p. 8


Page THE ATLANTIC March 3, 1951 COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Port Limon Branch No. 134 of the Jamaica FOR Burial Scheme Society. Rendered Ebony Color. African Opinion Tan Confession Our Thanks to God world Ring and other Magazines go first to Dixon Barber Shop: West of the Limon Market.
The Jamaica Burial Scheme Society of the Branch on the weekly Church was founded fifty years in the island Bulletin on even date; to wit: Salvation Army Dayschool Programme of Jamaica. Imbedded in its constitution IN THE NAME OF THE LORD is the special clause for each Branch CHRIST WE BID THEM HEARTY Graduation to collectively offer Thanks to God on WELCOME WE BID YOU TO PRAY the 18th of February or the nearest FOR ABUNDANT BLESSINGS UPON store for those who will be in atten for each person. The Major has given We gather that a grand time is in Admission will be by tickets at e 00 convenient date each year.
THEIR WORK The Port Limon Branch No. 134 dance at the Day School Programme us the information that this year The ser mon expounded by the Arand Graduation of the Salvation Army, exercise in its two fold purpose will during its sixteen years of existence chdeacon Ziadie was of marked inspiset for Tuesday night, the 6th instant. excel all previoss years.
has not failed in this sacred duty. Each ration; a recreation of the soul to year of observance the members are the purpose of God. The message went drawat closer to the realization of the home in the true sense and by our manifold blessings derived from God own analysis we concluded that we and to whom they look forward as were created for God. We are the offthe Source from which cometh their springs of God. He is the giver of all success and with due reverence to Him the good things we enjoy We live and as their Supreme Chairman.
move and have our being in God. No. Recuerda a sus abonados que los recibos por servicios eléctricos deben For the February 18, 1951 devotion thing should be allowed to come beser cancelados en la PRIMERA QUINCENA de cada mes.
the members redoubled their numbers tween us to destroy that lineage with The Electric Company of Limon hereby reminds its subscribers to the and in a very pleasing numerical and its related duties and aspirations. We electric services that the payments are to be effected within the first presentable manner they marched from cannot rid our souls of that childship fifteen days each month.
the Parish Hall into the St. Mark if we hold Him in spirit and in truth Church and worshipped at the seven as our Heavenly Father.
o clock Solemn Even Song and Sermon. We gleaned that on the return of An Employee of the Palace Theatre in San The venerable Archdeacon William the members to the Hall, in concord Jose Met a Serious Accident, Resulting Ziadie was greatly attuned with the was the expression of spiritual benefit in His Death event as was evidenced by the publi obtained from the sermon of the Ar.
city he gave the Officers and Members chdeacon and the service in general We learn by a press release that an days ago. In his passing from one side employee of the Palace Theatre of San to the other of the balcony of the picJose who answered in life to the name ture house, it is said he lost his balance of Mr. Francisco Lopez met with a serious accident which resulted in and fell from a great height; death instantaneous death on Saturday eight was instantaneous.
13 de Marzo, 1951 SS. CAPE AVINOF.
20 de Marzo, 1951 SS. CAPE COD.
27 de Marzo, 1951 JACK ORANE SUCS.
You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything.
Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.
The Eclipse of the Sun on Wednesday The Seventh The Metereologico Service of San and its final stage is listed for 47.
Jose announced the Eclipse of the In the region of Guanacaste, its Sun on Wednesday the 7th instant. Its eclipse will be seen in splendour due first contact will be about 44; the to its course of appearance.
principal stage will be around 4, 55 SERVICIO Llegada a DE NEW ORLEANS LIMON SS. FIADOR KNOT 10 de Marzo, 1951 SS. LEVERS BEND 23 de Marzo, 1951 SS. FIADOR KNOT de Abril, 1951 SS LEVERS BEND 20 de Abril, 1951 Los anteriormente mencionados vapores habrán de recoger carga en Puerto Limón, para New York, New Orleans, Europa, Puertos del Oriente, América del Sur y otros Puertos SERVICIO SEMANAL CRISTOBAL EN LA STELLA MARIS Para información adicional, sugerimos visitar las Oficinas de nuestros agentes Compañía Bananera de Costa Rica SAN JOSE LIMON PUNTARENAS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizar AVISO AVISO LOCAL APTO PARA OFICINA DOS CUARTOS, ALQUILO Excelente punto; segundo piso del edificio frente del Banco de Seguros de esta ciudad.
Entenderse: Nuestra Oficina: cuarto No. 8, frente Iglesia Católica stema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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