
THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor JOS. THOMAS Number 62 Post Box 199 Limón, Costa Rica February 17, 1951 Year OUR TASK In The Basket of the Week FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Each life has its Gethsemane, wherein it must walk alone On page number eight of this edition there appears a publication with its passion and its peace. Each soul, by faith may walk the capping line LIMON OPPORTUNITY FOR THE NEED OF THE Upon the waves within, may learn to say to turbulent water HOUR. This bears reference to a serie of Evangelistic services to be conducted «Peace be still And the tossed sea of human emotions in the Hall of the Universal Negro Improvement Association in this city, com. Breaking over with angry roar on the coast of self, shall sink to rest.
mencing, tomorrow, Sunday the 18th, at seven o clock, and terminating on the 25th.
General Eisenhower at North Atlantic This Campaign is sponsored by the Baptist and Methodist Churches and Treaty Meeting the Salvation Army and with the Reverend William Thompson of the Latin American Mission of San Jose, the Director of the Campaign.
The Evangelistic Eloquence of the Reverend Ephraim Alphonse preceeds him. Many persons in our community have been entralled by his soul lifting missionary sermons and have been yearning to listen again to him. The Reverend Gordon Houser, the Song Leader, we gather is the possessor of an outstanding God given tone of voice to sing to His Praise, Special Music will be rendered and with Mrs. William Trompson, presiding at the piano, These Evangelists are our fellow pilgrims in the Gospel Highway of our Blessed Master. In His name they are travelling and have come to deliver His message of salvation, therefore, let us go and hear them.
We recall the spread of christianity in early England. It was Edwin King of Northumbria whose queen had brought the monk Paulinus who desired to preach Christianity to the heather Northumbrians. The King was willing to hear him and assembled his chief men. When Paulinus had spoken, an old man arose and said. The life of man, o king, seems to me as the flight of a sparrow through your hall as you sit at meat with your lords a warm fire on the hearth, but without, cold and rain and storm. The sparrow flies in at one door, tarries for a while, and then flies forth from the other into the wintry darkness So endures for a moment the life of man in our sight. but what is before it what after it we know not. If this man can tell us aught of these Deputies meet at London Headquarters. General Eisenhower, the Supreme things, let us listen to him. So they listened to Paulinus; and they too became Atlantic Treaty capitals, recently attended the meeting of the deputies of the Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, who is on a tour of the North Christians, and so we believe the call is urgent for men whose hearts the Lord North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, at their headquarters in London.
has touched, men who can, and must take up the prophet task, and utter the General Eisenhower has had talks with the British Minister of Defence, words of the Lord which is given them in obedience to His call.
Mr. Shinwell, Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery, Mr. Ernest Bevin, the We adopt this medium to effect a special appeal to the theatre goers to Foreign Secretary, and with Mr. Attlee, the Prime Minister. This picture shows forego, at least, the week attendance at the picture houses and attend the the group of deputies with General Eisenhower. Left to right are: Signor Evangelistic Services. We need not appeal to the believers or Christian worA. Straneo, Italy; Mr. O. Petursson, Iceland; Classen, Luxem.
shippers, they will attend at their off service Church hours.
bourg: Count Eduard Reventlow, Denmark; Vicomte Obert de Thiessies, Any person who seems to imagine that the days of Christianity are past: Mr. Spofford, United States, Chairman of the Deputies; Alphand, Belgium; Bryan, Norway; Dr. Ulrich, Norway; General Eisenhower; that it has served its purpose; that it has exhausted its mandate; that Christianity France; Jonkheer Van Starkenborgh Stachouwer, Holland; Mr.
was only required to bridle and shackle the savagery of our ancestors, but Wilgress, Canada; and Sir Frederick Hoyer Miller of the United Kingdom.
that civilization and prosperity have no need for the sermon of the preacher, is indulged in a fallacy think must pause on this threshold and extend a right hearty welcome to the Evangelists and do hope that the Campaign will win many souls for GREAT BARGAIN SALE God Kingdom AT Dixon your Barber Shop and News Stand: West of the Limon Market: THE HOLLYWOOD STORE of BERENZON Selling at a Sacrifice Prints at 25 reduced to 50 per yard Two lols of land on one property; Registered Voile at 50 reduced to 75 per yard in the Registry of Property and a house with Plaids in assorted patterns and good quality, four apartments: Situated in an independent locality: 28 dozen shirts, men in different sizes selling at half price APPLY: Room House in front of Roman Catholic Church.
New Assortment and Different styles of Shoes Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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