
Page THE ATLANTIC April 28, 1951 On SASTRERIA TIENDA EXCELSIOR 145 100 der TOE pr TE UP pr Ве be per the 2 BO NEWSPAPERS: Jamaica Gleaner. Jamaica Times. Chicago Defender Trinidad Guardian, etc, etc. For Sale at de Dixon Barber Shop. West of the Limon Market Cleto Steele y su Señora ESTILO CONFECCION ECONOMIA The Special Sitting of the Limon Municipal Todo esto en un solo vestido de la Council SASTRERIA DE CLETO STEELE As mentioned in our edition of the College, but it was a precarious Saturday, a week ago, a special meeting moment for the Municipal Fathers, due CREACIONES FEMENINAS of the Limon Municipal Council was to the fact of the eloquence and conVea nuestros trajes con que usted había sofiado held at the four o clock afternoon hour vincing speeches from the intellectual to treat with the petition presented by well springs of Messrs. Abel Robles, Sobre todo tenemos toda clase de materiales de inmejorable calidad the special commission in the name of Fulgencio Campos, Rogelio Perez, An.
y con precios que no admiten competencia the College, to secure the Municipal tonio Gutierrez, Raul Velazquez, FerLimón, contiguo al Consulado Inglés Bath house and its surrounding land nando Lopez and Miss Olimpia Trejos, for the construction of buildings for Director of the Girls School. We must the College.
admit that Mr. Edwin Marin Torres, Report From the Malayan Front Colour and soul lifting recipe to the the President of the Corporation proved movement was in evidence by the eye his mettle in presiding over such a British Brigadier, Expert In Jungle Fighting, Describes Fight Against Communism in Malaya feasting procession of 230 students colourful assembly comprising two under the leadership of professor Ro distinctive views New York. British brigadier who On June 23, 1950 he was promoted gelio Chacon, the physical director of From an observer view point the has been decorated for heroism in Brigadier General Staff at the institution. It was a demonstration which had its premiun and inevitably councillors were divided in opinion; fighting the Communist forces in Malaya Far Eastern Land Forces has arrived in New York He is Bri Brigadier Wight has been mentioned stirred sympathy in every heart, no some expressed and others reserved.
The wisdom of Solomon charged the gadier lan Lyttleton Wight. He has in dispatches on three occasions: Sepdoubt even deep dowa in the hearts been giving American audiences eye tember 19, 1946; January 7, 1949; and of those women who were outside the air by the reasonable and sound sumwitoess accounts of the 24 year battle May 19, 1950.
hall of the council, expressing bitterly mary by Mr. Pedro Loría, He said in against Communists in Malaya and He is married and has three children their opposition, if the lot be granted part that they could not precipitate on describing Britain military effort in the Call boys. aged 8, and He speaks the matter under discussion.
to the College and thereby deprive Far East.
French, and his knowledge of foreign them of the public wash house, drying The council requires time to sift this Brigadier Wight has just returned from countries includes France, India and green and the only place of recreation matter, to shuffle here and there other two years in Malaya, where he won China.
for the poor and the middle class. plans to see if these different studies the Distinguished Service Cross on The scene can be recorded as one can be brought into harmony with the active service against the Communists.
Subjects of Lectures of history making. Citizens from every granting of the lot to the College. He The Brigadier is 45 years old and (Brigadier Wight)
rung of life ladder were on hand. was applauded for his wise speech. He was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, It was a majestic hour for those of gained the approbation of his colleagues son of a Scots father and an English Britain Military Effort In The Far Eas.
us in accordance with the request of and the meeting was adjourned. mother. He was educated at Christ Britain commitments in the Par Hospital and went to the Royal Mili East and their importance to the Wes.
tary Academy. He was commissioned tern Powers the Communist attack THE PEOPLE BAKERY in the Suffolk Regiment in September and our front line KOREA HONG 1925.
KONG MALAYA the importance of By its Proprietor, Philip Booth In February 1938 he was appointed INDO CHINA in the general Allied IS AGAIN WARNING THE GENERAL PUBLIC THAT Brigade Major of the Nigerian Regi defense plan integration and liaison ment, Royal West African Frontier with other Allied forces.
Force. In September 1941 he was pro.
moted Temporary Lieutenant Colonel. The Fight Against Communism in Malaya The public is hereby warned against an imitation biscuit which is By July 1943 he was in India as Ge brief description of the mixed ponow on sale in this city neral Staff Officer to the Staff Co pulation of Malaya and its effect on When you call for our genuine biscuit be sure you see in full llege, Quetta. He returned home on the present situation. the formation 66 September 24, 1945 and two months and growth of the Malayan Communist 99 later became Officer Commanding Cam Party (MCP) the development of the bridge University Training Corps, a MCP during the war and the Japanese which is the trade mark of the People Bakery It should be borne command he held until September 1948 occupation. 1948 and the Communist in mind that any person who tampers with the sole right of any firm when he was appointed to command insurrection its pattern and organior other business is subjected to prosecution the 1st. Battalion of the Suffolk Re.
zation. the military problem. the giment BRIGGS Plan the present position It was while he was commanding and its effect on the international sithis battalion in operations against tuation.
VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT bandit organizations in Malaya that he won his O, gazetted on July 7, Jungle Battle 1950. Between May and 11 the bat An eye witness account of the daytalion was in continuous operation to day battle in the Malayan jungleGUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK against the bandits. During these en the enemy and his methods and our HEART LAUREL. WELL ASSORTED gagements he assumed direct command means of defeating him British troops on several occasions, and it was largely and their equipment the use of air SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office as a result of his cool leadership, speed and fire power jungle hazards inteand Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
of action and drive that the battalion gration with the Civil Government and BRITTON. Manager was able to disrupt the whole brigand the Police Force our fighting men organization in Selangor.
and their splendid morale.
documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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