
January 27, 1951 THE ATLANTIC Page HEM ESOTECA olare cooraa The Development of Dairy Breeds for the Tropics Card of Gratefulness ALBERT RHOAD Ivan Watson, in his own name and in those of the residents Department of Animal Industry, Inter. American Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Cahuita. Page Turrialba, Costa Rica Adopt this medium to express publicly their sincere gratefulness to His Excellency, Governor José Rossi of this Province for having In tropical regions, that is, regions to the stables for milking they receive with annual mean temperatures above some supplementary feeding of conanswered their plea and freed them from oppression of the former Police the 700 200 C) isotherm, there centrates and of soilage crops or cut Magistrate and has installed in that office, Mr. Carlos Luis Mora who we found to be a man of integrity, intellect and an advocate for human are three general systems of managing banana trunks. After feeding the cattle herds of dairy cattle. Briefly they are are returned to the pastures. These rights.
the continuously stabled, the stable herds are usually milked twice daily, pasture and the continuously pastured Hand breeding but most frequently or pen keeping systems.
pasture breeding is practised.
stable. pasture systems have their coun breeds of temperate climate origin differ The continuously stabled herds are The third system is the continuous terparts in dairying in temperate climates. in their tolerance for heat but as a usually found within urban centers or pasture or pen keeping system. These The continuously pastured or pen group their tolerance is low. It has long closely adjoining them. They are charac herds are usually remote from urban keeping system is familiar, to the tropics been evident and has been experimentally terized by highly bred cattle of the centers and not infrequently the milk where the natural environment permits demonstrated by Rhoad (8. Manrecognized dairy breeds. All feed is is converted into butter or raw cheeses year round grazing.
resa (6. Bonsma (2. and Barisson (1. that brought to the cattle. Some of these that may be held for some time before In the systems where part time and the breeds native to the tropics have a herds have access to exercising corrals transported to consumer centers. continuous grazing are employed in high tolerance for heat. In temperate for part of the day or night but they Because these herds may be very the tropics there exists a challenging tropical cross breeding experiments it do not go onto pasture. These herds large, some as many as a thousand head, problem in animal breeding. It is to has been shown by Rhoad (8. that high are milked twice, some three times the farm is usually divided into pens develop dairy breeds with high produc vs. low tolerance for heat is inherited daily. Hand breeding is practised. with sufficient acreage for one sire or tiveness combined with high tolerance in much the same manner as high vs.
The stable pasture herds are found two sire herds. The bulls are kept on for heat.
low production of milk, Technically, in rural areas within ready transpor. pasture with the cow herds. Under It has been demonstrated by Kelly and therefore, the breeding problem is tation distances to urban centers. They the pen keeping system the cows are Rupel that (5. the optimum environ. essentially the combining of these two st are characterized by grade cattle sho. milked once daily. Supplementary fee mental temperature for high producing dominant multiple factor characters.
of wing some crossing with local or native ding is not practised. The cows as dairy cattle is about 550 It has also That the grading up to dairy breeds tropical breeds. Some purebred but well as the bulls are crossbred types been demonstrated by Forbes (4. Rogan in the tropics has not produced the mostly crossbred bulls are used in these with the native tropical breed charac and Richardson (7. that above 700 same satisfactory results as in temperate herds. They are on pasture during teristics very evident.
cattle of temperate climate origin begin climates is understandable when it is the day and night but when brought Both the continuously stabled and the to suffer climatic stress and to reflect realized that while grading up to the their discomfort in lower production: dairy qualities of the established breeds It has also been shown that the same there is, concurrently, a grading away Selling at a Sacrifice conditions lower the fertility in bulls. It from high heat tolerance and adaptabihas been shown by Regan and Richard lity of the native breeds.
Two lols of land on one property, Registered son (7. Barisson and Seth that dairy (To be continued)
in the Registry of Property and a house with For Novels four aparlments: Situated in an independent locality: Magazines. Negro Pictures. To Trim Your Hair Go to Dixon Barber Shop. West of the APPLY: Room House in front of Roman Catholic Church.
Port Limon Branch of the Jamaica Burial Scheme Society Will Observe Service The Prospect for Another Interocean of Thanksgiving Waterway JE We gather that the President of the to The appointment of a committee of By this medium the members of the In this connection the members of nd Sub Committee of the Panama Canal Engineers to investigate the plan has Port Limon Branch No. 134 of the the Branch wherever domiciled in Costa of the House of Representatives of The been recommended.
Jamaica Burial Scheme Society are Rica are summoned to assemble in 00 United States of América has quite From our economical point of view hereby reminded that the annual serthe Parish Hall at six o clock in the.
recently released the sub committee whether the Canal be constructed in evening and from there proceed in vice of Thanksgiving to God for His procession to the St. Mark Church hi program to construct another inter Panama or Nicaragua it shall redound mercies will be observed on Sunday for divine worship. Black or white can ocean Canal through Panama or Ni great benefit to our Central American caragua.
the 18th of February 1951.
be the wears for male or female members.
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