
THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limón, Costa Rica Number 69 April 14, 1951 Year LA PROVEEDORA U TASK Italian Ministers to Visit Britain FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR It was recently announced that the few days ago we conversed with one of the leading farmers of the peri, and the Italian Foreign Minister, Italian Prime Minister, Signor De GasEstrella region and during the conversation much useful knowledge has been Count Sforza, have accepted the in obtained with regard to some of the different problems confronting the agriculturists.
In line with the information received, we arrived at the conclusion that vitation of the British Government to visit London for three days.
needful and urgent assistance can be given to our farmers if the Ministry of The Italians will have a series of Agriculture and Industries will go to the aid of the farmers. It would serve informal talks with various members of a very useful purpose to send representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Government on current internamen possessing scientific knowledge of plants and soils to visit the different tional affairs of common interest besections of cultivations and there, on the spot, instruct the farmers on the kinds of soils, their care, the nature and composition of the plants for the tween the two countries. During their different soils, also instructions on spraying, etc. Agriculture in its truest sense stay, the Ministers will be the guests is the art of cultivating the soils and it should be the object of the farmer in of the British Government and the visit cultivating the soil, to raise the largest and the best crops at the smallest cost has been described as one of courtesy and with the least injury to the land and he ought specially to know the nature and good will which marks the cordial Italy. This picture shows the Italian and composition of the crops he raises, of the land on which they grow and relations existing between Britain and Prime Minister, Signor De Gasperi.
of the manure which is to be applied to the land.
Facing the truth, there are more than seventy five percent of the small SAVE MONEY AT cultivators without any scientific knowledge in agriculture and neither can they obtain such useful knowledge by means of Circulars from the Ministry of Agriculture or other agencies. The instructors are to be sent on the farms. The farmers will easily comprehend the demonstrations and instructions given to Red Beans Ib. 65 them. There, they will be taught about the substances of which the organic Black Beans Ib. 065 and inorganic parts of soils and plants consist and of the origin and general My Boy Powdered Milk tin 50 characters of soils. How to mix the required solutions and how to best spray Wire Sponges EA. 30 the plants.
Tomato Ketchup, Del Trópico.
EA. 2, 40 We are confident that at each locality where the agricultural instructor Pablum.
PK 25 Ovomaltina tin is sent, he will be well taken care of by the farmers; that is, the field expense 350 Evaporated Milk large tin 25 will be pleasingly borne by the cultivators whom he has instructed. We are Island Palm Soap cake 90 living in a practical era, therefore, let us do things in a practical manner.
Vaca Condensed Milk tin 50 Another matter is that of spraying the plants. The farmers are given Fence Staples Ib. 90 instructions to secure certain elements for the spraying of their plants, but in Ib. 100 Horse Mule Shoes Ib. 60 ninety out of every hundred cases the materials are not obtainable in Limon.
Carbide Ib. 00 We are of opinion that the Ministry of Agriculture and Industries should Iron Plugs each 25 stock these items or grant special concession to the commercial trader for the Electric Cord yd. 55 importation of such necessities to the benefit of our agriculture. Scientific Brooms each 50 kaowledge will bring better and greater production and higher production will Nugget Boot Polish EA. 50 Carpenter Pencils in turn bring increased revenue to the State.
each 45 Rat Traps ench 75 Gun Powder FFF Ib.
If you don read, you can know If you don know, Flashlights, each 75 you can argue. Keep up with the times; read alwaysTea Spoons. each 95 Padlocks. each 25 Get all your reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop Dry Yeast oz. 40 West of the Limon Market.
Campeon Paints gal. 35. 00 White Beans. lb. 80. lb. 00 Flour Rey del Norte lb. 55 Visit our Hardware Dept. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices.
Quick, courteous service, always. And Remember, Also, we Give You Honest, Correc Weight.
LIMON COSTA RICA THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND THE GROUND OF THE TRUTH SERVICES:Box 175 Puerto Limón SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon. 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist.
Salvation Army to Hold Service of Welcome 00 Sunday School 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
On Friday night the 20th instant, Mrs. Thos. Lynch, the Colonel is WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Daye.
the Salvation Army will conduct a ser assured a joyous welcome, not only vice of welcome to the Territorial Comfrom Salvationists, but from our comMonday, Wednesday, Friday.
Saturday: Confession. 00. 00 mander, with headquarters in the island munity in general.
of Jamaica, and who is due to arrive its most sincere vote of welcome and THE ATLANTIC sends in advance Sec Weekly Parish Bulletin For Other Announcements: in our city on even date.
for a comfortable stay in this demo.
Under the leadership of Major cratic Republic of Costa Rica.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica Nails.
14. 00 Lard.


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