
Page THE ATLANTIC April 14, 1951 Our TIENDA HOLLYWOOD Hair Cut and Shave. Newspapers. Books. Novels Pictures Magazines: Yes Sir Go to Dixon Your Barber Shop and News Stand West of the Limon Market Tube der NE Doctor Miguel Dejuk. de Miss Hazel Gray Earns Pitman SALOMON BERENZON Phonography Certificate To meet the crisis we have reduced alarmingly the prices of our Goods Miss Hazel Gray, one of the the latter as teacher, comprising the HERE ARE SOME: daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gray Limon Committee.
of this city has accomplished her studies Miss Gray is said to have taken the Khaki material reduced from 6. 00 to. 50 a yard Pants, mixed colours.
15. 00 each under Sir Isaac Pitman System of first test in 1948; the second examiPants, khaki, men 14. 00 each Phonography, nation was effected in 1949 and she Pants Shirt, khaki, boy s, school 50 each Sir Isaac Pitman Sons, Limited, earned the final Speed Test at the exaShirts, working, men 750 each of London have made it possible for mination held in December 1950 Shirts, fine qualities, men at half price.
It is proposed to effect the presen.
Shirts, underwear, men 2. 50 each the appointment of persons in any Large assortment of children dresses, cheap.
foreign field to be witnesses to any tation of her Certificate by the Vice APPROACH THE OPPORTUNITY VISIT US AND BE CONVINCED student of the system to take tests leading in conjunction with the service of re.
Consul, the Secretary of the Committee, to the final in Speed. The Hon. Robert ception to be held for the Territorial Johnston, the British Consul Commander of the Salvation Army on Britain Twin Priorities: Defense, Exports in Limon, Mr. Leslie Angus, the mathe night of Friday, the 20th instant.
London. With Britain annual bud her imports; including raw materials nager of the Business Establishment THE ATLANTIC congratulates Miss get due this month, the country is for rearmament, she must export an of Jack Orane, Sucs. and Major Thos. Gray for her grand accomplishment in currently facing twin problems rear estimated additional 840, 000, 000 B. Lynch of the local Salvation Army, the very difficult studies.
mament plus keying exports still higher. worth of goods this year. More goods The armed forces will have increased for export mean still fewer for the to a total of 800, 000. To maintain this home public.
force, the British must finance a year This means more sacrifices but the 13, 000, 000, 000 arms program, at a British people know the importance Physician and Surgeon time when, by agreement, Marhall Aid of the export drive. For example, the has been suspended.
British home demand for automobiles Tulane University, United States of America To buy the raw materials needed is very great; but four out of every CONSULTING OFFICE: 50 yards North of the Post Office for rearmament, the British must keep five automobiles have to be exported earnings of foreign currencies at a high to help the nation pay its way.
SAN JOSE level. Failure to do this would be just British business men emphasize that as paralyzing to the nation economy this year British Industries Fair the OFFICE HOURS: From 11 to 12 to pm.
as a submarine blockade. In recent biggest ever held is an integral part months, two new factors have further of the overall defense picture. For by Telephone 6181 complicated Britain earnings of im increasing exports, the nation can, in ported raw materials: return, get the raw materials needed Cricket at Bataan First, the world shortage of some for defense.
strategic commodities; second, their rocOn April 1, the Cricket Oval at The Manila players at their turn at keting prices.
Este periódico Bataan, as we gather, was a scene of the bat effected a score of 47 runs.
In Washington, international talks merriment due to the visit of the cric. Of this total Watler earned 16 runs; are currently in progress to seek a soestá impreso keters from Manila who arrived to Nasmyth 12, Cunningham 6, lution of these problems, which affect en los Talleres Tipográficos contest a friendly match with the home Hamilton 4, Watson 4, all the Western Powers.
side. The cricketers of Bataan expelled McCain, Daley, Henry and Because Britain must pay more for Editorial Victoria Ltda. the invasion with heavy loss to the Smith run, respectively. This low invaders by having scored 103 runs score by the visitors was resultant from against 47 for Manila. The principal the effective bowling and tight fielding scores for the home team being of Bataan. Facey delivered 7 Forbes 30 runs, not out, Howell 23 overs for wickets Clark overs FINCA. CIEN HECTAREAS (100 Ha. 15 hectáreas and Facey 18. The bowlers for for wickets. Brumbly overs for de Cacao y el resto de terreno para sembrar Manila were Watler, Daley, wicket and Maxwell overs for Cunningham, Smith and Nasmyth two wickets.
AL CONTADO Situada en 14 Millas. Provincia de Limón and Metho San Jo thly MOVE bile Mre Canal house Johns SE VENDE Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda. OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
of Eve the FOR SALE: Farm consisting of 100 hectareas 15 hectareas cultivated in Cacao and the rest of the land for planting This farm can be yours for only. FIVE THOUSAND COLONES (05000, 00) CASH TITLED PROPERTY: Situated at 14 Miles in this Province Entenderse: JOS. THOMAS, CUARTO No. FRENTE LA IGLESIA CATOLICA ODE Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us. RAMON CON LEON General Manager ALFONSO SOLE LIPPA Assistant Manager pil TK


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