
Informns visitors to the Capital that the Chef in charge is LOUIS LEVERIDGE. SPECIAL DISHES AT REASONABLE PRICES West Indian dishes a specialty Be not deprived of your tasty meals when away from home. Visit us.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE JACK ORANE SUCS. LIMON You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything. Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.
THE CIENE GUITA BRIDGE: BRIEFS ON THE WAR this LA PROVEEDORA In recent years we are having un sportation service to and from the The first anniversary of the war usual changes in weather conditions. air base at Cieneguita is almost in in Korea has been passed. Communist No accurate calculation can be effect dispensable.
China, no doubt with the dream of ed on the four regular seasons of the year. Changes are continually taking place, hence our fear that there may be If you don read, you can know if you don know, you can torrential rains when least expected. argue. Keep up with the times; read always Get all your The temporary bridge over the overreading matter at Dixon Barber Shop flow of water, known as the CieneguiWest of the Limon Market.
ta Bridge will not withstand the strong current and debris of another rain flood. Should it give way it will mean a paralization to traffic from city, the airfield and the districts SAVE MONEY AT beyond The construction of the bridge is of great necessity. With the visit of the Minister of Public Works a few months ago, hopes budded and the FLOUR, REY DEL NORTE Ib. 55 general public expected to see ripenRED BEANS, nice and soft Ib 60 ed fruit ere this.
MY BOY POWDERED MILK tin. 50 We repeat that no reliance can be WIRE SPONGES ΕΑ. 35 placed on rail transportation between EVAPORATED MILK CARNATION large tin Limon and San Jose, or say beyond ISLAND PALM SOAP cake 00 Las Lomas, therefore, all depends on VACA CONDENSED MILK 50 large tin airflights. To this end, motor tranFENCE STAPLES Ib. 90 HORSE MULE SHOES Ib. 60 CARBIDE Іь. 00 TRINIDAD INCREASES LOANS IRON PLUGS each 25 TO STUDENTS ABROAD ELECTRIC CORD 20 yd. 50 CARPENTERS PENCILS each 45 The Trinidad Government has agreed RAT TRAPS, that rid your house of rats.
each 75 to increase by 15, 000 the sum of 10, 000 GUN POWDER FFF Dupont Brand Іь, 14. 00 already provided in the budget this year TEA SPOONS, aluminum cach 45 to assist students abroad in the United PADLOCKS, they actually work each 15 States and Canada to further their stu CAMPEON PAINTS gal. 35. 00 dies. Last year loans to such students BARBED WIRE, 40 kilo roll cach 77. 50 amounted to 14, 720, made at the rate COCOA CUTTERS, foreign each 00 of 830 per year to students in the KEROSENE bot and 560 to those in Canada.
BROOMS BRILLO. LARGE SIZE 25 30 WEST INDIES SOCIAL SERVICES ALUMINUM FORKS each 70 ALUMINUM TABLE SPOONS MAY GET BOOST each 65 Visit oui Hardware Dept. Thousands of articles at reasonable prices.
Miss Dora Ibberson, Social Welfare Adviser to the Comptroller for Quick, courteous service, always. And Remember, Also, we Give You Development and Welfare in the West Honest, Correct Weight lodies, who is at present in British Guiana, is investigating the question of domestic science training in the West Indies, and the training of women in home making BOX 175 PORT LIMON and nutrition both as teachers and social welfare workers.
conquest like Napoleon who had struck his medal for the invasion and the conquering of London; a city on which he had not set his feet, so the Red leader, Mao Tze Tung promised the Communists a rapid conquest of Formosa, and with New York, as his castle in the air According to Mao Tze Tung promises, the fight against the United Nations would be brief. He had in mind, no doubt, that his Boss of the Kremlin was ready to take Europe, then the members of the Atlantic Charter would not be able to fight successfully on Asiatic and European battle fields.
Communist China pat itself on the back for its 1949 victories over the nationals. Seemingly, Mao Tze Tung had not viewed carefully the easy surrender of millions of nationals. His sixth Column propaganda was very effective at the outset. The gain of so many people to his party had filled him with pride and confidence that all China was with him; that he was monarch of all he surveyed. In his gleeful days he sent an expeditionary force against Tibet In this cold mountainous region of Western China, hundreds of thousands are said to have perished and the remainder a border government in Sikang 25 Province set upce. This sector, however, was tor, successful po0. 45 cach each used as a means to a litical deal with Tibet Lamas.
Other than the alarming death toll of the Red armies in Korea, the man power of China, not with stand ing its millions is considerably struck.
Within the past several month it is said that more than a million opositionists have been slaughtered by the Reds.
JAMAICA HAS ADVERSE TRADE BALANCE Jamaica trade during 1950 is expected to show an adverse balance of about 774 million, when figures are completed. Es timates fix the total imports at 22, 108, 000, while exports reached only 14, 327, 000.
LA PROVEEDORA ST. MARK CHURCH Limon Reliable Buying House of Atlantic Zone Products MARIA DE LEON OSCAR LEON General Manager.
We Buy Coconuts Copra Cocoa Dried and Clean Rubber.
You know that we pay always the best price for your products.
We are Installing the Machinery to Extract Oil From Coconut, therefore, we Have Demand for Plenty Coconuts and Copra.
Situated between the Bakeries of Mr. Booth and The Costarricense.
LIMON COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth.
SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon. 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist. 00 Sunday School. 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
WEEKDAYS: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 00 Saturday: Confession 00 00


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