
THE ATLANTIC Editor JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY January 27, 1951 Post Box 199 Limón, Costa Rica Number 59 Year OUR TASK FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK What is life? a frenzy what is life? an ilusion shadow, a fiction and the well being is small That all of life is a dream and the dreams are dream REGIMEN MUNICIPAL Cantón Central de Limón. Provincia de Limón The Atlantic Zone is dead. There are mourners everywhere. We are not wearing the mourners garment, but lamentation has taken possession of the minds; the rosy countenances which were the evidence of a mediocre state of living have given way to a faint lustre on almost every face one contacts on the streets. We are struggling in the ocean of depression.
Nature has taken her own in the December flood rains; the cacao trees which were laden with their pods and with the promise of an abundant crop of this life line product of this zone were destroyed.
The Banana Industry is dull on the viewpoints of both Exporters and Producers. The Exporters in order to prevent a complete shut down in the business are taking great financial risks by buying poor quality fruit. the only grade which a majority of the small cultivators can supply. The reason is that over worked soil ceases to produce a good grade of banana. There are now lands available in some regions, but the forest trees and bushes will not fall by a spoken word; the woodman labour, his axe, cutlass and other tools are needed.
To procure these much money is required; sums of money beyond the reach of the poor farmers. These problems are surmountable only by means of Government Financial help. If there was ever a time that Limon stands in need for the help of the Rural Credit Department of the National Bank, is now.
We are no stranger to the fact that other provinces engaged in agriculture are enjoying such a privilege, then why not Limon?
We are of opinion that Limonenses are not crying aloud so that the cries will be heard. It is silly to choke wants by an artificial pride.
AVISA Que la Corporación Municipal no ha omitido esfuerzos tendientes a suministrar un eficiente servicio de agua, el que si malo en la actualidad, se debe única y exclusivamente al bajo voltaje dado por la Compañía Eléctrica de este lugar, el que no permite que las bombas lleven al tanque de distribución la cantidad necesaria para el consumo de la ciudad.
ADVISES That the Municipal Corporation has not neglected its efforts to supply an efficient water service; if actually unsatisfactory is due only and exclusively to the low voltage given by the Electric Company of this locality which does not permit the pumps to fill the tank of the distribution system to the necessary capacity for the consumption of the city.
LA PROVEEDORA The Blowing Continuously of Engine Whistle 20 Nails.
OFFERS: Pablum. PK 30 Ovomaltina tin 350 Flour. Ib. 50 Salt Ib. 25 Evaporated Milk tin Island Palm Soap cake 90 Del Trópico Jellies jar 75 Fence Staples Ib. 00 lb. 00 Horse Mule Shoes Ib. 60 Carbide. lb 00 Iron Plugs each 25 Electric Cord. yd. 55 Angulo Brooms each 25 Sewer Pipes. each 00 Water Faucets each 50 Carpenter Pencils. each 45 Rat Traps 45. each Limpol Furniture Polish. jar 50 Flashlights.
each 75 Tea Spoons. each 95 Padlocks each 50 Dry Yeast OZ. 40 Campeon Paints.
gal. 35. 00 Visit our Hardware Dept. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices.
In other communities the newspaper when the blowing is done from the is the voice of the people and so we crossing West cf Fifth Avenue to the look forward to THE ATLANTIC to shop yard. Then, the velocity of the speak for us. In making known some of engines along that residential sector is the difficult probleme, quite true, some said to shake tremendously all and persons may become vexed, but that sundries and without any consideration gives no reason for the press to shrink at such times, whether there be in from its responsibility to the com process services to God or to man; all munity.
is subdued by the noise of the passing The above is the comely introduction engines.
to the following complaint: THE ATLANTIC respectfully solicits It has become a public nuisance by the attention of those concerned with some of the locomotive drivers to blow a view of curbing those who blow unceasingly and loudly the whistle of unnecessarily the engine whistle and to the engines when leaving or returning cut down the speed around that part to the Machine Shops. There are times of the railroad. 15.
Quick, courteous service, always. And Remember, Also, we Give You Honest, Correct Weight.
Dr. VARGAS ARAYA (Osteopathic Physician)
LA PROVEEDORA Office 150 varas North of Botica Oriental, San José.
Special attention to people coming from Limon and Line towos. Spinal treatment cures many deseases. English Spoken.
Box 175 Puerto Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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