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Page THE ATLANTIC June 9, 1951 BUSTAMANTE ADDRESSES MEETINGS AT BARBADOS TRINIDAD THE PEOPLE HOUSE JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything:Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you. Bustamante, majority leader in the Jamaica House of Representatives, has been given big welcome on his first visit to Barbados to attend his first meeting of the Caribbean Commission of which he was recently appointed member of the British Section The Barbados Legislature gave are ception in his honor at the airport, and this was followed by a civic reception in Bridgetown. Mr. Bustamante addressed a public meeting in the city, and ar rangements were made for him to address public meeting in Trinidad on his way back to Jamaica Another Jamaican Minister. DB Sangster (Social Welfare) is visiting Bar bados shortly to attend another con.
ference Meanwhile, Sir Harold Allan, Finance Minister, is preparing to leave Jamaica for England as one of the official de legates to the Festival of Britain. Other official delegates are Judah and Simmonds.
among these were To the 24th of May, known almost THE OPENING AND DEDICATORY SERVICE ing sum of money towards the new buildworld wide as Victoria Day. has been ind. His nephew and niece gave a bench.
added an item of history by the Methodist METHODIST CHURCH, SIQUIRRES, COSTA RICA The front door was opened by Mrs.
Circuit of Costa Rica with the opening Ben Scoltock. Other doors and windows and dedicatory service of the newly conwere opened by Mesdames Virginia Shed structed Church at Siquirres.
searching for such materials not obtainable den. Isabel Binns, Jane Sharpe, Mr.
we St. Mark Archdeaconry. The Steward beg permission to say, FORM in this one. We can place him in the read also the Brief of the Reverend Hugh Mrs. Stephen Williams, Mesdames Lydia NIGHTS OF WEEPING, COMETH THE rank of those who fight best with their Sherlock, Acting Chairman of the Drummond, Celestin Harris Ada MorMORN OF JOY. These lines have been backs against the wall.
District, the letter from the Reverend gan, Sarah Wade, Rosa Crooks, Beatrice mentioned to say this. That tire des The Morn of Joy came with the William Forde. Pastor of the Baptist Arthurs, Eva Heslop, Jessie Wright.
troyed the old building in 1945 opening and dedicatory service in thc Churches who unfortunately could not at Iw. Holmes, Ambrosene Moore, Messrs circumstance which brought concernment name and purpose of HIM who made all tend and the hearty good wishes from and contemplation to the Reverend Joseph Charles Gourzong and Campbell things possible for the task Mr. Stewart, though feeble and in Holmes, the Minister, his officers and his 91st year is still zealous for the The attendance was almost beyond standmembers of this Circuit, the Pre the President of The Minister was the presiding clergy work and in addition contributed a pleasover the well arranged programme. Mayor the Conference, the Chairman of the Synod ing capacity Thos. Lynch of the Salvation Army and other Methodists and weh wishers invoked God blessing at the opening abroad. From the time the old structure He delivered fine and befitting address Money is known to be a great germ carrier was burnt, the economical crisis has not later hour the service. To this Iet up its grip and with the additional special event were associated many other worries to secure certain materials for distinguished persons a community is to maintain good construction. With every weight of truth and places where these coins have been the Rev. Powell Royster health it is necessary to effect detailed we recall seeing the Reverend Hol.
passing through and we consider their He delivered a very appropriate and inspir studies of every operation and every ron handling in the general trade warrants mes, hustling bere and there in San Jose ing sermon. Miss Dorty McCulloch and dition of living. Often certain sickness some measure of precaution for the preMr. David Rodriguez represented the Cen attacks a people and off the bat the cause servation of human health Occupants of stalls in the tral American Mission of San Jose. Me placed as of foreign origin or unsa Persons engaged in the sale of prepared market have complained Campbell was heard in the well render nitary surroundings, but we believe, there foods, such as bread, bun, biscuit, cake.
cd solo The Prodigal Son are things done in our daily life uncandy, etc. and handling money at the Mr. Leslie Angus Steward of the Circuit noticeably and which are great contributors same time it is quite possible for the Our attention has been invited by se read a telegram of greetings from the to inanya disease transmission of any germ carried by the Latin American Mission at San Jose, the Among these money is a much dread.
veral occupants of stalls in the city market and who are paying a daily rental Brief and greetings from the Venerable ed germ carrier; there is no knowing of It would be very difficult to exercise the William Ziadie, Archdeacon of that by a new administrative order they the number and the conditions of hands restricted handling of food and money on are denied the use of the sanitary constreet sales and as a matter of fact it is veniences although provided for their use generally understood that buying prepare and are in good condition. To secure the VISIT THE NEW LUMBER DEPOSIT od cdibles in the open public is done at this very recessary convenience, one risk However we do know that in they have been told that cach at his or establishments were prepared food is on be her own expense must secure a key to sale, ways and means can be adopted lock to the door whenever re GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS BLACK that the hands which receive the money quired. This regulation has been issued, and makes change would not be the hands due to the fact other persons who enter HEART LAUREL, WELL ASSORTED that sell the food. Our Health Autho and use the service are not giving at SITUATED: Between the former Lindo Brother Office rities have the last word tention to cleanliness and in addition they leave open, thus permitting and Gourzong Radio Repairs. Front Railroad Yard.
flies to flit from there and alight on food Britton The Stork Paid a visit Manager to one ready to be eaten Wc are in in full accord with the regulation of the Administrator for the proper few days ago the Stork visited the upkeep of the sanitary and general health residence of Mr. Richard Dennie and left in the market, but we consider If you don read, you can know if you don know, you can in the care of his wife, Mrs. Iditha Denthat a control should be effected by the argue Keep up with the times; read always. Get all your nis a dainty box containing the precious reading matter at Dixon Barber Shop.
gift of a baby girl.
management other than to make it inMother and the cumbent on the renters of stalls to pay West of the Limon Market.
stranger are enjoying good health for the making of keys We forward our felicitations money ase of BRITTON AND HOLNESS, LIMITED open the the door regulations FLASH. FLASH. HOLLYWOOD STORE de Berenzon FRENCH CREPE C10. 00 to 50 yd. SOXS, men best trade mark in cotton and silk, great assortment, PRINTS, firm colours, 36 inches 25 to 50 yd.
STOCKINGS, Nylon, first class, gauge 51 10. 00 to 700 pr.
SHIRTS, Gabardine with buttons, zippers and with broaches, in 20 colours SILK, Egyptian 12. 00 to 10. 00 yd.
SILK, MAMBO 12. 00 to 10. 00 yd.
DRESSES, Children, catchy assortment and latest fashions SHIRTS, Venus, Corona, Broadway, Paris, Coast Brand, Lorena, ENGLISH CASIMERE, GABARDINE, SHARKSKIN ARMY KAHKI.
etc. large assortment.
SHIRTS, long and short sleeves in squares pachucas, in variety RABBIT SKIN, Vistra, flowered and plain new assortment of colours assortment WATCHES, pocket and wrist for boys and women ALL PRICES BEYOND COMPETITION. VIS IT US AND BE CONVINCED THAT ALL AND MORE ARE COMPUTATION BOX 175 PORT LIMON Sa


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