
Page THZ ATLANTIC February 17, 1951 TIENDA LA BARATA Great Clearance Sale British Armed Forces Nearing Million Mark Britain now has 845, 900 men under 10. 000 men are serving in the Royal arms. Through an increase of conscrip Navy Far Eastern Fleet. The ships ted service to two years for every able of this fleet in Korean waters at prebodied male between 18 and 26, a sert consist of light carrier, cruisers. Cheap Store)
Moises Kader strict limit on exemptions, and a stepped destroyers and frigates. Ground up campaign of voluntary enlistment, troops comprise two brigades, the 27th this total is expected to near the mi and 29th, totalling about 12. 000 men.
llion mark during 1951.
The former arrived at the end of August Nearly half of Britain land forces from Hong Kong, were it had formed are already serving overseas. Some part of the garrison. The 29th Brigade 200, 000 men, out of a total army was formed especially in Britain for In all Qualities of Cloth strength of about 458, 800 are fighting the Korean campaign and came under or standing guard in 19 countries across General MacArthur commind at the PRICES BELOW COST the lifelines of the free world. These beginning of November. There is also 19 countries are: Germany, Austria, a small force of Royal Marine ComTrieste, Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, Iraq. mands which arrived in August and Jordan, Libya, Egypt (Suez Canal Zone) recently took part in the battle around We are Transferring to San Jose Sudán, Eritrea, Kenya, Aden, Ceylon, Hungnam. In addition squadrons Malaya, Hong Kong, Korea, Caribbean of Sunderland flying boats Area (Jamaica, British Honduras. The have been in oper tion since the middle COME ON TIME TO GET YOUR SHARE OF THE Royal Navy. with more than 145, 000 of July.
GREAT BARGAIN men and the with 216, 800 MALAYA. It can now be disclosed are similarly spread strategically across that in the gruelling anti bandit warfare the world.
which has been going on in Malaya contained force of British troops of all This force is already being considerably KOREA. Britain has been fighting fr the past two years the following arms. For security reasons its strength strengthened.
in Korea from the very start, when regular troops are engaged: 17, 000 cannot be given.
AUSTRIA. About brigade.
her Far Eastern Fleet was put under British troops, 10, 500 Gurkhas, batEUROPE. All British forces in EuTRIESTE. About battalions.
the command of General MacArthur. talions of Malay troops and a large Britain already deeply committed in police force stuffed by British officers. rope have now been placed under the fighting the communists in Malaya HONG KONG. About 11, 500 British supreme command of General Eisen Este periódico está impreso hower.
en los Talleres Tipográficos with a considerable army, made swift troops now form the garrison of Hong GERMANY plans to rush troops to Korea. The Kong, the last United Nations foothold About 21 divisions. Editorial Victoria Ltda.
first arrived in August. Today there on the Chinese mainland.
Naalo are now over 22 000 men of all services THE MIDDLE EAST. In the Suez in the Korean battle theatre. Of these, Canal Zone there is a strong self. Restaurant Ecos de París SAVE MONEY AT PROVEEDORA LA 0, 60 Flour Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yds, South Musmanni SAN JOSE PHONE 6289 We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals aloog with an efficient stock of the best liquor OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods are practiced in the preparation and serving of food.
PERSONALLY ATTENDED BY THE PROPRIETOR: CEDRIC KERR eenoorrowesomeone Dangerous Sport By Our Youngsters In these days we are observing a sons and without giving a thought to dangerous sport in which many of our the possible injury to adults and children.
youngsters are indulging; a device caA few days ago, the mother of a child lled sling shot, operated by means of wis hit in her home by one of these elastic and pebbles. This device was sling shot gunners: the mother gol used by us in our youth, but our taralmost in a panic.
gets were not human creatures and property. It was our custom to try our An effective measure should be adop.
marks man ship on birds, lizards, etc. ted to stop this dangerous play. It The boys of today delight to pull hoves the parents and guardians of their sling shots at glass windows and children to point out the possible danger other objects in the residences of per and try to chide the youngsters, Wire Sponges.
EA 030 Rosemary Powdered Milk tin 65 Rice DAN Ib.
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Sewer Pipes each 00 Water Faucets each 50 50 Pencils each 045 each 045 Rat Traps 75 15 Limpol Furniture Polish jar iar 50 50 Flashlights each 75 Tex Spoons e ch 095 Padlocks each 25 Dry Yeast. Oz. 040 Campeon Paints.
gal. 35 00 Visit our Hardware Dept. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices.
Quick, courteous service, always. And Remember, Also, we Give You Honest, Correct Weight 25 Angulo Brooms Carpenter each COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON LA PROVEEDORA Recuerda a sus abonados que los recibos por servicios eléctricos deben ser cancelados en la PRIMERA QUINCENA de cada mes.
The Electric Company of Limon hereby reminds its subscribers to the clectric services that the payments are to be effected within the first fifteen days cach month. B 175 Puerto Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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