples should organize for Trinidad Cricketers Prepare We extend anticipatingly a warm we have seen in representation of the the love and desire for service, Suspi for dos Tour welcome to the visitors from the coastal Nazarene. Crishna Venta is accompa cion is set around this strange phyloTrinidad begins trial matches in pre town as well as the players from nied by his wife and one of his five sipher and he has been requested to paration for the forthcoming intercolo Bataan.
children. Mrs. Venta dresses in sem leave the Republic.
real Tues Por In SCA Got Clue SE Esti: 4 rend Restaurantt Ecos de Paris Dr. MIGUEL DEJUK Physician and Surgeon of Tulalie University, of America THE PEOPLE DOCTOR AND SURGEON CONSULTATION OFFICE: Two and a half city blocks West of the NI Liberty Hall, Fifth Avenue. Limón.
OFFICE HOURS: DAILY: 00. 11. 00 a. 00. 00 Conveniently in the heart of the capital 300 yards South Musmani Bøkery SAN JOSE PHONE 6289 We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with and efficient stock of the best liquor OUR BOAST IS Eat where best sanitary methods are practiced in the preparation and serving of food.


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