
Page THE ATLANTIC May 26, 1951 ST. MARK CHURCH Limon Reliable Buying House of Atlantic Zone Products LIMON COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth.
SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist. 00 Sunday School. 00 Solemn Evensong. Sermon, WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 pm Saturday: Confession 00. 00 pm See Weekly Parish Bulletin For Orber Announcements: MARIA DE LEON OSCAR LEON General Manager.
We Buy Coconuts. Copra. Cocoa Dried and Clean Rubber.
You know that we pay always the best price for your products.
We are Installing the Machinery to Extract Oil From Coconut, therefore, we Have Demand for Plenty Coconuts and Copra.
Situated between the Bakerics of Mr. Booth and The Costarricense rearguard LA PROVEEDORA 0, 60 8th ARMY, KOREA. MayTwo fresh British battalions are on their way to Korea. They are being sent from Hong Kong to the battlefront to relieve the 27th Brigade, which has been con tinuosly in action for almost eight months These new troops are the King Own Scottish Borderers and the King Shropshire Light Infantry. Their service in Korea will add additional chapters to the already long and impressive histories of these famous British regiments, The distinction of being the first light infantry regiment ever formed by the British Army is enjoyed by the King Shropshire Light Infantry. It was first raised just under two centuries agº, and much praised by the Duke of Wellington during the Peninsula Wars.
The Regiment formed part of the final Dunkirk, during World War II. This regiment was also conspicuous on battlefields in North Africa and Italy as well as during the assault which finally libcrated Europe picturesque privilege is enjoyed by the King Own Scottish Borderers.
They are the Only regiment in the British Army permited to march through the streets of Edinburgh with bayonets fixed, drums beating and colors flying. This dates back more than 250 years, when a ewly recruited regiment, it saved the government of the Scottish capital by repulsing an attack from the Stuart Army storming the city.
LESSONS AT KOREA The British troops in Kocca have Icarned valuable military lessons. The chier oncs are the tactics which must be used wbere roads and railways are few or none, and where mobility is hampered by the difficult nature of the ground. In most conventional military campaigns it is those with heavy preponderance of firpower who must prevail. But the British troops have learned that on battle grounds such as Korea every piece of equipmeni that is not absolutely essential and which would require transport must be done without This new kind of mountain Warfare has shown how a balance must he struck between firepower and mobility. Free and sapid movement has, in fact, proved to be almost a weapon in itself. This lesson has already been applied in the training of British troops in Hong Kong. But was an accepted principle of British military training even before the 27th Brigade went to Korca.
HONORS FOR BRITISH Many military honors have been award ed this British brigade for its work in Korea. It has been awarded one Victoria Cross, two. Distinguished Service Orders four Military Crosses and three Militare Fresh British Troops for Korea; Steps up which tho are trying to obscure movements Air Strikes; Lessons Learned from of their troops. This heavy smokescreen has been maintained for several days.
Mountain Fighting These recent days have been the fiercest period activity in the air since the ment. Eight Silver and Bronze Stars have siderably more intense.
campaign in Korea began Official estimates already been given Attacks by the United Nations Air state that more than 4, 400 effective Forces are being made almost without flights have been made.
AIR VAR BECOMES MORE INTENSE intermission, right round the clock. The Naval planes from British aircraft ca British aircraft have been particularly communists have attempted to achieve riers have played an important part in active in Korea during the past few days some protection from this aerial onslaught this intense serial activity. Attacks all for the war in the air has becoine con by creating a vast pall of smoke, under over North Korea have been carried out by British Sea Furies, also by Corsairs Hair Cut and Shave and Fireflies. Concentrations of shipping Newspapers. Books. Novels gathered by Communists on the northeast Pictures. Magazines: Yes Sir Go to Dixon Your coast of Korea have also been attacket and dispersed by British pilots.
Barber Shop and Newstand. West of the Limon Market CDW GRANTS HUGE SUM TO CARIBBEAN SAVE MONEY AT The total amount of Colonial Desclopment and Welfare grants from the British Treasury for the Caribbean area during the ten years ended on March 31, 1930, FLOUR, REY DEL NORTE Іь. 5) is computed at 18, 871, 277, or nearly RICE, nice white, first class lb 70 89. 144, 000 (W. This is revealed in RED BEANS, nice and soft.
the report of Sir George Seel, the Comp BLACK BEANS 1b. 065 troller, just released.
MY BOY POWDERED MILK 010 50 tio Reviewing the work of the CDW or WIRE SPONGES 035 ONG EA ganization, the report deals with ari3 РК.
PABLUM, has plenty vitamins 25 culture, education, public health, social EVAPORATED MILK CARNATION large tin 25 12 welfare, housing labor public works, ISLAND PALM SOAP cake 90 90 public relations and training schemes. Here VACA CONDENSED MILK large tin 50 are a few highlights from the report: FENCE STAPLES Іь, 90 00 If present rates of reproduction are HORSE MULE SHOES Ib. 60 CARBIDE maintained, the population will in the Ib 00. 00 ten years 1951 to 1961 increase by nearly IRON PLUGS cach 125 22 25 per cent and may be doubled in a ELECTRIC CORD 20 yd. 55 Little more than 30 years.
CARPENTERS PENCILS 45 ART cach 93 Five BWT territories have taken over RAT TRAPS, that rid your house of rats. cach 75. welfare work from the cow. In all the GUN POWDER FFF Dupont Brand 1b. 14. 00 14. 00 islands government welfare work has TEA SPOONS, not the cheap variety cach o os cach 95 uken root, except in Montserrat and the PADLOCKS, they actually work 115 15 British Virgin Islands CAMPEON PAINTS gal.
The combination and adoption of the BARBED WIRE, 40 kilo roll 77. 50 West methods practised in the training colCOCOA CUTTERS, foreign each 00 leges of Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados and KEROSENE bot. 45 British Guiana would improve the regret BROOMS cach 25 tably low educational standards of the Visit our Hardware Depl. Thowauds of artides at reasonable price area. There is need to develop technical Quick, courteous service, always. And Remember, Also, we Give You education Honest, Corrent eigbu.
Agricultural production was not curtailed by adverse factors. The CDW will aid Trinidad to set up a large scale agricultural experiment station.
There were no acute outbreaks of epi BOX 175 PORT LIMON demics. Minor outbreaks of whooping cough and measles occurred certain territories Shortage of funds prevented developments for tuberculosis treatment in FOR: the smaller islands. Leprosy vppears to be Ebony Color African Opinion. Tan Confessions slowly dying out and some progress in malaria control is to be recorded in all World Ring The Crisis Opportunity and Other territories Magazines Go FIRST to Dixon Barber Shop. new Labor Adviser will be appointed piedad de la Bblioteca Nacional divencibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventus this year cach 35. 00 each LA PROVEEDORA in

    ItalyWorld War

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