
THE ATLANTIC Page Some of Last Week Foreign Briefs on the War TIENDA HOLLYWOOD Andy. de Rere La BERENZON Sus uniformes para el Colegio y la Escuela be MATERIALES ESPECIALES By a press release we learn that the that the forces of the United Nations United Nations forces are effecting de are to be completely destroyed as a vastating blows by the means of bom reprisal for rejecting the peace proposal bardments by cannons and tanks in of Communist China. He added that almost all sectors of the Korean battle the United Nations have formed themfront. The Reds are said to have placed selves into an international organization themselves to suicidal attacks. The Com to convert Korea into a North American munists are said to move in contin dependency for the benefict of the gents of 1000 and more men who United States and that if Great Britain attack at close range and by which the and the United States object definitely forces of the United Nations have to the offer of China for peace in Korea, resort to bayonets and sharp shooting, the conflict can only be settled by the In these encounters the Reds have sus complete destruction of the Allies. The tained the loss of about 22700 men. Soviet Premier in a press interview said There are 53 nations comprising the the United Nations are acting as an United Nations which are in one form instrument for the Third World War or the other participating in the Korean and which is inevitable. He maintains war.
that the Pekin Government is not the aggressor. The Kremlin Chief concluded Josef Stalin of Russia broke his si that Premier Attlee of England is not lence on the Korean War and declared an advocate for peace.
Your Uniform for College and School SPECIAL MATERIALS be Angli lies to At alarming prices leder non bia, tech ailed on The bliko The Death and Burial of Mrs. Francella Gouldbourne On the 10th instant, Death removed The funeral services were conducted from this mundane sphere a very well in the residence of her widower, Mr.
known and pious person who was Josiah Gouldbourne and concluded at a resident of Miles, Liverpool and the grave by Elder Morgan of the who in life was Mrs. Francella Rowe Seventh Day Adventist Denomination, de Gouldbourne.
He was accompanied by his family and She hailed from the parish of ManElder Lewis of the Limon Church. She chester in the island of Jamaica. Her was honoured to her grave by a conmany years of living among her fellow course of mourners and sympathizers.
creatures have won her endearment and We extend to her widower, her esteem. She was among that class of daughter in Jamaica and other relatives humanity which would not willingly our heartfelt condolence. May the soul set foot upon a worm.
of the departed rest in Peace, Ezren THE NEW YORK BAZAAR Takes pleasure to announce to its esteemed customers its Merchandise Gift Plan which will correspond with the three ending numbers of the National Lottery Drawing on a monthly basis: Each person spending more than ten colones at one time will be given a coupon bearing the Serie Number and Date of the Drawing by which the winner will be known.
Do Your Buying in the New York Bazaar Where Your Mon ey Values Most.
ADOLFO SCHIFTER oprictor Tronic Darede The Board Dent here Your Mone FOR Ebony Color African Opinion Tan Confession Our world. Ring and other Magazines go first to Dixon Barber Shop: West of the Limon Marke for a aban colon Те beer tand SUN prop Cari al. The Discovery of Mr. Theophilus Sarkis Watch Hearty Welcome to a New Arrival We gather that Mr. Theophilus Sar presented it and in turn summoned Mr.
kis of this city, one of our commercial Sarkis. The Investigating Bureau was cordial message of welcome is our come Apostles to further the Religion traders of long standing and esteem set immediately to work. The messenger transmission to Mr. Cyril Piggott of of Christ, to become Priests in Christ can pat himself on the shoulder as to the gold smith gave the name of the Cuba, a Postulant for Holy Orders. Holy Church. Ambassadors of the being a very fortunate man in having man from whom he had received it.
The new arrival has come to study King of Kings. Others to be associated recovered his forty year old gold watch We learn that this individual was called for the Priesthood and to work in the in the study are two of our own young.
which was stolen from his residence before the competent authorities to clear Anglican Archdeaconry of Limon after men; namely, Messrs. Alfred Wade and along with other personal effects a few himself as to how he became possessor Ordination.
Joshua Wilson; the latter, Archdeacon weeks ago of Mr. Sarkis treasure. Having failed We take this opportunity to tune our Ziadie has taken under his care as his He is in the debt of our city leading on this preliminary it is said the matter harps and raise our hymn of congraown son. We pray that God will bless jeweller and watch repairer to whom the watch was presented for minor passes on to the Tribunal under the tulations and praise to the Venerable Mrs. Ziadie and himself and endow adjustment. Don Maldonado recognized clause of the law The receiver is as Archdeacon, William Ziadie who is the youngmen chosen with His Grace the watch; took note of the person who bad as the rogue.
the moving spirit of this praise worthy so they will prove worthy in all respect seat of training of young men to be. to the grand opportunity opened to them. Restaurant Ecos de Paris VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED Duro Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yds South Musmanni SAN JOSE PHONE 6289 We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK an efficient stock of the best liquor HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods are practiced in the preparation and serviog of food.
SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office PERSONALLY ATTENDED BY THE PROPRIETOR: and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard, CEDRIC KERR BRITTON Manager woooowroWoooooo Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

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