p. 8


La Antillana Dodgers Signed Danny Hayling We culled from The New York with the main squad. The Yankees Post of January 7, 1951, the following have put Joe DiMaggio contract in «The Dodgers have signed Danny the mail and forwarded it to San FranHayling, a promising young right cisco. The pact calls for the same hander from Costa Rica, scouted and 100, 000 Joc received last season.
heavily praised by Al Campanis. The THE ATLANTIC is elated over youngster is slim, six feet three inches the above news and do hope it will high and throws hard. He was signed materialize and thus give our Danny to a Hornell, Class Pony League a chance to reach the summit of his contract, but will report to Vero Beach baseball career.
Situated in Limon Commercial Street, at entrance of the Crystal Passage.
Our Grocery and Other Articles Keep Moving Because of the Qualities and Reasonable Prices: TRAMO JOE LEWIS LIMON MARKET We carry in stock everything in grocery, both foreign and native products The fast movements of our goods enable us to always have fresh supplies.
OUR MOTTO Best and greatest variety. Full desire to please our buyers. little profit on our money, but no profiteering JOE LEWIS. Proprietor.
WE OFFER: Gold Medal Flour. 0, 50 lb.
Crisco Lard 80 lb Lactogeno powdered Milk. 6, 50 tin Nido. Powdered Milk 500 Kraft. Powdered Milk 25 Clothes Pins. 75 doc.
Nestum Nugget Shoe Polish Lge Size 1. 75 tin Full assortment of other Foods, in tins All the tasteful articles you need YOU CAN BUY FROM US THE FAMOUS RALEIGH BICYCLE 65. PERSONALIA Mrs. Beatrice McLean Gone to Rest fortnight ago we had the honour too, the grandeur which was associated On Monday of the week in course was twice married, her previous hui confered upon us to have extended with the reception held in the home in the Hospital San Juan de Dios in band the late Mr. William Hall, die the hand of fellowship to five members of our dear Mrs. Carmeta Smith, the San Jose a citizen of the Siquirres about thirty years ago.
of the San Jose Boy Scout. These are bride mother. The friends who brought township Mrs. Beatrice McLean passed Among her survivors are her husban Messrs. Carlos Quesada Lizano, troop cheers to them must also linger on to the Great Beyond.
Mr. Joseph McLean, Mr. and Mr leader, Garrett Arturo Britton, Roy their memory. We remember freshly Mrs. McLean was born in the Parish George and Estella Anglin, Mr. Mr Castillo, Pedro Miguel Alfaro, Jorge the gemly hours spent with several of of Trelawney in the Island of Jamaica Herbert and Kathleen Forbes, Mr. Jame Milner and Rolando Herrera the participants, but most of all our in the year 1882. She came to this (Son) Hall, Miss Era Hall (daughter The purpose of their visit was to dancing partner.
country nearly half a century ago and son and seven grandchilden.
make a scout hike to Sixaola, and We wish for Mr. Mrs. Gould.
She lived a most exemplary life in This Weekly tenders its sincere con which we learn was accomplished. bourne many more happy wedding Siquitres for over thirty nine years where dolence to the bereaved ones and ma anniversaries and also hope their first On Thursday the 25 th instant wc seed of a few months ago will grow she was greatly esteemed by all. She the soul of the departed rest in peace believe that foremost on memory in grace and admonition of God.
FOR tablet of our very affectionate friends. Mr. Mrs. Vincent Gouldbourne of Her First Milestone: Our licle neighEbony Color African Opinion Tan Confession Our world bour Valerina Burke arrived at her San Jose was that of the solemnization Ring and other Magazines go first to Dixon of their marriage of one year ago; first milestone on the 25 th instant.
Barber Shop: West of the Limon Market.
We wish for her many more birth just twelve months ago the Reverend Chas. Fish of the Church of Good grace and under the wings of Him anniversaries and may shc grow in The Approaching Arrival of two Anglican Shepherd united them in the holy who said Suffer the children to come Bishops order of wedlock. They will remember unto me and forbid them not.
We are delighted to pass along the formerly Bishop of Alaska. His visi cheerful news that on Thursday, March will be one of inspection.
8, 1951, by God grace our Anglicans We learn that Reverend Fr. Willian and the community in general will Ziadie, Rector of Limon is con have the visit of two eminent perso ducting zealously classes of instruc (Cheap Store)
Moises Kader nages; namely, His Lordship. The Right tions for candidates who are to bi Reverend Gooden, the confirmed by Bishop Gooden.
Bishop of The Panama Canal Zone, held in the Parish Hall on the nigh The reverential reception will be Costa Rica and others of the Central of Thursday the 8th of March. It i!
American Republics and His Lordship, not a miss to say the characteristic wel Great Clearance Sale The Right Reverend John Bentley, prepared programe is ear marked for D, the Director of Foreign Missions, the grand occasion.
in all Qualities of Cloth com TIENDA LA BARATA PRICES BELOW COST PRICE Restaurant Ecos de Paris We are Transferring to San Jose Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yds. South Musmanni SAN JOSE PHONE 6289 We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals aloog with an efficient stock of the best liquor OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods are practiced in the preparation and serviog of food.
PERSONALLY ATTENDED BY THE PROPRIETOR: CEDRIC KERR MONO COME ON TIME TO GET YOUR SHARE OF THE GREAT BARGAIN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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