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Page THE ATLANTIC June 1951 West Indians Awarded Empire Medals for Bravery RAMON CON LEON means of lines and life belts eventually got all three men off into their boat. They displayed considerable skill in seamanship and risked their lives in car rying out the rescue Thomas, caretaker launch was Concert staged in Aid of the Sufferers of Salvador Three West Indians who risked their lives rescuing thrre sailors in story weather from a rock off Trinidad have been awarded British Empire Medals for bravery. They are Conrad Jackson, chauf.
feur, Alfred Mallincau scaman, and George Thomas of Monos island.
The citation says that towing a heavy barge from one of the islands between the mainland and Trinidad, when the weather changed and the vessels were swept into the Atlantic waters by strong winds and current running between the islands. Eventually the craft separated and were battered on the rocky face of the island.
Three sailors were thrown on to the projecting rocks some distance from the island, and about 30 fact above the water.
They clung for three days while stormy weather continued. schooner saw them, but could not venture to stop and a powerful police launch had to retire from attempts. Mollincau obtained a small but powerful launch and with Jackson and Thomas went off to attempt rescue In imminent diager of being thrown up against the rocks by the still surging waves. says the citation, they remain.
ed determinedly at their task and by VISA: Que ha sido puesta al servicio de Cabotaje al Sur la Lancha MODERNO recientemente reparada a tal punto que se puede decir nueva El itinerario a los Puertos Cahuita, Vargas, Viejo, Punta Uva, Manzanillo y Gandoci, por el momento es los dias MARTES, regresando los MIERCOLES. JUEVES.
TARIFA DE FLETES PARA CARGA PASAJEROS Cahuita Pro, Varga Pto. Viejo Funta Uva Manzanillo Gandora Peto minimo C125 35 Ci. 50 75 C1. 95 50 46 kilos peso 75 00 25 50 75 25 Pasajeros u 00 00 00 00 00 00 On Monday night, the 21st ultimo, the spirit of bearing one another burden was manifested in the old school hall of the Roman Catholic Parish by the presentation of a well prepared and well rendered programme under the auspices of the Cieneguita Spanish School The children of colour comprising the participants performed nobly the various exercises. reciting and singing items. In addition Miss Delfina Booth contributed a piano selection and was the recipient of loud applause. Messrs. Monturiol and Luis Blanco played with their guitars, two numbers which carned them distinction and praises, Doña Hortensia de Rodri guez and the Reverend Fr. Rojas presided alternately at the piano.
Other instrumental accompanists were Messrs. Abel Borbon and Alvaro Cor dero.
We highly congratulate Doña Margarita de Mora, Directress of the Ciencguita School and her assistant. Mrs. Hilda Blake de Wright for the efforts put forward for so nobly a cause.
The Launch Moderno is now placed in coastal service to the South calling at the following ports: The itinerary is to the ports of Cahuite, Old Harbour, Vargas, Punta Uva, Manchionel and Gandoca, leaving this port on Tuesdays, returning on Wednesdays or Thursdays.
See the Rates Above for Freight and Passengers.
Tescuc TRINIDAD RETAINS TENNIS TITLE SOLDIERS IN JAMAICA GET PAY RISE FOR: Ebony. Color. African Opinion. Tan Confessions World. Ring. The Crisis. Opportunity and Other Magazines Go FIRST to Dixon Barber Shop West of the Limon Market.
Trinidad retained the British Caribbean Brandon Trophy tennis title in the four.
cornered tournament recently concluded at Trinidad, thus becoming the first of the four competitors to win the title in successive years.
After defeating British Guiana, Trinidad met Jamaica in the finals, Jamaica having beaten Barbados. The homesters won the opening singles match and went on to score a thrilling victory in marathon five set doubles match, in which scores were 3, 6, 6, 6, 3.
The British War Office has approved new rates of pay and allowances for all locally enlisted male officers and soldiers serving in the Jamaica Battalion and other units in Jamaica.
Total pay will now rise not less than 21, 000 year, and the new rates are to take effect from October 1, 1950, when Jamaica government employees got a new pay scale.
Greater incentive is also provided for army tradesmen and non tradesmen by the scheme, under which they can quality for increased pay as they become more preficient, according to the announcement CARIBBEAN REVIEW If you don read, you can know If you don know you can argue. Keep up with the times; read always Get all your reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop West of the Limon Market SULPHUR SHORTAGE MAY AFFECT TRINIDAD crossing to Trinidad. When the trawler arrives, it will make Trinidad its head quarters for a decp sea fishing business representative of the ship owners has already been negotiating with the Trinidad Government regarding permission to fish and disposal of the catches.
Trinidad industrial development may be affected by shortages of certain essential raw materials, notably the lack of sulphur for sulphuric acid, which enters into many vital branches of production, pulp, zinc and other non ferrous metals. This was recently disclosed in a statement by Albert Gomes, Minister of Labor, Industry and Commerce AMERICANS PLAN TIMBER PLANT TRAWLER TO FISH FROM TRINIDAD Two Americans, Ray Berncy and Herrington of Oregon, have arrived in British Guiana to negotiate with the Government with a view to setting up plywood factory with sawmill and logging plants. Equipment for their en terprise is estimated to cost 500. 000, and when established will provide regular employment for about 350 persons Grimsby (England) fishing trawier is being rigged up to make the Atlantic LEVY ON SUGAR AIDS TRINIDAD DISPLAY PRODUCTS AT WORKERS At the British Industries Fair in London levy of 40 a ton is made on TL where 2, 800 business people are showing stuff estimated to be worth about 10 milnidad export sugar to build a welfare fund for the sugur workers, This fund Trinidad, Barbados and the Windward lions sterling, British Guiana Jamaica, now stands at more than one million Islands have their own individual stands dollars, and will partly be used to enable with an extra one devoted to sea island workers who live in barracks to build cotton their own homes, according to the latest Gaily colored handbags and hats, made report of the Labor Department.
of straw and sisal hemp are attractively shewn in the Jamaica stall, which is do INSURANCE CO. AWARDS minated by an imposing pictorial map of the island, and is run by Mrs. Douglas SCHOLARSHIP Manley and Nurse Enid Douglas.
British Guiana is displaying sugar, rum and bauxite, cottage industries, and six Thc Dcmcrara Mutual Life Assurance panels of woods grown there, as well Society will be awarding medical a rice scholarship to candidate to be selected The Windward Isles stall, run by Mrs.
by the authorities of the West Indies Leslie Richardson of Trinidad, is showing University from among those qualified for concentrated lime juices and oils and entrance to the university, Similar tropical by products, much esteem Value of the scholarship will be such ed in the UK a sum as fixed by the university authorities. Barbados is featuring rum and tortoise No special conditions will be attached, shell work Trinidad captured interest but the beneficiary will be expected to with a gorgeous display of anthurium accept it as a moral duty to return to lilies flewn over for the occasion to contrast British Guiana and serve the community with exhibits of grapefruit juice, Cocoa in his profession beans and chocolate TIENDA LA BARATA DE. MOISES KADER GRAN LIQUIDACION Tres Semanas. Faltan. Tres Semanas Nos estamos trasladando a San José.
WE ANNOUNCE TO ALL OUR CLIENTS: That we have established the Exportation of RUBBER and that we are ready to receive any quantity.
MAKE YOUR SHIPMENTS TO REUCHILD, LIMON THE RUBBER MUST BE OF FIRST QUALITY, DRIED CLEAN de Becas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizana del


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