
Tune 9, 1951 THE ATLANTIC Page JAMAICA SENT 1050 WORKERS TO IN APRIL CARIBBEAN REVIE During April Jamaica sent 050 farm workers to the United States to be employed by the Shade Tobacco Growers Association Connecticut, in what appeared to be a record handling of labor export for a month. The work of recruitment processing and despatch was all handled by the Labor Department and entailed a good deal of overtime.
Only 300 workers were taken in May.
of which some 300 were taken by Shade Tobacco, which is expected to take another 500 this month (une. BARBADOS GRANTS 440, 000 FOR EMIGRATION TO The House of Assembly in Barbados has passed a vote of 440, 000 to cover expense of sending 000 farm workers to the United States on 12 week contracts Main expense of the labor export scheme will be the cost of travelling from Barbados to Jamaica, from which point the transportation is paid by the US cm ployees Because of the comparatively high cost of the present scheme, each worker is being required to pay one third of the cost of his passage to Jamaica MODERNIZING YEAR OLD BOX FACTORY PERSONALIA New machinery and plant will being erected at the Stapled Bor Factory in In nidad will bring this mill into line with the most modern swmills, in the Caribbean Packing cases and trates made at this factory are shipped to all parts of the world. Trinidad timber is used to produce the ass which are wire bound and fastened by nails In Trinidad the cases are used for packing citrus fruit and by bottling and can ning works. Demand is already high, and the new plant is expected to increase production considerably The factory was opened 16 months ago and employs over 200 mch.
UNIVERSITY AWARDS SIX SCHOLARSHIPS the trouble and expense of making a trip to Trinidad for the purpose will be saved to interested persons Miss Udell object is to standardize CONSUL FACILITATES GRENADIANS the Consulate General visit Grenada to an officer of nurses training in the West Indies and she will discuss the training program in receive applications every six months.
sh te pointing out deficiencia Robert Hale, Consul General and any need for in provement.
in Trinidad, made his first visit to GRENADIAN GUIDE FOR COURSE At the end of ber tour she may call Grenada May 20 to 23. and arrang conference at Barbados or Trinidad to ed formal applications for visas from discuss medical authorities how persons resident in Grenada desirous of Miss Louise Aird, a Grenadian Guider, training may be standardired visiting the United States. In this way has been selected by the Imperial Headquarters, London, as a candidate for the Camp Counselor Exchange Project to be held in the United States for the three DR. VICTOR HERNANDEZ months June to September, 1951.
ESPECIALIDAD: ENFERMEDADES DEL APARATO RESPIRATORIO CIRUSIA DEL TORAX Miss Aird is the only West Indian nominated for this course which is being DE LAS UNIVERSIDADES DE ITALIA, CHILE ARGENTINA taken by Guiders from different parts of LOS HOSPITALES DE NEU YORK.
the world. The Juliette World Fund will CONSULTORIO CENTRO SEDICO cover her expenses including her transportation to and from Grenada. 150 varas Norte de la Embajada Norteamericana HORAS: 26 PM NEW NOTES PUT ON DISPLAY TELEFONOS: Habitación: 3945 Oficina: 5603 Specimen copies of six denominations DR. VICTOR HERNANDEZ of the new currency notes to be issued SPECIALIZES IN DISEASES AND SURGERY OF THE LUNGS under the Unified Currency Scheme for the Eastern Group of the British CaribHas given practical services in the Universities of Italy. Chile, Argentine bean in July are being placed on display and the Hospitals of New York in the banks so that the public will get OFFICE OF CONSULTATION CENTRO MEDICO used to them 150 yards North of the North American Embassy.
The notes bear the Barbados coat of HOURS OF CONSULTATION: TO P.
arms in the middle: Leeward Islands on the top left hand corner; Windward TELEPHONES: RESIDENCE, 3945. OFFICE 5605.
Islands on the top right hand corner: British Guiana in the lower left hand corner, and Trinidad and Tobago in the lower right hand corner. They are of 1, 10, 20 and 100 denominations and are all of different NEWSPAPERS: colors, Jamaica Gleaner Jamaica Times. Chicago Defender Trinidad Guardian, etc. For Sale at Dixon Barber Shop.
West of the Limon Market.
THE ATLANTIC takes distinguished pleasure to publish this medium of right hearty welcome To Miss Gertrude Mitchell of our neighbouring and friendly Republic of Panama, with residence in Colon.
Our highly endeared former fel. DE. low citizen. Mr. Leonard Dobson is MOISES KADER here on visit. Limon is glad to have his reunion and hopes to see him GRAN LIQUIDACION in action on the entertaining stage Tres Semanas. Faltan. Tres Semanas before returning to the land of his adoption.
Nos estamos trasladando a San José.
SIGUEN LAS GRANDES REBAJAS. Playing in the streets APROVECHENSE AHORA. by children is strictly prohibited THE CHEAP STORE By an official circular we gain the Three Weeks. Remaining. Three Weeks knowledge that playing in the street by children is strictly prohibited whether WE ARE TRANSFERRING TO SAN JOSE football or any other class of games.
THE BIG CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES By a superior order the Civil Guardias are instructed to effect arrest of such Greatest Reduction in Prices. children seen converting the streets in. Approach this Opportunity Now playgrounds. The fine for this infraction will be imposed on the parents or guardians of the violaters.
TIENDA LA BARATA The award of Six open scholarships to the Caribbean ares has been announced by the University College of the West Indies for the academic year beginning October 1951.
Four of the scholarships are in the Arts and go to: Cartey, Queen Royal College, and Loewah. Na parima College Trinidad; Phyllis Clarke, Queen College Barbados and Moore, Central High School British Guiana The remaining two scholarships are in natural sciences and have been awarded to Vikers, Munro College, Jamaica and lan Lam, Queen College British Guiana NURSING ADVISER TOURS WEST INDIES Miss Florence Udell: Chief Nursing Adviser to the Colonial Office in London. on a two month tour of the West Indies to investitte nurses training and the situation of nurses in general Productores Unidos de Cacao, Ltda. OLD THEATRE MODERNO)
Consult our prices and in addition we give our best attention to the farmers and others who trade with us.
We Buy Coconuts Copra. Cocoa Dried and Clean Rubber.
You know that we pay always the best price for your products.
We are Installing the Machinery to Extract Oil From Coconut, therefore, we Have Demand for Plenty Coconuts and Copra.
Situated between the Bakeries of Mr. Booth and The Costarricense.
Ramón Acón León General Manager Alfonso Solé Lippa Assistant Manager Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cukura y Juventud Costa Rica


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