
e 151 THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY NAA Editor JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limón, Costa Rica Number 58 January 20, 1951 Year OUR TASK IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Our evenings should be best spent in the service of God And some of them should be spent usefully at home.
The National Department of Censure for theatres and other conditions Decking the intellect with a graceful lustre which comes under its function is imperatively urged to give some attention to Than to pass them in clubs, taverns or theatres this class of diversion in the city of Limon, and, no doubt at the distinctive towns where films are shown.
Dixon your Barber Shop and News Stand: West of The youths of the nation must be kept from the pit falls of degradation the Limon Market: and degeneration. This is a sacred duty assigned to the State; a duty which is of the highest value.
Mrs. Estella Stewart Shot to Death In the Hollywood world have found who has not? cruelties, deceits, falschoods, burglaries, frauds, in fact too many evils to mention. The good La Africa, Old Lines: January 10, region of her back and passed through things often desecrated by unworthy portrayal and excesses; the noble things 1951; This district was thrown in one her stomach. She died instantaneously.
in life mis represented. We are sensitive to the fact that some films possess a of its most sorrowful state at the seven The whole section was alarmed and background of intellect, moral and object lessons, but these are few and far o clock evening hour of the 10th instant hundreds of persons rushed to the apart. The youthful eyes seeing these mechanical and degrading scenes, quite when one of our most dearly beloved scene; there laid the lifeless body of natural, the young minds cwell upon these evils, embibe them, practice them citizens was shot accidentally by her Mrs. Stewart; a mother in her teen and becomes sceptical of the existence of good.
nephew, Alfred Graham, a child of age and left behind a five months babe; There is a maxim well known that nothing must de done too late; and seven years old. Mrs. Stewart visited her loving husband, her mother, bro.
again everything must de done at its proper season; therefore, let those in au the home of her sister Miss Effy thers, sisters and other relatives as well thority prevent the showing of films to children such films which will pollute Graham. The two sisters were engaged as a host of friends.
their mind.
in peaceful conversation and not having THE ATLANTIC is passing along The theatre goers are also complaining that the local theatres are doing noticed that this child had a gun loaded this news with deep sorrow for the an injustice to them by not starting punctually the both evening shows. It is in his hand. In some way or the other irreparable loss of this young mother mentioned that many persons attending the first show scheduled to start at seven the gun was discharged and struck the and wife, and extends its profound o clock have other important engagements, say to begin at nine o clock. However, very unfortunate women in the upper condolence to the surviving loved ones.
due to the late start of operation they are forced either to leave before the end of the film or to cancel the other appointments. Others hustled from occupations to get there at the hour announced to commence, only to wait an half hour or mure until the movie houses have their fills.
Another most aggravating issue is the disgraceful conduct by those occupying the galleries at these theatres. For decent and respectable citizens and OFFERS: sometimes strangers paying a much higher price than the noisy guests of the ga.
fleries it is resentful. In order to get rid of bad behaviour in some of the theatres Ovomaltina tin 350 in San Jose the gallery occupants were eliminated. If there is no other effective Ib. 50 measure to maintain good conduct, then may we suggest the elimination of the Ib. 25 tin Evaporated Milk 20 sale of tickets for the galleries.
Island Palm Soap cake Del Trópico Jellies 75 Fence Staples Ib. 00 Nails Ib. 100 Horse Mule Shoes Ib. 60 Carbide Ib 00 Iron Plugs each 25 (Cheap Store)
Moises Kader Electric Cord 55 Angulo Brooms 25 Sewer Pipes.
each Don miss the opportunity to save money by Faucets. each shopping in our store Carpenter Pencils Rat Traps each 75 Limpol Furniture Polish jar 50 Brand new creations in fabrics for Ladies, Gentlemen Flashlights. each 75 and Children Tea Spoons each 95 Padlocks each 50 Dry Yeast 40 Campeon Paints.
gal. 35. 00 LA PROVEEDORA Flour.
Salt. 90 jar TIENDA LA BARATA Toe que. yd.
each 00 00 45 each de ED Oz de There are Things Thrillingly NEW Then remember: Visit our Hardware Dept. Thousands of articles at resonable prices.
Quick, courteous service. Always. And Remember, Also, we Give You Honest, Correct Weight.
KADER FURNITURE STORE In front the Commissary Living room and Parlour Sets. Other Accesories for home and office, LA PROVEEDORA Puerto Limón da.
Box 175 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizardelistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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