
Page THE ATLANTIC January 27, 1951 me berds the ар TE LUB chos rec bro her for do daily bo Ting trop mos berds de Zent has Regained the Paternal Care of Captain Mrs. Keates HOLLYWOOD STORE Sometime ago it became necessary among the colonites cannot be easily of SALOMON BERENZON that Captain and Mrs. Dolores Keates replaced and in consequence the Capgave up their residence at Zent and tain and Mrs. Keates are greatly Christmas and New Year Came and Gone joined the North American Colony missed. And so they are in our city of this port. It was a sad day for Zent, proper.
We have just received exactly what you want for the specially due to the many worthy educa. On the other hand the dwellers of months of Spring: tional, religious and social activities to Zent who live in the universe of which Mrs. Keates was devoted. The appreciation; who belong to the fraNew Materials. Beautiful. Splendid Assortments permanency of Captain Kcates was ternity of goodwill, will realize that Slashing Low Prices then a tower from whichflared a light of the return of these two white neighcontrol of those indulgence that might bours is a medium of great gain.
Gorgeous goods in which you will Look Your Best had not been up to the required high If the pebbles that rolled from under standard of conduct and discipline, their shoes could speak, they too, In our shoe Department you will find shoes in which particularly on the bounds of the Costa would express their joy for the renewed you will feel comfortable and look SMART.
Rica Banana Company. In other words privilege to touch again those shoes, the highest respect was given to them However, these stones cannot speak on the field as well as at home. so the story will not be told by them.
Mr. Gordon McDougall Neil is no Longer From sources which we credit with The Atlantic wishes for them the in the Flesh a certain amount of reliability, it has blessings of our Heavenly Father in been mentioned that Mrs. Keates win Whom we know they have great Humanity is passing continually offcurity. He was removed from his of some personality and comely manner faith.
the stage of action. Another very fice and served a private interest at La efficient and useful personage has fi Florida for a short time. His very comKeep up with the times. Read up todate publications nished his earthly career on the 17th. petent service was again at the dispoof all kinds: For sale at Dixon Barber Shop. West instant. We refer to the death of Mr sal of the Social Security Hospital at of the, Limon Market: Gordon McDougall Neil who was in charge of the office of the Junta Turrialba. He became ill and was a Agriculture to be Theme of Conference period of the National Governing Body. Jose, where he breathed his last Protection Social in this city during the patient in the Securiy Hospital in San.
Some 175 men and women are ex banton, Netherlands Minister to Mexico He had the honour to have been in a THE ATLANTIC sends its vote of pected to attend the sessions of the and co chairman of the Commission. similar capacity, at the opening of the condolence to the surviving members Fourth West Indian Conference in an Fourteen territories will be repre independent section of the Social Sel of his family.
official capacity when it meets in Cu sented at the conference. These are racao, Netherlands West Indies, from the French Departments of Martinique, VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT November 27 to December 10. The Guadeloupe and French Guiana; the deliberations will have as a main theme Netherlands territories of Surinam and the agricultural development of the the Netherlands West Indies; the British Caribbean. The last West Indian Con Colonies of Trinidad and Tobago, ference, held in Guadeloupe en 1948, Jamaica, Barbados, the Windward IsGUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK stressed the industrial development of lands the Leeward Islands, British HonHEART LAUREL. WELL ASSORTED the area duras and British Guiana; and the Before the conference gets under United States possessions, Puerto Rico SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office way, the 11th meeting of the Caribbean and the Virgin Islands.
and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
Commission will convene. It is expec Also expected to attend are observers BRITTON. Manager ted that the 16 Caribbean Commis from Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Resioners four each from the United public, as well as from certain interKingdom, France, the Netherlands and national organizations and Caribbean Suggestion For a Ship or Airplane Excursion the United States. will be present for research and educational institutions.
to Jamaica the Commission meeting, and will at tend the sessions of the West Indian Este periódico Last year in one of our issues we up in British Guiana to practice in conference.
está impreso en los Talleres suggested that some capitalist could preparation for the cricket tour to JaPresiding, both at the Commission start the ground work to run a ship maica. The British Guiana team is due to Tipográficos meeting and over the conference, will or airplane excursion from this port arrive at Kingston on February 28, and be His Excellency Charles Dau Editorial Victoria Ltda. to Kingston to have a few weeks the first Colony match will begin on diversion, principally to witness the cricket tournament between British March 3, 1951.
Guiana and Jamaica.
We are of firm opinion that such a British Guiana readies for Jamaica project will not fail if proper arrange LIMON COSTA RICA Tour: Forty cricketers have been called ments are effected THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND THE GROUND OF THE TRUTH. SERVICES:Dr. MIGUEL DEJUK SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon. 00 a.
Choral Holy Eucharist.
Physician and Surgeon of Tulane University, of America 00 Sunday School THE PEOPLE DOCTOR AND SURGEON 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days.
600 am CONSULTATION OFFICE: Two and a half city blocks West of the A.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Saturday: Confession. 00. 00 Liberty Hall, Fifth Avenue. Limón, OFFICE HOURS; DAILY: See Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements: 00. 11. 00 a. 00. 00 BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED We Sob con ST. MARK CHURCH 70 ITE JAC You be you. 00 pm Med Nacional de Biblioteca Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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