
Page THE ATLANTIC June 9, 1951.
BATAAN CRICKETERS DEFEATED SPORTSMEN CRICKET CLUB OF RIO HONDO HOMESTERS LOST TO THE SCORE 153 AGAINT 73 29 runs then retired. The bowlers for Rio Hondo were Wallace, Brown Wynt and Wallace (Continued from last. groups should be under the Confra ternity as explained under Objects and He shall be empowered to exercise a Aims Art. Ser, of which the Veto Power on any financial matter in LA is the head, the Hon. James Ste itiated by any individual or by the Ex wart the recognized Potentate and Preecutive Council that may tend to jo sident General with Parent Body in Mon.
pardize or ruin the finance of the Or rovia, Liberia West Africa, PO Box 160.
janization. Such veto power shall only Must understand that like the churches be used by the Administrator in financial we are breaking apart for the mere reasons matters and were from his best judgement of ruling small ignorant groups and he is convinced that it is not to the best gathering collections of our own; this interest of the organization to permit the you are using your name and your intel carrying out of such financial measures ligence, knowing the masses of our people An appeal may be made to the Con are yet ignorant, in an attempt to Black vention against the veto of the Admini Mail the Administration of this Asstrator, on any measure, and he shall be sociation? Be careful lest you be publicly held responsible to the Convention for called a liar for statements you are mak the exercise of his judgement on the ing contrary to the speeches and writings matter of your husband to which we are very When you advise Divisions and other much familiar.
Groups not to support the Parent Body Personally, until there is tangible proofs in Liberia are you not violating General of the accusations and the proper prolaws, Art. Sec. 20 is also Art. Sec. cedure and substitution (if found necesof the Constitution? Was not James sary) made in accordance with the AcStewart duly elected by the Convention cepted Constitution and Book of laws of and Conference to the Office of President Universal Negro Improvement Association General and then to Potentate: We should and African Communities League August as the Master have said. Render to 1929 of the World, shall continue to Ceasar the things that are Ceasat If serve the Parent Body under the leader the Parent Body is not now in Liberia ship of the Hon. James Stewart to the neither was it in England when Mr. Mar best of my ability and shall encourage cus Garvey went and lived there.
all loyal Members to do likewise.
If Mr. Stewart in the High Office of Your program seem to be on the dime Potentate and Supreme Commissioner has and dollar hunt for support and education violated Article 5, section of the Con of your TORT: even the very people to stitution, the proper procedure would be whom you have written have seen through to apply the Impeachment prescribed in the lines, its just don send money to Section of this article. You should all Stewart, send to Amy. did the of present your charges before the Convention ficers and Members pledge strict obe and if he be found guilty the penalty ap dience to the Potcntate and supreme Complied. You have not done this you missioner or to Mrs. Amy Jacques Garvey have not even attended conventions It is evident according to your writing cently, neither have your Satelites, yet that being the wife of the inte Marcus you dare to send circular letters through Garvey does not necessarily mean that the fields in an effort bf disrupting the you had ever possessed the spirit of working of the Association and abusing Garveyism officers who are trying to impliment the objects and aims clause by clause Yours Very truly Tf groups headed by ex. officers of this Association have formed. Organizations STAN DIXON and societies carrying out the same purpose Commissioner of Costa Rica UNLA 23 you are trying to point out, then these and Aug 1929 In a recently played cricket match on the grounds of the Sportsmen Cricket Club, the visitors from Bataan won the Toss and in turn requested the homesters to take the first knock. Rio Hondo did so at the loss of cleven wickets for 73 runs The highest individual score was 12 runs carried by Mantle: caught by Nasmyth The destruction to the wickets were effected by the trundlers. Scayce Cameron and Kown.
The batting strength of Bataan was in evidence by Howell, one of the openins pair. He carned total of 68 runs, in the order of four boundaries at runs each; hits at four runs each, dobles and singles. His opening partner Patterson came off proudly with bat in hand for 24 runs Scayee scored THE PLAYERS OF BOTH SIDES Some of Rio Hondo: Brown, Watson, Mantle Bryan Graham Burr. White, Wallace, Wynt, Ricketts, Wallace and Hartley Bat Cricket Chale Patterson, Howell, Brown, Fuller, Forbes, Maxwell Scayce. Stephen Hamil ton, Nasmyth, Hamilton and Cameron, PORT LIMON DIVISION No. 300 UNIVERSAL NEGRO IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Para Trabajos de Imprenta Falcó Ltda.
INVITES: The public in general to attend a special service to be held to the Memory of the Honourable Marcus Garvey, Founder and President General (deceased) and the late Mr. Leopold Brown, ex President of the Limon Division The servite will be conducted in the Liberty Hall, commencing at 00 pm. SUNDAY the 10th. instant SAVE MONEY AT LA PROVEEDORA AMOS HALL, President SYLVESTER CUNNINGHAM Secretary Hair Cut and Shave Newspapers Books Novels.
Pictures Magazines: Yes Sir Go to Dixon Your Barber Shop and Newstand. West of the Limon Market ELECTRIC FLOUR, REY DEL NORTE 1b. 55 RICE, nice white, first class 1b. 0. 70 RED BEANS, nice and soft Іь 60 MY BOY POWDERED MILK tin 50 WIRE SPONGES EA 35 PABLUM, has plenty vitamins PK 25 EVAPORATED MILK CARNATION large tin 25 VLAND PALM SOAP cake 90 VACA CONDENSED MILK largetin 50 FENCE STAPLES ib. 90 HORSE MULE SHOES 1b. 60 CARBIDE Іь. 00 IRON PLUGS cach 125 25 ELECTRIC CORD 20 yd.
CARPENTERS PENCILS 50 RAT TRAPS, that rid your house of rats each each 75 GUN POWDER FFF Dupont Brand IL Ib. 14. 00 TEA SPOONS, aluminum each 45 PADLOCKS, they actually work CAMPEON PAINTS cach 15 gal 35. 00 BARBED WIRE, 40 kilo roll COCOA CUTTERS, foreign cach 77. 50 cach 00 KEROSENE bar bot. 45 BROOMS each 3 BRILLO. LARGE SIZE 30 ALUMINUM FORKS cach 75 ALUMINUM TABLE SPOONS each 75 Visit on Hardwure Dep. Tbounds of articles at reasonable prices.
Quich, courant service, aw And Renewber, Also, we Gire You Honest, Correct reigbr, 45 ST. MARK CHURCH each LIMON COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth.
SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon.
8:00 am Choral Holy Eucharist, 00 Sunday School 00 pm. Solemn Evensong. Sermon.
WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 pm Saturday: Confession 00 00 pm tema Nacional de Bicteca del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica LA PROVEEDORA BOX 175 PORT LIMON Este document es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón


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