
20, 195) January 20, 1951 THE ATLANTIC Page TUKA Overhale mine Caribbean Review KEPT IN EVERGREEN MEMORY Albert Gomes on Trinidad Executive, the Legislative Council elect those of nerica Butler Cut.
their number who shall sit on the The second anniversary of the sad view of just two years ago came on the Executive Council, in Jamaica and BarGEON calendar on Wednesday the 17th. instant. We are keeping in evergreen Albert Gomes, for several years a bados the Governor calls on the party dominant personality in Trinidad po leader most likely to command a mamemory our dearly beloved wife and Mother litics, emerged considerably strengthened jority in the lower house, which is from the elections by which elected wholly elected, to name those who MARIANA GORDON de LEGGERE members of the Trinidad Legislative should sit with him on the Executive.
Council chose five of their number to On the other hand, whereas in JaJanuary 17, 1949.
sit on the Executive Council, the body maica and Barbados it is the majority which will formulate government policy. party leader who names the government And the ransomed of the Lord shall return The elections were the first actif departments with which elected mem.
And come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy the new legislature, following its formal bers of the Executive shall be associa.
Upon their heads they shall obtain joy and gladness opening, with traditional ceremonial, ted as ministers, in Trinidad it is the And sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
by the Governor, Major General Sir Governor prerogative to allocate mi.
the Hubert Rance. Witnessing them were nistries nch of te And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes dignitaries from the legislature of Ja It has so far been decided to create ALE And there shall be no more death; maica, Barbados, and other Caribbean four ministries in Trinidad, namely, bour Neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be officials and other persons of rank.
territories, as well as a throng of local Agriculture and lands, Education and that Social Welfare, Health and Local Go.
No pain for the former things are passed away.
The five men chosen to be members vernment, and Trapnsort and Commerce.
be Li of the Executive were Albert Gomes These are likely to fall to Gomes, Tang, Hubert Leggere Moneguette John Leggere (Political oods Progress Group. Victor Bryan and Josephs.
Bryan (Caribbean Socialist Party. Nor To Discuss Medical Problems purse man Tang, Roy Josephs, and Adjoand me dasingh (independents) Caribbean medical conference will HERE The Butler Home Rule Party, which be held at Port of Spain, Trinidad, the has six seats in the Legislative Council, next January to discusss medical prostole Amos Hall Maligned The Atlantic including that of its leader, Tubal blems affecting the British West Indies.
we bort Uriah Butler, failed to serure represen Present will be representatives of go.
mide The Atlantic adopts this medium to one occasion Mr. Karl Neil, our tation on the Executive Council, much vernment medical services and the ds bat refute the following statement published very cultured and esteemed friend, pre to the disappointment of hundreds of British Medical Association.
in handbills signed by Amos Hall sented an article which not being of Butlerites who had marched many miles The conference will consider chiefly se store se whit President and Sylvester Cunningham public value but intended only to air from South Trinidad to celebrate Butler the questions of unification of the Ca.
e they Secretary: Paragraph number 1, out Hall vainglory, we told Mr. Neil becoming Trinidad first Prime Mi ribbean medical services, inter island reads: that the cost of the publication would nistrie.
appre exchange of doctors, wholetime and The personel of The Limon Divi. be forty colones (40. 00) in view of Gerald Wight, one of the Governor part time staffing of hospitals, salaries, sion No. 300 of the Universal Negro the fact we occupied a neutral posi nominees to the legislative Council, and medical problems in general.
Improvement Association wish to tion in the affair and we had just was elected Deputy Spes ker.
The British Medical Association will advise through this Medium that the collected an equal amount from Lic. Trinidad, with its single chamber lebe sending a representative, Dr.
defamatory Campaign that has been Vicente Desanti for a publication on gislature, differs in its constitutional Morgan, Member of Parliment for carried on by Stanly Eliseo Dixon Dixon part. That of Hall required practice from Jamaica and Barbados, Warrington, who is a West Indian by much larger space. Mr. Neil in his where the legislature consists of two birth. He is also the elected represen.
and his Satelites through the colum. characteristic politeness said he would houses. Whereas, under Trinidads new tative for the West Indies on the BMA ns of the Atlantic, was not answered advise the interested party and would constitution, the elected members of simply because the one and only Council English press in Costa Rica has been hear further on the subject; he did not closed against us, and was placed return and from that date no request unconditionally at the disposal of for publication whether free or Dixon.
paid for has been made by the DiviWe are embracing this opportu: No doubt, had the article impressed sion or any individual nity to inform you of the result of CLIFFORD STEELE SEÑORA the two (2) Lawsuits that was opeme as coming from the membership it ned against us by Dixon. We copied wɔuld have been entertained, because Qué fácil. La Casa de la DAMA y el CABALLERO elegante, exactly the English of the Handbill. man many of the officers and members are combinados.
The above statement is false and in fellowship, but under the signature of recipients of our deepest respect and Qué barato está todo en esta Tienda: Parece tan chiquita pero allí encuentras todo para toda la familia!
read tentionally effected to carry out Hall Hall who had two days previously Así es, threat to try to boycott the newspaper, threatened our life; the man who said CADA DIA RECIBIMOS TRAJES On the morning of March 30, 1950 the newspaper is a scrap that cannot after Hall raid on the Limón Liberty even wrap up a pants, how could he Crepé. Foulares en diferentes colores Gabardina. Georected Hall he was wrongly informed that we expect us to use its valuable columns gette. Piel de Conejo. Poplin. Raso Sedas are effected remarks to publish the happ freely to suit his desire.
Villela Floreado y Liso od on enings of Wednesday night the 29. th It is also not true that the newspames of of March. Without ascertaining the fal per was placed unconditionally at the Venga a ver la exposición de preciosos artículos apropiados para fodas sity or truth of his information, he disposal of Mr. Dixon. Under the conlas ocasiones, que exhibimos en nuestros estantes.
came to our office in his crude custom dition that it was used by Mr. Dixon, Situada: Centro del Consulado Inglés y la Pulperia Alvarado.
cursed and threatened to do us bodily it was open to Hall if he was willing Calle Comercio de Limón.
harm if we attack his administration. to pay for the spaces. Our accounting For his conduct and menace if we books and counterfoils of receipts Nos. Annex the New Drawing Plan of the National were of his ordinary type no doubt he 00160, 00165, 00311 and 00347 covewould have had to face another lawsuit ring payments effected by Mr. Dixon Lottery at the same time.
for publications, are open for inspection.
The Atlantic the people newspa Conclusion: Hall has used his hand The new drawing plan of disappear in order to increase per and is purely democratic. The pro bills and the platform of his Kingdom the National Lottery will be the big prizes.
prietor, however, reserves the right to to malign us. This publication is only placed in effect in the month grant freely or charge for publications to present the truth and as far as the of May of the year in course.
It is said the machinery for as he deems necessary.
columns of this newspaper are conHall statement that the one and cerned this matter is closed. If we are This will eliminate the Popular the accomplishment of this new Thousands only English press in Costa Rica was attacked unjustly a legal course will be and will also duplicate the se. plan is iostalled.
closed against the Association is false. the issue.
cond prize, that instead of of requests for tickets to coTwenty Thousand Colopes it rrespond with the new series For Novels. Magazines. Negro Pictures. To Trim will be Forty Thousand Colo. are said to have flooded the Your Hair Go to Dixon Barber Shop. West of the nes. Many small prices will ofice of the Administration, Limon Market Suscribase yanúnciese en este Semanario be SASTRERIA TIENDA its behalf.
rized ay of Miguel Oltenian

    SocialismSocialist PartySpain

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