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Page THE ATLANTIC among Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda.
ON THE BASEBALL DIAMOND Britain Grave Shortage of Raw Materials MINISTER GIVES WARNING TO NATION For the many past months we havn LONDON, May The Minister of assigned our local sport activities to Supply. Mr. George Strauss told the If you don read, you can know if you don know, you can our Sport Editor. Chalo but on British House of Commons last week there argue Keep up with the times; read always. Get all your this occasion we are paying special was grave shortage in supplies of certain reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop homage to the baseball team of Cahuita light, metals essential to defense produWest of the Limon Market.
who were guest to our city on Stion nickel, tungsten, and molybdenum turday and Sunday, the sth and 6th and consequently alloy steels instant, indusively Molybdenum supplies for which Britain The visit of this team from the was entirely dependent on the coastal town created lively interest were far below the 1950 level Supplies the sporting, fraternity of tungsten were also precarious The moreso among the daughters of acute shortage of nickel was due not to Eve. these rode the waves of mer(OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
reduced supplies but to heavy defense riment during the play. They cheerdemand. coming on top of rising civilian ed so loudly certain handsome son demand. He added: We are doing every THE UNITED CACAO PRODUCERS LIMITED. BEING of Adam in spectacular per thing possible to obtain greater supplies formances that al one time, our NOW UNDER NEIP MANAGEMENT IS ABLE TO but there is an immediate need to make genial president of the Atlantic BasePAY THE BEST PRICES.
savings in civil use of these metals, to ball League, Don Guillermo Alfaro.
provide for very heavy requirements had to change his seat on the stand the rearmament program to get away from the deafening Consult our prices and in addition we give our best Measures outlined by Mr. Strauss are: noise attention to the farmers and others who trade with us.
First, immedite cuts in use of nickel. Sup The Saturday afternoon play was plies for stainless steel production will in semblance of the field ol battle Ramón Acón León Alfonso Solé Lippa be cut to 70 per cent and supplies of with the clash of arms, wit and all nickel anodes for plating to 50 per cent the techniques in Baseball between General Manager Assistant Manager of the 1950 level. Secondly, the mining the Marines, the team under the of tungsten ore is to be restarted in De management of our friend Mr. Sir vonsbire, to supplement imports.
clair and the coasters, managed by Strauss concluded! It must ho stres.
Mc Zephiniah Palmer These two sed however that the only way we can teams, although of Second Division gave evidence meet the rearmament program and basic THE PEOPLE BAKERY of progress in the requirements of civil economy, including grand old game; they stirred sen and carried the play to ten POR SU PROPIETARIO. PHILIP BOOTH exports, is by obtaining increased supsation and plies of these metals. We attach therefore innings for the tied score of four AVISA DE NUEVO QUE the greatest importance to a favorable runs. Cahuita had the edge through outcome of the international discussions the match and it. Las Galletas de Booth son de Patente obvious that was on this subject. Even so, we must envisage had it not been for a de.
El Público está aqui protegido contra las imitaciones de la letra that measures of economy and restrictions cision in throw of the ball by on lines we are now compelled to enforce Stanley Cunningham, the pitcher, is galleta que está ahora a la venta en esta ciudad will be necessary for a considerable time the ninth inning, the Marines would Cuando Ud. solicite su galleta genuina esté seguro de ver en elli not have earned the additional run grabada la palabra TRINIDAD HAS TARGEST TRADE BALANCE to even the scores. Highly satisIN TEN YEARS factory comments were heard on The quarterly economic report issued by every hand for the afternoon di the Central Statistical Office in Port version.
La cual es una marca patentada de la Panadería, llamada Spain showed that Trinidad had a net THE PEOPLE BAKERY visible trading balance of million Sunday Forencon, Cabnila dollars for 1950. This was the largest Trimis ibe College Team Cualquier sujeto que se mezcla con la venta verdadera de cada positive trading balance achieved by TriStanley Cunningham won his spur negocio, es un sujeto que debe ser perseguido.
nidad within a ten year period.
with his pitching against the College Other than a few errors on the part Imports reached an all time high to of the fieldsmen there was visible talling just over 169. 000. 000 dollars, the Haghest figure ever recorded Revenire evidence of team work by Cahoita Hair Cut and Shave Our boys of the the College were do Newspapers. Books. Novels although exceeding expenditure was slightPictures.
minated in every Magazines: Yes Sir Go to Dixon ly below the 1919 figure Your The sensational feature of the play Barber Shop and Newstand. West of the Limon Market.
TRINIDAD TO HAVE TOOTH FACTORY was at the 6th inning, when, due to delay by the first batsman to take tooth factory that will manufacture his place the umpire, Berto Leon ed around the bases, then received single earned by our boys of the 000. 000 artificial teeth year with an called Play Ball The home pitcher the applauses of the spectators and College annual turn over of about 300. 000 dollars delivered strikes without the embraces of his team mates, We heartily congratulate the boys is shortly to be launched in Trinidad. This batsman.
Stanley Cunningham came Clarence Brown and Cyril Sinclair from the coast for the high spirit enterprise is being set up by the Myerson on with grim determination on his the two pitchers used against they kept in playing both matches. Tooth Corporation of the United States countenance to revenge the pitcher huita were up against a fortress which With proper teaching of the rules The fion which has nominal capital with coins from his own mint. With they could not penetrate. The pitch and technique of baseball, we en of 150, 000 dollars will export its products the first delivery of the pitcher. ing was treated with scant courtesy tertain no doubt that Ghuita will to the United Kingdom, Central America, Stanley hit him for a home run, pac runs piled to the total of six to a have a formidable team Ferope and Asia.
mistaken BOOTH of three Limon Reliable Buying House of Atlantie Zone Products MARIA DE LEON OSCAR LEON General Manager We Buy Coconuts Copra. Cocoa Dried and Clean Rubber.
You know that we pay always the best price for your products, We are Installing the Machinery to Extract Oil From Coconut, therefore, we Have Demand for Plenty Coconuts and Copra.
THE PEOPLE BAKERY BY ITS PROPRIETOR, PHILIP BOOTH IS AGAIN WARNING THE GENERAL PUBLIC THAT Booth Biscuit is a Trade Mark The public is hereby warned against an imitation biscuit which is now on sale in this city When you call for our genuine biscuit be sure you see in full.
which is the trade mark of the People Bakery. It should be borne bad that some who camers with the sale oht of an. BOOTH


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