
February 17, 1951 THE ATLANTIC Page TO For Novels Magazines Negro Pictures. To Trim Your Hair Go to Dixon Barber Shop West of the THE NEW YORK BAZAAR Limon Market Takes pleasure to announce to its esteemed customers its The Ad of the National Security Institution Merchandise Gift Plan which will correspond with the three ending numbers of the National Lottery Drawing on a We open this chapter in regard to In life as in Baseball, it the number monthly basis: the advertising mediums observed on of times you reach home safely. That the walls of the Baseball Stadium in this counts.
Each person spending more than ten colones at one time city. Other than the financial contri How significant are the words to the will be given a coupon bearing the Serie Number and butions given to the Atlantic Baseball program of the National Security Ins. Date of the Drawing by which the winner will be known.
League by the business announcements titution. The person insured is pitchered written on the walls, some present sig. by the base runner who reached safely Do Your Buying in the New York Bazaar nificance of happenings in human life. home. We desire to further this design Where Your Money Values Most.
Among the picturesque advertisements, and its wordings as a great illustration we note with the eye and with im of humanity in a great Baseball game.
ADOLFO SCHIFTER pression on the mind, that the National Each day we are running in a numeProprietor Security Institution. This outstanding rical order to the bases. Everyone will Work of art is executed by the brush one day leave third base for the home (Culled From the Jamaica Gleaner)
of don Roberto Gutierrez and his as plate; then let us think seriously of sociate of San Jose.
the Supreme Umpire at the Divine Banana Buying By Weight Urged This illustrative drawing and painting Plate and endeavour to reach there Farmers are seeking abolition of the system of buying bananas by represents a baseball encounter with the well prepared in spirit to be the rebunches and the institution of buying by weight.
figures of the catcher behind the plate, cipient of His signal. REACHED the umpire with steadfast look on the SAFELY AT HOME. resolution asking Government to count bunch, it is very unsatisfactory incoming base runner who dishes at We congratulate sincerely the Na move in bringing about the change, to the small grower under this system.
the home plate and the umpire with tional Security Board, its local Mana was accepted at the half yearly meeting Be it resulved that the Government out stretched hands indicating safe at ger, don Morales, others concerned and of the Jamaica Agricultural Society, be asked to use its influence to have home. The design is accompanied by to the artists. scene from which we held at Ramson Hall yesterday. the present system of buying bananas these lines: have gained inspiration.
The resolution which was presented by count bunch abolished and a system by the Manchester Branches Associated of buying by weight substituted of the JAS reads: Mr. Rudolph Burke, suggested that Whereas the present system of ba the resolution be amended to read Be nana buying, whereby a hand, 10 hand, it resolved that Government and or 11 or 12 hand bunch is called one the Banana Committee be asked to inJACK ORANE SUCS.
LIMON count bunch for which 10 is paid. vestigate the desirability of abolishing And wherees one hand bunch You will need a good article and one hand bunch of the same the present system of buying bananas for your money so see us first for the best of everything. quality is valued and paid for as one by count bunch and substituting a sysSuitings, dress materials, and count bunch, and two hand bunches tem of buying by weight. Mr. Burke.
all other requirements in Ladies of the same quality, also four hand added that the matter was being in Gents wear prices always to bunches of the same quality are valued vestigated.
please you in the same way and paid for as one The amendment was accepted.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda. OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
The Driving of Cattle Through the Streets is Dangerous There is impending injury or perhaps bers of children, who, seemingly have death, particularly to children and women not given thought to the danger to by the driving of bulls, cws and steers which they are exposed. They should through the streets of this city. In many bear in mind that the cattle sleeps in instances it has been observed that the cold and some day the cruel ins.
some of the animals are fierce and have tinct will stir them to ferocity.
been known to dash furiously at pe. This practice should be discontinued destrians. The chase by the cowboys before the registration of lamentable is always accompanied by large num cases.
Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us ST. MARK CHURCH RAMON ACON LEON General Manager ALFONSO SOLE LIPPA Assistant Manager LIMON COSTA RICA THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND THE GROUND OF THE TRUTH VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED SERVICES:SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon. 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist. 00 pm. Sunday School 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days. 00 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 00 pm Saturday: Confession. 00. 00 See Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements: GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL. WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard. BRITTON Manager Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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