
51 February 10, 1951 THE ATLANTIC Page 11 Timely Advice We are using this means to give a an agreement with a man who is to timely advice to the public in general deliver a charged battery and ſhe has in order that every person will exer not the time to return to his hotel to cise care ia taking out money at pu get his money. However, he did not Elic places or on train. The thieving shot the black bird; we do not perch sharks are using every foul means to on low branches.
an end, and are in strict vigilance; their few days ago a well kaown couple eyes are fixed on the shopper or the were on train; the lady had her pocket traveller, at times when you are least book on her seat and while greeting concerned. Many of these rogues are their loved ones at one of the railway well clad; appearing in such a manner stations; a thief timely opened the bag; that would remove all suspicion as took out the inner purse which conmembers of the gangsters. This class tained more than three hundred colones is specially out to get theirs in high and got away with it. It seems to us society. the type as one who entered that ladies should best discontinue our office one night in last week, stating using purses and adopt the money and that he has been recommended to see us value carrying method of Nanna Sarah; on the matter of educating his two sons this we cannot explain for the secret in English. Claiming he his a Mexican would be exposed, but if the ladies and has come to invest large capital brush the cob webs from their memory and with talks as those of «Rockerfeller shelves, they will recall the antiquated ánd Carnegie. Finally he wanted a but secured way of travelling or shoploan of fourteen colones as he had ping with money.
THE NEW YORK BAZAAR Takes pleasure to announce to its esteemed customers its Merchandise Gift Plan which will correspond with the three ending numbers of the National Lottery Drawing on a monthly basis: Each person spending more than ten colones at one time will be given a coupon bearing the Serie Number and Date of the Drawing by which the winner will be known.
Do Your Buying in the New York Bazaar Where Your Money Values Most.
ADOLFO SCHIFTER Proprietor Regulation Proposed to keep Dogs From the Streets 000 proGREAT BARGAIN SALE AT ols disbild THE HOLLYWOOD STORE 10The Ministry of Public Health pro dogs caught in the streets will be kept.
posed to the Municipality of San Jose After due notice of their confinement, a regulation with regard to the pro the owners are to reclaim them within blem which is presented continually by forty eight hours, after paying the cost the quantity of dogs roaming at large for their care and other expenses creain the streets of the Capital, and that ted. If the animals are not reclaimed in a majority they are without owners. at the expiration of the time given, The Minister of Health stated that they will be sacrificed in accordance in view of the fact that these canines with a manner acceptable to the Soare carriers of germs and contagious ciety for the Protection of Animals, diseases, principally hydrophobia, which, Any of these dogs reclaimed by their fortunately does not exist in our ReOwners will be duly marked and in public, he desires to take every meathe event of their reappearance on the sure of precaution against its introduction.
streets or at public places, on being The original purpose of the regu caught will be sacrificed without further lation cited is to prevent the running notice.
at large in the streets and public places THE ATLANTIC is of opinion that by these animals. place of intern has this measure should be adopted and been created and where any of these be enforced in our city.
of BERENZON Prints at 25 reduced to 50 per yard Voile at 350 reduced to 75 per yard Plaids in assorted patterns and good quality, 28 dozen shirts, men in different sizes selling at half price REMNANTS AT LIQUIDATION PRICE; New Assortment and Different styles of Shoes ur Mr.
111: well mol SASTRERIA TIENDA EXCELSIOR de Cleto Steele y su Señora ESTILO CONFECCION ECONOMIA Todo esto en un solo vestido de la SASTRERIA DE CLETO STEELE of ile The Death and Burial of Mrs. Maud Reid Campbell the On January 31, 1951, one who in children, due to the quantitative and ling life was Mrs. Maud Reid Campbell qualitative viewpoints of the mourners rds died in the Limón Hospital of the and sympathizers in attendance. The ani.
Costa Rica Banana Company. The funeral service was conducted in the 06 ill consequence of impaired health had Hall of the Salvation Army and contion befallen her and not with standing the cluded at the grave by (Senior) Major ther exercise of her loving children in Thos. Lynch.
ind securing for her the best possible medic Those mourning the loss of this cal attendance, the brittle fibre of her departed good citizen are: Mesdames ember life gave way.
Clara Pinnock, Ruth More, Florence tion She had seen the first ray of light Smith, daughters and their husbands, bles in the parish of Clarendon in the Miss Zandrina Francis, daughter, Mr.
island of Jamaica, British West Indies. Philip Lewis, son, Mr. Messiah Camp vit Her residence of more than three deca bell widower, many grand children vins des of years was productive of esteem, and other relatives.
honour and love.
THE ATLANTIC sends its vote of sell On the occasion of her burial there condolence to them in this dark hour iske was pleasing evidence of her admirable of their experience. May the soul of this life career and the estimation of her the departed find rest.
For Novels. Magazines Negro Pictures. To Trim Your Hair Oto Dixon Barber Shop. West of the Limon Market CREACIONES FEMENINAS Vea nuestros trajes con que usted había soñado Sobre todo tenemus toda clase de materiales de inmejorable calidad y con precios que no admiten competencia Limón, contiguo al Consulado Ingles our COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Recuerda a sus abonados que los recibos por servicios eléctricos deben ser cancelados en la PRIMERA QUINCEN. de cada mes.
The Electric Company of Limon hereby reminds its subsribers to the clectric services that the payments are to be effected within the first fifteen days cach month.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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