
Page THE ATLANTIC May 12, 1951.
VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT THE PEOPLE HOUSE BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brother Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard. Britton. Manager JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good artide for your money so see us first for the best of everything. Suitings. dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.
men a LA PROVEEDORA tin There are many persons in the CAPTAIN NOE ALVARADO HAS Jose. Though distant in body we various walks of life who earn dishave the assurance that Limon will tinction and praise due to their marvel.
LEFT OUR CITY FOR SAN JOSE mentally live with him lous services to humanity and other These and more were the great The Competition among the Fire The bouquet of roses which we contributing good to a community.
foresights of the Captain during those on various occasions and the are placing in the lapel of his coat, Persons effecting sacrifices for the years of the raging nazi war; honour earned by the Limon Brigade is effected in sincerity and truth. It good of their fellow creature; whose period when no part of civilization is due principally to the sterling is given now so he can inhale its feet are never weary when on deeds was safe.
value of Captain Noe Alvarado in fragrance and which will, without of mercy; whose talents are always We regret sufficient space is not the training of the firemen under doubt, spread to others and not waitgiven unsparingly to others and at our disposal to publish more in his command ing to strew uselessly flowers on his count no hours of day or night as formation on the good which Captain For his own convenience, he sought tomb, their own We write this humble Noe Alvarado has done for Limon. his transfer to Barrio Lujan in San tribute; though it needs a mightier SO Captain Noe Alvarado pen to do justice to Captain Noe Alvarado of the Volunteer Fire Brigade Says Goodbye to all SAVE MONEY AT and the Red Cross Ambulance Limonenses: Service of Limon Captain Noe Alvarado, formerly We recall the experiences of those Captain of the Limon Fire Brigade early days at the advent of the Fire RICE, nice, white Ib. 0. 70 and Red Cross Ambulance Service, Brigade System when the engines RED BEANS, soft Ib. 65 adopts this medium to say goodbye to BLACK BEANS and other accessories were kept by Ib. 65 MY BOY POWDERED MILK every citizen of Limon, regretting it the shed of the Northern Railway 50 WIRE SPONGES EA 35 was not possible to personally do so Company. We had seen almost daily TOMATO KETCHUP, DEL TROPICO EA 40 prior to his departure.
Captain Noe Alvarado rushing from PABLUM PK 25 He desires to assure every person a full days toil in the shops and line OVOMALTINA 50 EVAPORED MILK CARNATION on whom his eyes have been placed up his young recruits for instructions TOYS large 25 while he laboured in this city that ISLAND PALM SOAP cake 90 in the grand service for the defeoce CA 99 VACA CONDENSED MILK tin 50 those years have been mellowed with and protection of human lives and FENCE STAPLES Ib. 90 joy and mutual understanding which properties HORSE MULE SHOES Ib. 60 he will always cherish with fondness, Our memory shelf is free of dust Ib. 00 IRON PLUGS free of colour, creed or racial disin regard to the many evenings of ineach 25 ELECTRIC CORD tinctions struction given by the Captain in CADDENTIT yd CARPENTERS PENCILS 0, 55 each 45 Captain Noc Alvarado is at the the fixing of bandages on the wound2 each 75 service of Limonenses, especially those ed, in transferring and caring for the GUN POWDER FFF Іь, 14. 00 00 of colour at the Fire Station in Ba sick; how to control a fire which FLASHLIGHTS cach 75 TEA SPOONS rrio Lujan in San Jose may be provoked by a bomb from DAN each 95.
PADLOCKS air raids and what one should do in each 25 CAMPEON PAINTS 29 gal 35. 00 England defeats cases of such emergencies. We have WHITE BEANS Ib. 80 also in grateful memory that Captain LARD Argentine At Іь. 00 Noe Alvarado and the then president FLOUR REY DEL NORTE Ib 55 Wembley Oval of the Auxiliary Red Cross, Don Al Visit our Hardware Dep. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices.
On Wednesday May 9th before fredo Cañas had organized and es Quick, CONTOON verrice, dlays. And Remember, Also, we Gare You a crowd of over 100, 000 spectators tablised a Red Cross Brigade under Honest, Correct Weigh.
the visiting Argentine team of the direction of our reverential friend, foot ball players was defeated at the Reverend Fr. Evans, then Wembley Oval. England, by the Rector of St. Mark Church. There, English Team BOX 175 too, nights of instructions were given PORT LIMON The game terminated with the full citizen wide.
score tin tin CARBIDE CARTRAPS LA PROVEEDORA En un lugar muy cómodo de esta ciudad SE VENDE una propiedad registrada. Tiene una casa de habitación Un regalo en 12. 000. 00 YA PUEDE USTED INSTALAR UN ROTULO LUMINOSO NEON. Debido a la falta de servicio en la ciudad de Limón, hasta la fecha había sido sumamente dificil e inconveniente la instalación de los bellísimos Rótulos NEON, pero ahora estamos en cond:ciones de hacerle cualquier instalación como las que usted ha visto en San José.
At a very convenient place in this city there is for sale a registered property with dwelling house a Gift for only 12, 000. 00 Apply. Room 8 Front of Limon Catholic Church


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