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Page THE ATLANTIC March 10, 1951 VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT Huic Cat and Shive. Newspapers Books. Novels Pictures. Magazines: Yes Sir Go to Dixon Your Barner Shop and News Stand West of the Limon Market BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED es.
Restaurant Ecos de Paris Caribbean Review GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED Cane Disease Hits Sugar Industry several times in the past 22 years, but played only once against Jamaica SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office Leaf scald disease is threatening to He played for the West Indies in two and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
destroy British Guiana sugar industry and urgent calls are being made for the Test matches against England in 1947 48 BRITTON. Manager importation of a mycologist to fight it. Biscuit Co. Buys New Factory Site Since its sudden appearance on The Jamaica Biscuit Company, Ltd. tates in West Demerara last November, has acquired a nine acre factory site the disease has created widespread danear the intersection of Spanish Town mag, calculated to reduce yields considerably. Damage at a single estate, and gley Park Roads, West Kings.
tun, were the company plans to erect Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yds, South Muismanni Plantation Uitvlugt is estimated in shortly an up to date factory with the SAN JOSE PHONE 6289 terms of sugar as a loss of 5, 000 tons most modern equipment.
We Specialize in Excelleotly prepared meals aloog with of sugar a year.
Already several attractively constructed an efficiept stock of the best liquor Sugar is still British Guiana largest modern factories have gone up on OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods Industry and economic mainstay. The both sides of the Spanish Town Road, are practiced in the preparation and serving of food country produced 195, 651 tons of in keeping with the plan to develop PERSONALLY ATTENDED BY THE PROPRIETOR. sugar last year.
the West Kingston area for manuficCEDRIC KERR Police Awarded Scholarships.
turing and heavy industry.
Over ons There Jamaican police corporals False Report Gets Manley Held at carrying out my speaking mission was Surrey Cricketers Help Boys.
one of them a woman have been Ellis Island.
a complete failure, as was released Poor boys clubs in the West Indies awarded scholarships for special study Immigration Authorities were in a very short time, and given every are to benefit again this year from the courses in the United Kingdom. They quick to express regret at any incon assurance that could go my way in efforts of English cricketers, mostly are Corporal Sylvia Myers, ex corporal venience they may have caused Norman peace. am having an interesting and connected with the Surrey Club. Last of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, Manley, C, eminent Jamaican useful tour, in which find tremendous year, funds were collected to send cricket equipment and gifts of money attached to Headquarters, Jamaica Ga lawyer and political leader who was interestin Jamaica and Federation affairs to the Boys Clubs in Jamaica and rrison, former law office clerk, now detained for a short time at Ellis Island London Official Views Trinidad Trinidad. This year, similar gifts have attached to Criminal Investigation De on his arrival in the United Stares for Developments been sent to Barbados and British Guiana. They are being transported partment, who joined the police in a brief lecture tour. They also cance1949; Corporal W. Cousins, led his appearance before them for a Sydney Luke, CMO, head of free by a shipping company.
former Flight engineer (awarded hearing for which he hid been sumthe West Indian Department of the Co Valentine Starts Course.
lonial Office, London, has left Trinidad certificate of merit and recommended moned.
Alfred Valentine, Jamaica and West for a commission) now attached to the Mr. Manley was on his way from for Barbados and the Windward and Indies left arm slow bowier who made Police Training School and Corporal the United Kingdom, where he had Leewird Islands, following several days history with Ramadhin in the last Palmer, who joined up in 1930. pleaded before the Privy Council in spent in meeting people and seeing tour to England, his started a course developments. Mr. Luke is on a three at the Kingston Technical School. It is Their course lasts six months the now celebrated trade mark case of month comprehensive tour of the West an month entry course before he Vicks against Cecil de Cordova and takes up New Regiment for Jamaica his engineering scholarship.
Co. Ltd.
Jamaica to by his adoring public in and British Honduras The Royal Welsh Fusiliers are ex Immigration Authorities told him in Jamaica Following his short course, the young pected to arrive in Jamaica about March a telephone conversation that his ques Freak Rains Hit Trinidad spin bowler will enter the Northamp.
15, from England, to take over garri tioning had been caused by an alle, Trinidad is suffering from one of ton Polytechnic College, England. The son duties from the Royal Inniskilling gation which had proved to be sto the worst dry season floods in its priming up course in Jamaica will end Fusiliers.
tally incorrect history, due to consistently heavy out in time for Alfie to accompany the News of the detention caused quite season downpours, lasting all day. The the West Indies team to Australia be.
Will Skipper Touring Team tween October and March, 1951 52.
a dither in Jamaica; representations rains which have fallen continuously for more than 20 days have caused His scholarship fund was subscribed British Guiana has named Berkeley were quickly made in official quarters, considerable road and crop damage, to over 9, 600.
Gaskia 42, one of the best all rounders and cablegrams were on their way from and the island 26 million sugar crop Gooddar Will Lead Team to in Guianesse cricket history, to be cap the acting Governor and the is in grave danger.
Australia tain of the team to visit Jamaica in State Department Expect to Win in Jamaica The West Indies Cricket Board of February In a cablegram to the Daily Gleaner, Control has announced that John GodThe British Guiana team of crickeGaskin represented British Guiana in Mr. Manley declared the effort to ters who left their homeland on Fe West Indies cricket team to tour Ausdard has accepted the captaincy of the matches against Trinidad and Barbados embarrass me, and to prevent me from bruary 27 to do intercolonial battle in tralia during the season 1951 52.
Jamaica, set off with high hopes for The Barbados cricket captain, now victory. The team has had little match in his 32nd year, captained the practice on account of rains, but much team to India in 1948 49, and to En is expected of Bcb Chistiani, front gland in 1950. He first led the West rank batsman and all rounder, Indies in the last two Tests against LIMON JACK ORANE SUCS.
Ganesh Persaud, right arm run getter, MCC in 1948, and so has won the Peter Bayley, former star, and rubbers of all three series in which he You will need a good article three debutante players, Jack Allen, was skipper.
for your money so see us first Peter Wight, and Brian Patoir Four Enter for Carib Title Tennis for the best of everything. Suitings, dress materials, and Much of the bowling is expected to all other requirements in Ladies Fall on Alwyn Rollox, s best Trinidid, the champions, have again Jamaica, British Guiana, Barbados and Gents wear prices always to slow left arm bowler, who is normally entered the British Caribbean Tennis please you.
a safe bat, and is popularly known as championships, opening April 12 at Siem. Toby:i de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Cos. Tranquillity Club, Trinidad.


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