
June 2, 1951 THE ATLANTIC Page Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda.
Limon Reliable Buying House of Atlantic Zone Products MARIA DE LEON OSCAR LEON General Manager.
We Buy Coconuts. Copra Cocoa Dried and Clean Rubber.
You know that we pay always the best price for your products We are Installing the Machinery to Extract Oil From Coconut, therefore, we Have Demand for Plenty Coconuts and Copra.
Situated between the Bakeries of Mr. Booth and The Costarricense. OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us Ramón Acón León General Manager Alfonso Solé Lippa Assistant Manager WE LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MARKET SALES In continuation of our comment on prices Monday of last week our attention of locally grown products, we learn was invited by a woman shopper to a further by a few cultivators who sell their retail dealer in the market who stuck products at times in the city market, that out for the price of sixty cents per pound in many instances they have been paid for papaya; he got no sale and several much higher prices than anticipated, due pounds rotted to his loss.
to the fact the retail dealers are always If the retail sellers will only exercise rushing and grabbing the fruits and ve patience and at the same time give due getables brought for sale. By some trying consideration to the consumers economical to get all the products there are constant condition. If they would cease justling competitions among the buyers One one another to buy; the producer cannot farmer told us he remembers quite well afford to take back the articles brought that on one occasion he sold alligator for sale and would surely sell at prices pears at 00 per hundred and in turn allowing reasonable percentage of gain he saw the same purchaser selling the and the buying public would be freed same pcars at 75 cach from the grip of speculation SAVE MONEY AT LA PROVEEDORA CAMPO PAGADO MR. STANLEY DIXON LETTER TO MRS. AMY JACQUES GARVEY NL. and ACL August 1929 If the Association has donated money Costa Rica District for your sons and rules that this money Box 172 should be given over when the boys Puerto Limon, Costa Rica, CA become of age then there is nothing decent May 18th, 1951.
for you to do but to wait until they are elegible to claim it and if James Mrs. Amy Jacques Garvey Stewart insists on observing the ruling in Jacques Road his Official capacity of President General, Kingston, Jamaica, WI is he not the Administrator of the Association with power invested in him to Madam veto where finance is concerned in ac. have read with disgust your letter of cordance with the Constitution, Article February 26, 1951 to the Limon Group section 14 and quote: The President which was published in our local English General and Administrator shall be the Weekly of April 21, 1951 as also your working head of the Universal Negro Imreply of April 22 to my letter of an earlier provement Association and African Comdate. The gist of your contention is how. munities League and he shall be held ever, yet in obscurity to me except that responsible to the Potentate for the entire you are of the frightfully stupid opinion working and carrying out of all Comthat the Universal Negro Improvement mands. He shall attend Convention and Association and League is an heritage to make a speech in reply to that of the you and your children left them by its Potentate. He shall instruct minor offounder who was your husband.
ficers of their duties and see that such Your continual bollooing for support duties are properly performed.
and education of your children is almost (To be continued)
an injustice to the Negro people of the world. What of our children and the sa.
crifices our parents have made in support Ripened Fruit of of the Association and its various auxil iaries in the days past the monies lost the Limon College spirits broken and children homeless and uneducated. We are cognizant of the fact We have observed with grand satisthat these were not totally the fault of faction two ripened fruits of the Limon Mr. Marcus Garvey but the loss and suf. College, represented by Messrs. Oswald fering was there as a matter of fact we Bernard and Sydney Stewart, who were have not yet got over it.
graduated as Bachelor of Science and am not writing in defense of James Letters and are now serving on the teaching Stewart or even the Parent Body but staff of the General Tomas Guardia as see it, you are just widow left School in this city with two sons (with a name) as any We are loud in our praise to the Di other woman in your social standing rector of the College, Lic. Raul Zamora would have been left and should take care Nens and his professors, also to Don of your fatherless sons as other women Tristan Brenes, the Provincial Director of your capacity would do.
Don Antonio Gutiérrez, the Director of There is no wording in the Constitution the Boys School for having taken care of of the Association showing the obli these two youngmen of colour. It is our gation to support and educate your chil great concern that the honources will live dren simply because they happen to be always to the tenets of the high profes.
the sons of the late Mr. Marcus Garvey. sion, the honour conferred and the confi If however you had been more discreet dence reposed on them. They must be and broadmindedly democratic the Negro mindful of the fact that the eyes of people of the World would have hailed Limon are now fixed on them.
you as the First Lady of the Race and your children would be benefitted. If you want the courtesy of the Association then POWDERED MILK FACTORY you should take up where you have left MAY GO UP off and work for it. In regard to your Plans are under way to establisha sons we are waiting and watching: for factory to produce powdered milk in yrithem to win the esteem of the Race, they nidad. Port of Spain firm is at present must prove that they uphold the po negotiating with its principals in Dententialities and Ideals of the Association mark regarding the Machinery and other which is indebted to the generation yet cquipment, as it is believed that there is un born buttono individual Family enough fresh milk for which there is no group immediate sale to supply the factory FLOUR, REY DEL NORTE Ib. 5)
RICE, nice white, first class Іь. 0. 70 RED BEANS, nice and soft Іь. 60 MY BOY POWDERED MILK tin 50 WIRE SPONGES ΕΑ.
035 035 PABLUM, has plenty vitamins PK 25 EVAPORATED MILK CARNATION large tin 25 ISLAND PALM SOAP cake 90 VACA CONDENSED MILK large tin 30 FENCE STAPLES 90 HORSE MULE SHOES Іь. 60 CARBIDE Іь 00 IRON PLUGS cach 25 ELECTRIC CORD 20 yd. 0, 50 CARPENTERS PENCILS cach 45 RAT TRAPS, that rid your house of rats each 75 79 GUN POWDER FFF Dupont Brand Іь. 14. 00 14. 00 TEA SPOONS, not the cheap variety 005 PADLOCKS, they actually work 95 lis 15 CAMPEON PAINTS gal 35. 00 BARBED WIRE, 40 kilo roll ADRE each 77. 50 COCOA CUTTERS, foreign each 00 KEROSENE bot 45 BROOMS each 23 BRILLO, LARGE SIZE each Visit our Hardware Dept. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices.
Qutich. CONTORS service, always. And Remember, Also, we Give You Honell, Correct Weighi.
Informs visitors to the Capital that the Chef in charge is LOUIS LEVERIDGE. SPECIAL DISHES AT REASOKATLE PRICES West fudian disber specialty Be not deprived of your tasty meals when away from home. Visit us THROUGH THE MARKET FROM 100 YARDS SOUTH OF THEATRE AMERICA OR ONT ILOCKNUT OF LA ORQUIDEA IN 103 VISIT MINTO TAILOR SHOP AND BE CONVINCED.
Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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