
THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limón, Costa Rica Number 67 March 31, 1951 Year BE ra NAC INAL U TASK One Man Flame Thrower Demonstrated FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR CA There is an immortal hymn the title of which we can never forget in spite of the weight of years, because our darling mother (deceased) hed loved and sung it so well in those days of our childhood.
The capping words are THROW OUT THE LIFE LINE. However, today we are borrowing these words and applying them in a material sense, consequent, on our contact with conditions for which there are needs for the Life Line to be thrown out.
As we traverse the thoroughfares of this city, the general economic aspects of the community seem lamentable. Gloomy countenances are seen every where. Many of our citizens are suffering greater straits than the historical two Crossing Sweepers.
In plain language things are dead along the waterfront and the dock worker indulges in daydreams. An atmosphere of dulness can be observed in almost all our commercial houses and other business establishments. With a few exceptions the salesmen or saleswomen can to sleep within the call of purchasers. The proprietors of business are carrying a mental weight trying to The way out of the difficult situation Farmers are without anything to offer.
The winters, blast has given the death blow to that which held out hope. No cacao to reap; banana sales are on the slow drag and far apart. Nature has crippled the railroad and in turn many work projects have been suspended.
There is no Egypt for us to go to for corn; nor the money to buy if there was a sale somewhere. Quite true, there is no case of dire hunger, but if asked, our doctors will tell that malnutrition and lack of proper and regular meals add appreciably to the list of the city sick. It will not be surprising if there occurs a new portable flame thrower which is to be used by the British Army lowering of educational standard of our children in college and school this year.
In the matter of travel between our port and San Jose we are grateful was recently demonstrated at the Small Arms School at Hythe, Kent.
to the Airplane Companies for the lowering of the tariff to twenty five colones On his back the operator carries a tank of petroleum jelly. cartridge ignites The new portable Mark flame thrower can be operated by one man.
one way for each person, but as it has been repeatedly stated that no section of the jelly as it leaves the thrower at 200 lb. per square inch. This picture shows this democratic country will suffer undue hardship. economically, may we suggest Instructor Wilson, of Plymouth, testing the new Weapon.
a further consideration for another cut in the price or a special round trip rate.
He instructs the men who will teach recruits and reservists how to use the new flame thrower.
La Proveedora Hair Cut and Shave. Newspapers. Books. Novels Pictures. Magazines: Yes Sir Go to Dixon Your Barber Shop and News Stand West of the Limon Market IN MEMORIAM In loving and unfaded memory of our darling Mother pan 90 MINNA DAVIS 00 libra who was called from Germania on the Old Lines to Eternal Rest on March 22, 1950 OFRECE: Frijoles Colorados libra 65 Frijojes Negros libra 65 Frijoles Blancos.
libra 80 Esponjas de Alambre u. 30 Ketchup Del Trópico EA. 40 Ovomaltina lata 50 Harina Rey del Norte libra 55 Leche Evaporada San Carlos lata 25 Jabón Island Palm Leche Polvo My Boy Leche Condensada Vaca lata 50 lata 50 Grapas para cerca libra 90 Clavos libra Herraduras 60 Enchufles para plancha u. 25 Sockets colgantes. u. 75 Cordón Eléctrico yarda 55 Carburo.
libra 00 Cucharas de Guisar u. 65 Plomo para Munición.
libra 5, 00 Machetes Collins.
EA 12. 00 Planchas de Mano.
EA 60 Lápices de Carpintero u. 45 Ratoneras u. 75 Goma Laca libra 00 Levadura Seca oz. 40 Pintura Campeón gal. 35 00 Estopa Blanca.
libra 50 Visite nuestro departamento de ferreteria Miles de artículos a precios muy razonables.
She suffered, but she bore it with Christian fortitude We believe she is resting in the Lord Words would fail us to express how much we miss her For all her cares and the kind words she had for everyone.
We hope to meet her on that beautiful Morn Where there ll be no more parting nor weeping Blest are the pure whose hearts are clean From the defiling power of sin.


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