
THE ATLANTIC Editor JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY April 7, 1951 Post Box 199 Limón, Costa Rica Number 68 Year Giant Locomotive for Festival Exhibition OUR TASK FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR LA PROVEEDORA As far as our knowledge serves there are two centers which are functioning in the Interest of the Neediest among us. These are the Reflectory Infantil which provides daily meals for less fortunate children and the St. Vincent Society under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Diocese. These two institutions are serving a worthy cause. However, we are of the opinion that there is need for another Center of Charity in order to assure a daily morsel for a considerable number of needful persons among our citizenry.
While banqueting on sumptuous articles, flowing wines, indulging in dancing and other superfluities of life, let us remember that hunger and want are the lot of many of the less fortunate among us. We should recollect the emotional narrative of the Rich man and Lazarus, then give a litle more attention to those who are unable to build a nest for themselves. Quite true, some might say that the downfall of many of the present sufferers is due to the sewing of Wild Oats but we cannot reasonably shelter all the misfortunes of this life under that guise. If we adopt such a course where would be the fulfilment of the moral lesson We are the creatures of circumstances.
On the ocean of humani destiny all are apt to encounter tempestuous bition at the Festival of Britain, in the class locomotive which has been What will be one of the largest single exhibits in the Scuth Bank Exhiillstorms and adverse current are apt to lift the roaring billows and dash them built for the Indian Railways by a North of England engineering firm.
against our frames. When we witness our brethren being surrounded and assailed This class locomotive is one of a hundred of the same type which by these streams of adversities, it behoves us to give a thought to the fact that any person can be shaken by such tempests and become the victims of are being built for the Indian Railways. The locomotive was too big to travel down to London by road and its gauge was too wide to travel down to London poverty and woe.
We urge the establishment of a Community Center or however otherwise and sailed for the Surrey Docks. This picture shows the locomotive being by British railways. The locomotive was loaded aboard the motor vessel Jade it may be called and that it be systematically operated in the interest of the unloaded on its arrival by a special crane at the Surrey Commercial Docks.
neediest of our fellow creatures. We are almost confident that many philanthropists and other charitably disposed persons will extend appreciable support to enable its dispensing the greatest good.
SAVE MONEY AT There are citizens who are giving daily to the poor and other than the sacrifice effecting, the irregularity of the callers somewhat interrupt the busy hours of many, especially the businessmen. They, we believe would prefer to give a weekly or monthly contribution to such a Center and be rid of the Red Beans Ib. 65 every day donation.
Black Beans Ib. 065 Is there such a one in our community who will take the initiative as the My Boy Powdered Milk tin 50 Founder or Foundress of a Center of Help for the Neediest?
Wire Sponges 30 Tomato Ketchup, Del Trópico.
2, 40 Pablum.
PK. 25 Ovomaltina. tin 350 Evaporated Milk large tin 25 Island Palm Soap cake 90 Vaca Condensed Milk tin 50 Fence Staples Ib. 90 Nails lb. 00 Horse Mule Shoes Ib. 60 SALOMON BERENZON Ib.
Ivan 00 Iron Plugs each 25 To meet the crisis we have reduced alarmingly the prices of our Goods Electric Cord yd. 55 Brooms HERE ARE SOME: 250 Nugget Boot Polish 50 Khaki material reduced from 00 to. 4. 50 a yard Carpenter Pencils esch 45 Pants, mixed colours 15. 00 each each 75 Pants, khaki, men 14. 00 each Gun Powder FFF Ib. 14. 00 Pants Shirt, khaki, boy s, school 50 each Flashlights.
each 75 Shirts, working, men 7. 50 each Tea Spoons each 95 Shirts, fine qualities, men at half price.
Padlocks each 25 Shirts, underwear, men 250 each Dry Yeast oz. 40 Large assortment of children dresses, cheap.
Campeon Paints.
gal. 35. 00 White Beans 1b. 80 APPROACH THE OPPORTUNITY VISIT US AND BE CONVINCED Lard Ib. 300 Flour Rey del Norte lb. 55 Visit our Hardware Dept. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices Quick, courteous service, always. And Remember, Also, we Give You If you don read, you can know If you don know, Honest, Correct Weight.
you can argue. Keep up with the times; read alwaysGet all your reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop West of the Limon Market.
Box 175 Este document es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizan Puerto Limón EA.
TIENDA HOLLYWOOD. de Carbide each EA.
Rat Traps.
LA PROVEEDORA stema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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