
Page THE ATLANTIC February 3, 1951 TIENDA LA BARATA Great Clearance Sale We are Transferring to San Jose An Extract of the Governor Peport to the Minister of Government In the Spanish columns of this issue to serve in the best manner in a co.
there appeared a copy of the report Ilective whole. Whenever any has de of His Excellency, the Governor of this visted from the right course of action (Cheap Store)
Moises Kader province to Lie Gerardo Guzmán and for the good of the public service, the Minister of Government and we he has been moved to change such a are pleasingly passing along the fol. person and tried always to replace by a lowing extract good element. That all the business The Governor wrote. For me it arrived at his office have been executed is very sati factory, in compliance of a without delay duty as the governing official, to present In all Qualities of Cloth The number of despatches during to you a report of the labour carried the year were 2, 466: Births registered out by his office and its dependencies being: legitimate 262 illegitimate 407; PRICES BELOW COST during 1950.
constituted 367 boys and 302 girls: In matter of public order His Exce. a total of 669 births: Passports visas, llency expressed that the inhabitants of Costarricans 33 proceeds. 198 00 this province are traditionally peaceful; Passports visas, foreigners 34; amount the public order has not suffered any collected 411. 80. Tourist Cards 19 rupture and at each moment harmony visas, amount collected 47. 50. Passreigns between those who govern and rts extended 44, amount paid 657. 30, COME ON TIME TO GET YOUR SHARE OF THE those governed. With minor exception contracts of pledge inscribed 96 with GREAT BARGAIN.
at the distinctive places the inhabitants a tax of 537, 369, 30, marriages efhove esteemed the authorities and by fected 82; revenue 820 00; control having won the appreciation and con. of animals slaughtered 3, 820; divided sideration of the community, their du in 160 oxen, 148 bulls, tullocks 1670, Foreign Briefs ties were performed correctly. Don pigs 1371, turtles 186, cows 285: By a press release we gather that a red hot ash are said to have spread Jose referred satisfactorily that all the Cases of appeal and verdicts given employes under his charge have co were 73. The Governor stated that in powerful volcanic eruption blasted out over a wide area. Many were the blasts a whole side of Mount Lamington, which began on January 18; the most operated in the best with him and with each case his judgment is always tu the the greatest effort possible to bring dictates of his conscience and in strict New Guinea Spirit Mountain and in destructive was that of Sunday the 21st about the good termination of the labour adherance to the laws.
its wake 4, 000 persons were killed, of January. New Guinea is a large isof his charge, and that his office has He stated that the Municipalidad is wounded or missing. Seething lava and land on the north of Australia.
been opened to every class of persons of great value to his office. It carried who seek to explain their cases to the out the work of urbanization in Barrio Governor; that all have been attended Roosevelt supplying houses with water and advice or help given.
and light to the streets and periodical AT As a means of enhancing successful fumigation with magnificient results.
functioning in the administration of the That in the small districts sanitation THE HOLLYWOOD STORE Political Chiefs at Pococi and Siquirres work has been carried on as far as and the Agencies of Police throughout possible and buildings occupied by Po.
of BERENZON the province, it has been his standard lice Agents have been repaired. new to effect visits, periodically; he noted building has been constructed at 28 Prints at 325 reduced to 50 per yard the efforts of each of these functionaries Miles for the Agency of Police.
Voile at 50 reduced to 75 per yard The recovery of indebtedness as of January to December 1950 886, 388 65 Plaids in assorted patterns and good quality, 28 dozen The expenses for the period.
837, 478 38 shirts, men in different sizes selling at half price Bilance lo National Bank December 31, 1950 48, 910. 27 Bonos in custody of the Bank.
695, 400. 00 REMNANTS AT LIQUIDATION PRICE; Total as proven by Accountant 744, 310 27 New Assortment and of Different styles of Shoes In addition to the 886, 388. 65: the treasury received 115, 175. 98; GREAT BARGAIN SALE Mandatos de ingreso. deposited in the Bank, Bonos, Serie Do which form Vomiting Sickness Took Death Toll in Jamaica part of the total of the 695, 400. 00 in Bonos.
Recovery in effect by meditation of the Bank. 886, 388 65 Montego Bay, Jamaica: The death malady which is attacking, children Recovery in Bonos «D» Serie.
115, 175. 98 toll by the vomiting sickness registered men and women. The medical authoTotal during 1950 1001, 564. 63 forty persons in St. James. The parishes rities are endeavouring to curb this of Clarendon Manchester, St. Mary, visitation among the inhabitants of the SE VENDE St. Catherine are also in the grip of the island on a whole.
UN RADIO EN MUY BUENA CONDICION FOR SALE RADIO IN VERY GOOD CONDITION Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yds South Musmanni Apply: Room No. Front of Catholic Church SAN JOSE PHONE 6289 We Specialize in Excelleotly prepared meals along with an efficient stock of the best liquor FOR OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods Ebony Color African Opinion Tan Confession Our are practiced in the preparation and serving of food.
world Ring and other Magazines go first to Dixon PERSONALLY ATTENDED BY THE PROPRIETOR. Barber Shop: West of the Limon Market.
CEDRIC KERR DO Restaurant Ecos de París


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