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Page THE ATLANTIC February 3, 1951 ST. MARK CHURCH li 600 am 00 pm Ven Vic pal Ver que under way.
que con le The Development of Dairy Breeds for the Tropics ALBERT O, RHOAD LIMON COSTA RICA THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND THE GROUND OF THE TRUTH Department of Animal Industry, Inter American Institute of Agricultural Sciences Turrialba, Costa Rica. SERVICES. To be continued) from known and good parent stock to SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon. balance between the two must be supply these herds. 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist.
maintained for satisfactory results. This There has resulted from the conti 00 Sunday School is recognized by many dairymen in the nued use of crossbred bulls on crossbred 00p. Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
tropics. To accomplish this balance two cows a dairy population that although WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days.
methods are used First, backcrossing heterozygous contains many individuals Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
in the native tropical breed when de that combine in a harmonious way high Saturday: Confession 400. 00p.
generation becomes evident because of productiveness with high resistance Of Sec Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements: too high grading up to temperate cli these some are good breeders. The mate breeds. This method is sufficiently writer has visited many of these herds common in Latin America that an ap and has had pointed out to him dampropriate term has been coined that daughter combinations that indicate that are evolving towards future local breeds temperate tropical crossbred types of expresses the purpose of the backcross many of them produce better type of and although for the most part unaided dairy cattle in the American tropics are The term is cruzamiento refrescador fspring than would be anticipated on a by technology their progress is evident much farther advanced than the Santa that has no adequate translation into theoretical basis knowing their crossbred Their present position in the develop. Gertrudis was in 1910. Guided direc English but means a cross to refresh background.
ment scale towards distinct breeds is tion and applied technology are required the blood of the cattle that is degene Because of the large numbers avai.
rating because of lack of resistance to lable the future dairy breed or breeds comparable to the position the Shorthorn at this stage. Good foundation material is on hand and in abundant supply.
tropical conditions.
developed for tropical conditions will, had just previous to the great construc.
The second method is the use of in the Americas at least, be evolved tive work of the Collings brothers, Bates SUMMARY crossbred bulls. This is the more com from temperate tropical crossbred and Cruickshank, who fashioned the brief description of three general mon practice. In recognition of this types. This development is already well crossbred and grade cattle of northern systems of dairy herd management in many government farms especially in England into the great Shorthorn breed.
the tropics is given, the continuously the Caribbean area (3) develop tempe. In the Caribbean area and in conrate tropical crossbred dairy bulls tinental tropical America crossbred types breeds from existing crossbred types and the continuously pastured or penThe development of tropical dairy stabled, the stable pasture combination awaits breeders of their stamp to give keeping systems. In the first system high added impulse and direction grade dairy cattle of temperate climate The modern improvers will have the origin predominate. In the latter two sysadvantage af a great store of technical tems the temperate tropical crossbred ITINERARIO DE VAPORES information on genetics and breeding types predominate. These form the bulk not available to early improvers of the of the dairy cattle in the American tro.
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. pics. Based on the findings of experimen FECHAS APROXIMADAS DE LLEGADAS Once started progress towards esta ters it is concluded that the future dairy blishing new breeds should be far breeds suited to the American tropics Puerto Limón more rapid than a century ago. The will be developed from the temperate development of the Santa Gertrudis tropical crossbred types. The author SUJETAS CAMBIO SIN PREVIO AVISO breed of beef cattle from the original points out that there are local crossbred SERVICIO Llegada a Shorthorn Zebu crosses in 1910 to types now evolving towards distinct DE NEW YORK Limón an officially recognized breed in 1940, breeds and suggests that this process Rhoad (9. is a present day example can be greatly hastened by the appliSS. CAPE CUMBERLAND de Febrero, 1951 of the rapid progress that can be made cation of modern genetic and breeding SS. CAPE ANN.
13 de Febrero, 1951 SS. CAPE AVINOF.
20 de Febrero, 1951 when skill and science are combined techniques. The development of the SS. CAPE COD.
27 de Febrero, 1951 in a determined effort to create new Santa Gertrudis breed of beef cattle is improved breeds. Many of the existing cited as a case in point.
23 de Febrero, 1951 SS. FIADOR KNOT de Marzo, 1951 de Cleto Steele y su Señora SS. LEVERS BEND 23 de Marzo, 1951 ESTILO CONFECCION Los anteriormente mencionados vapores habrán de recoger ECONOMIA carga en Puerto Limón, para New York, New Orleans, Europa.
Puertos del Oriente. América del Sur y otros Puertos Todo esto en un solo vestido de la SERVICIO SEMANAL CRISTOBAL EN LA SASTRERIA DE CLETO STEELE STELLA MARIS CREACIONES FEMENINAS Para información adicional, sugerimos visitar Vea nuestros trajes con que usted había soñado las Oficinas de nuestros agentes Sobre todo tenemos toda clase de materiales de inmejorable calidad Compania Bananera de Costa Rica y con precios que no admiten competencia SAN JOSE LIMON PUNTARENAS Limón, contiguo al Consulado Inglés United Fruit Company nom nue de eld los etc es, bell que arro flota Alres espu Una que impe den cond aient nabes ELLE que que Celajes SASTRERIA TIENDA EXCELSIOR En TICC Gober Tetum en la En referen tnmar 467 de con la doble La Nues to pre SOCI


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