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Page THE ATLANTIC March 17, 1951 THE PEOPLE HOUSE others Restaurant Ecos de Paris she recited the FOR: Ebony. Color. African Opinion Tan Confessions Our World. Ring. The Crisis Opportunity and Other Magazines. Go FIRST to Dixon Barber Shop. West JACK ORANE SUCS.
LIMON of the Limon Market.
You will need a good article for your money so see us first Miscellaneous Concert Staged for the best of everything.
Suitings, dress materials, and in St. Mark Parish Hall all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to Their Lordships, the Right Reverend earned applauses. In a tone of voice please you. Heber Gooden, the Bishop which fell charmingly on the listening of The Panama Canal Zone, Costa ears, Miss Gladys Robinson rendered Rica and others of the Central Ame the solo. Let go to Church. The referred in full consciousness to the was also loud in his praise to the o valuable contributions given by the mory of Booker Washington a rican Republics and the Right Reverend lines brought spiritual fulness. The American Negroes to his country. He other outstanding members of the Neg John Be Missions, formerly Bishop of inward joy. Her solo lightened and the Director of young lady sang with cheerfulness and Race and in a similar fine survey Foreign Alaska, Este periódico showered admiration and appreciati Limon with their presence on Thursday entitled The Second Minuet, brought está impreso to the people of colour who have be the 8th instant Miss Norma Robothom to the spot light devoted to the Parish in those bygo en los Talleres Tipográficos To do homage to them, the Vene in a cute costume of early century years and are now closer welded.
rable Archdeacon William Ziadie, design. She trod a measure in harmony Editorial Victoria Ltda. were mellowed with blessings.
The hours spent on this occasi Mrs. Ziadie, the Vestry Committee and with the musical setting played by of the Parish prepared a beau Mrs. Ziadie. The littlee Tot was mar.
ROND tiful setting in the Hall. It was a scene vellous in personifying the theme mellowed with reference and welcome. Grandpapa and Grandmamm The 66 We shared the honour to have been Rosary was the solo finely rendered by within clear view of the two Apostles Miss Yolanda Gouldbourne. Miss Lydia of our Blessed Master and we saw Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yds. South Musmanni how joyously they sipped the refreshing Sawyers held in the palms of her hands audience sown in their hearts SAN JOSE PHONE 6289: renditions of the entertainers and lustily deeping pleasure as inhaled the general fragrance of the monologue The Distracted Mother We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with Lvening It was evident that possibly the audience an efficient stock of the best liquor The venerable Archdeacon Ziadie de would have tarried with her to hear OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods livered the Invocation and in turn inth troduced Mr. William Daysley as the thralling composite changed. The hour the repitition of the splendid and en. are practiced in the preparation and serving of food.
PERSONALLY ATTENDED BY THE PROPRIETOR presiding officer. His opening remarks scane were witty and humorous.
for the main feature of the evening CEDRIC KERR The concert proved a remarkable wned. The address of welcome was Oro WS onomer success from every standpoint. Mrs read by Mr. William Daysley in beWilliam Ziadie presided at the piano half of the Archdeaconry in its comCaribbean Review The Junior and Girls choirs were ef pleteness and in turn he presented a fectively trained to follow the musical copy to each of the distinguished guests Flags Arrive in Trinidad nada, St. Lucia, St. Kitts Nevis, Antigu touch player fingers. They attendance. The Right Reverend followed their leadress with concord and Heber Gooden effected the first Tw United Nations flags have arri Dominica, Montserrat and the Virgi comprehension. There came to us as Islands.
response to the tribute showered on ved in Trinidad from the United States we watched and listened raptly the them. His was that soothing tone of for presentation to the Governor and Haitian Ex President to Seek Jamaica interpretation of the great Art We voice that the parishioners are always the Municipal Council of Port of Spain.
drew a it Mrs. Ziadie delighted to listen to. Bishop Bentley They were ordered by Fernando Lopez seemed to have seen the faces of the responded in splendour. The clearness Contreras, Venezuelan Cousul General, Residence Dumarsais Estime, ex Presider composers of the different her. The strains sug expression made upon her, the to understand. In him we saw. in his capacity as Dean of the Consular of Haiti, who has been granted a month gested to the listeners mind, a a progress experience ence and wisdom interwoven. Body.
stay in Jamaica, plans to make appli of fine advancement. The articulation pin dropped silence prevailed. His To Take Census of Venezuelans in cation for permanent residence. Th was an aroma. Space forbids us to Lordship said in in part that his visit to family, including the ex President wif Trinidad give more eulogies to the singing these parts of the was prin Miss Prudence Boyce recited in mo cipally to be in a position to say a and two children, has moved into no logue A Stern Father. She climbed word Census of all Venezuelans living in Bustamante alternate city residence concordance with whatever the summit by her unchallenged me request Bishop Gooden may present to Trinidad, estimated to be about 5, 000, which the political leader placed at it mory and splendid gesture. The piano the presiding Bishop in New York for is to be taken by the Venezuelan Con disposal.
sulos played by the Misses Silvia and the necessities of His Diocese. His sulate, Port of Spain, beginning FeNorma Rob thom and Drucilla Forde Lordship gladdens his listeners as he bruary 15, and lasting for about a London Official Continues Tour month Luke, head of the Wes Included in the census will be Tri Indian Department of the Colonial Oi nidad born first descendants of Vene fice, London, has arrived in Trinidad zuelan nationals, who are deemed Ve. following a tour of Jamaica. He de nezuelans by Venezuelan law. census paying a routine visit to the Britis Cleto Steele y su Señora is also expected to be taken in Ore. Caribbean Colonies.
ESTILO CONFECCION ECONOMIA VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT Todo esto en un solo vestido de la SASTRERIA DE CLETO STEELE CREACIONES FEMENINAS GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK Vea nuestros trajes con que usted habia soñado HEART LAUREL. WELL ASSORTED Sobre todo tenemos toda clase de materiales de inmejorable calidad SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office y con precios que no admiten competencia and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard, Limón, contiguo al Consulado Inglés BRITTON Manage of the king down rent music loo of his exord a child to the Diocese in SASTRERIA TIENDA EXCELSIOR BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Siste terio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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